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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Fools Gold Chasm has come to visit their Sanguine Cove cousins!! Sorry for the delay on this, and if any assumptions made are not okay just shoot me a PM and I will make adjustments, I just didn't want to miss the chance to get this going altogether. (:
Open to all FGC and SC wolves and takes place right outside of SC's borders. Woya is howling to announce their presence to the valley.
@Enera @Augustin @Armand @Anatole @Apolline @Adonya
@Oksana @Nash @Aquene @Moonshadow @Leo @Stella @Galen

Woya had finally mastered the skill of exuding a completely different persona than what she truly felt inside. Leviticus' disappearance was yet another blow, and to say she'd had a fit over not being able to find him would be an understatement. She'd been downright panicked, and yet none of her other obligations had ebbed much less vanished. She still had her husband to care for, the rest of the pack to look out for and of course, her hoard of children to nurture, teach and make the best of things for. Just because her world kept falling apart didn't mean theirs couldn't still be whole and warmly illuminated.

The trip was several days long and the climb was as exhausting as ever, but still she remained happy and encouraging for the train of children she led. Enera took up the rear, making sure that no one strayed. Keeping the seven of them altogether had been its own struggle, but every deviation and set back had been met with optimism and made into its own little adventure. This was going to be fun. They were going to get along. The Cove and their cousins would be worth the trip. Those were the things she tried to instill in them, even as her thoughts never really left home, lingering painfully on Levi and @Adelard both.

"Smell that?" she called back to the children. They'd camped out and rested at the highest point of the valley's walls, allowing them to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for both the descent into flatter lands and the ordeal of meeting a whole new pack.

Woya put her nose to the snowy ground, marking the scent trail she'd found.

"When we smell that, we what?" she looked over her shoulder at the gaggle of pups, making sure they were all paying attention to her before continuing; these were important things to make sure they knew.

"We stop. Even though we know them, you don't ever just help yourself into someone else's home, right?"

The next step was clear enough on its own; she tilted back her head and howled, loud and smooth to make their presence and intentions clear.

The Chasm cousins are here!
(This post was last modified: Nov 27, 2022, 11:31 PM by Woya.)
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Winter was settling in hard, and whatever water the summer had denied them, snow seemed determined to repay. Nash just hoped they wouldn't have as many avalanches this year as the last. They had far too many pups to worry about this year and only one father... although the other adults would surely help keep the yearlings and new pups in check.

What the leader hadn't expected was to hear their neighbor's call over the frosted trees. His ears stood up and a prickle ran down his spine. Was something wrong in the Chasm? Why would she make the journey up here this time of year?

Nash hauled himself to his feet and made for the border, not quite sprinting but still moving faster than a trot until he could see them - and she had a pawful of pups. Immediately his worries ebbed; she wouldn't have brought her children on a critical trip, would she? "Woya," he called in a friendly voice as he approached them at the border. "It's good to see you. What brings you to the neighborhood?"

Played by becca who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adora Macieo
didn't want her to get swept by the AC between all the IC ongoings taking place still, she can be skipped if needed :)

The mountains were pretty. So, so, so pretty. She made sure to tell Mama one hundred times how lovely it was up here. Even when she huffed and puffed for air to speak.

Never before had she seen so much all at once! The land below occasionally became obscured by clouds or fog. Another thing that she struggled to imagine! Where did the land go beneath the fluffiness?! Oh, well, a question for another time! Mama seemed to be more content to give a lesson about the land here.

"Right!" She barked back as her tail whipped behind her. While Woya called an audience, Ad took the moment to huff and puff some more air into her lungs.

Played by Kai who has 18 posts.
Inactive Pup Pup
Augustin Gerau
At first Auggie had been excited about the chance to meet his cousins. It sounded like it would be so much fun. He'd be able to have others his age to play with that weren't his siblings. So when they'd set out for the cove he was in high spirits ready for the adventure. It would be the first time he'd ventured away from the Chasm in his short life so that was something to be celebrated.

However, as the journey went on for days and then they had to climb the mountain his high spirits started to wane. Auggie found that he really didn't like the climbing part of the journey. Though he tried to keep a smile on his face it was getting harder and harder.

He was nearly gleeful when they finally reached the border of the cove. Finally their journey had come to an end. He thought they would go and find a nice comfortable place to rest but then everyone stopped. It was explained to them that they had to wait to be greeted. Thankfully that didn't take too long.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana was worried for what the winter would bring considering the summer they'd had. Without Aleister there with her to help her through she worried a lot for herself. She knew the rest of the pack would be there for her and her children but she still missed her husband deeply. With the longer days it became harder to not think about him when she was tucked away for the night in the den.

