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So falls the rose — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Flywolf who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Daegal Archer
All welcome!

His brother was missing. It had been a while now. Daegal had at first hoped he'd gone to visit his friend in that nearby pack, but Izzy still hadn't returned. Still he tried not to worry; he had his siblings had been out lots of times and the only time one of them had gotten in trouble was when Daegal himself had made the mistake with the bear and nearly gotten @Hagar killed. Izzy had always been safe. He would always be safe, right?

But Asmund had been afraid of something - or someone. He'd been scared for his life, and even the adults hadn't really been able to help him feel better.

That was what got to Daegal, in the end. He was going to go out and find his brother, and woe be upon anyone who may have hurt him.

Played by PuppyThief who has 49 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Apolline Macieo

It had happened, the pup was here and, of course, her parents were entirely devoted to the thing. Apolline had seen this coming from the start, but that didn’t make it burn any less. It just wasn’t fair! They’d finally left the cursed mountain and all those pesky pack mates, stealing all their attention, only for a new thing to suck it all up. And what was left for the new big sister but to wander alone, as she had before, trying to fill the void with adventure instead.

She’d drifted back towards the mountain – not out of any desire to engage with her former pack mates – but looking to explore some of the in between areas that she had yet to get to know. Only to ironically end up in the marsh, a place which held a familiar melancholia, which she wasn’t at all looking for. But at least the wetlands had plenty of mud to dig in, complete with frogs and other creatures to watch, or chase, as she saw fit.

It turned out she wasn’t alone in her explorations though, as movement in the distance drew her attention. A silvery form was making its way roughly in her direction and her heart fluttered for a second, eyes narrowing to see the figure more clearly; Could it be…? But she quickly sobered, realizing how unlikely it would be to run into her grayscale friend in the same place this many months later. Instead, she hunkered down, obscuring herself among the reeds to study this stranger in silence before deciding on her next move.

”Speech" Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Jun 05, 2023, 03:35 AM by Apolline.)
[Image: CwM5irV.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Daegal Archer

He hadn't necessarily meant to end up in the marsh, but to be fair he hadn't been this far out yet. To the Lagoon, yes, but not here. It was new and kinda smelly and the frogs here were so loud. Daegal kept a neutral expression despite his disgust, trying to ignore the mud soaking into his fur and dragging him down with it's ick. He had to find Izzy... he had to find him. He wouldn't complain, or grouse, or turn back just because of a little uncomfortable mud. What kind of brother would he be?

A bold frog hopped out a little in front of him and Daegal paused, watching it. His stomach rumbled quietly. He'd never eaten frog... he contemplated the snack before dropping into a crouch. Unaware he was being watched, the yearling crept forward only a few steps before pouncing.