When she heard Woya's call she became immediately curious. There wasn't any hesitation as she made her way toward the border. What she found there was Woya with a whole gaggle of children and Nash. He'd beat her to welcome their guests. "Its good to see you again Woya," she greeted the other woman as she approached coming to stand next to Nash.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Winter who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Stella Vuesain
dropping in, feel free to skip

Familiar paths had grown strange, more arduous and beautiful all at once with the arrival of winter. The girl had been busy blazing a fresh trail through the snow when she heard Woya's call. The summons had her curious, and by luck she was not long after Nash and Oksana in making her way to see who had come to their doorstep.

So many visitors! She waited to approach until her elders had exchanged greetings. Then she stepped closer, stopping behind the Crow, offering her a smile too. Things had been hard since losing her Pa, but after their talk she wanted her to know that she'd be here, for whatever it was worth.

When it seemed like the right moment, she offered a smile to the crowd of children and other visitors from the Chasm and a warm wag of her tail. The Vuesain girl gave her shoulders a bit to shake off the cold that threatened to settle. The opportunity to greet her little cousins was a somewhat happier occasion than recent ones, she only hoped.

She couldn't guess why they were here right now, but it didn't matter. They were to be welcome, and that meant they should receive a warm welcome.
(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2022, 06:18 AM by Stella.)
Played by Cade who has 59 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sovanya Rayvne
sova can also be skipped!

The girl was loving every minute of this trip. Even when the younger siblings got on her nerves she could just, leave. Mostly. It was awesome. Mother stopped them, and Sovanya took the moment to look out over the valley again. It was kind of magical, how this place existed up in the clouds. Tales of such had always sounded excessively unnecessary, and yet now that she felt as though she were stepping into one of those stories, Sova was awestruck.

If only she knew what was to come.

Half-listening, she got the gist of what Woya was trying to impart, but her focus was stolen by the arrival of strangers. The cousins, maybe? Not hers, though, right? That was the part that kept leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. Her smile faded into a whisper of a scowl as she regarded the adults and yearling one by one.
(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2022, 12:59 AM by Sovanya.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
The gathering of children didn't challenge or question that little ground rule, and Woya couldn't help but smile fondly down at them all. She and Enera along with the views and still-plenty-novel terrain were enough to keep them occupied while they awaited their hosts. When she heard the Cove wolves approached, and turned to greet them with a toothy smile and a bark hello.

"I'd sent word to Sana," she informed Nash curtly, not yet aware that he had taken up the mantle of her late cousin's role. The aforementioned woman was greeted a bit more warmly with a gentle bop of Woya's forehead against hers, though nowhere near as fondly as Aleister would have been. It wasn't the same without him in many ways already, but she had come here knowing to expect that.

"Hey, thank you for having us. It's been quite a long trip, could we take the kids to the densite?"
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2022, 05:03 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash's ears flicked a little at the curt tone, but he let it pass. Woya must be tired after her journey, and he knew she wasn't particularly fond of him for whatever reason. She was surrounded by her children with the help of only a single yearling; Nash knew he most certainly would be exhausted after such a long journey with the Cove's kit-n-caboodle. He didn't know how Woya's brood was, but it must be a lot to have so many.

Sana greeted Woya warmly, as did the other members of his pack that congregated. His tail curled up over his back, not in aggression but merely the new position that marked his rank as he waved it. "Of course," he said, stepping back to beckon them in. He smiled at the pups. "You must all be tired after such a long trip up the mountain!"

Played by Kai who has 18 posts.
Inactive Pup Pup
Augustin Gerau
Auggie was very glad to see one of the cove wolves appear. He hoped that might mean that they could get past the borders sooner rather than later. Of course he was forced to sit through the greetings of the adults but what wad a boy to do when his mother said stay put. So did ad ge was told for once and stayed even going so far as to make himself comfortable on the ground just be hund his mother.

It seemed like this might take awhile and like his mother said it had been a long journey. His feet were tired and sore not used to walking such a distance. The sounds of the talking were soon drowned out by Auggies thoughts about what they'd left behind. It was all gone now so he supposed he was in the vest place he coukd be. His ears perked up when his mother spoke of the densite, that was exactly what he needed.