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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
A crooked smirk would cover her face; the sheer rage had boiled over and now she was left with a simmering pissy attitude that was likely to respond in a lot of quiet sarcasm and random outburts. But first, the softness: "<b>I have reason enough to doubt you,</b>" she responded quickly, shifting her body so she faced him head on in the fullest display of dominance. Her tail was stiff as she raised it high in the air, hackles perking and the shadow of a snarl hiding within her peculiar smile. Perhaps she and Vafri were of similar ranking, but Ava had been there for the conception of the pack. She and Athena were the leaders' closest and strongest and she would make sure everyone else understood that as well as Naira and Rhysis did. Before she had never had reason to wave her superiority over another's head, but the pale wolf's tone was warranting it. After a moment of pause she included, "<b>And you're giving me reason to believe you're stupid as well.</b>"

The threat hung in her gaze that he better check his tone, but only loosely. The storm that waged within her head was now focused on Ice, and <i>why</i> he would've come to the borders with Marsh. A desperate want to seek him out and ask him herself was tugging at her, but Ava was a realistic wolf as much as she was an emotional one. There was no way in hell she was going back to Swift River's borders, and besides that there was no guarantee she could find him in a timely manner somewhere outside his own walls. Besides, they weren't on the... greatest terms. Finally she cast her eyes away from Vafri, focusing her dark stare on the ground. All that anger was quite exhausting, but the bad blood was draining now.

<i>This time,</i> she decided, she would allow it to let go. Their children were in danger and it would be a better idea to focus her animosity on Swift River rather than her packmates... although Kegan was practically begging for her teeth to sink into his dumb hide. <i>He</i> had been stupid enough to wander into another pack's land - regardless of whose pack - and stupider to <i>lose</i> a fellow packmate? Perhaps Darwin could take care of this one, Ava realized with a snort. Athena berated him and then took her leave, but Ava couldn't help but to speak her own. "<b>On what forsaken island were you raised? There is no way you could've grown up <i>not</i> knowing that you must respect a pack's borders, and yet you went trundling right in to the <i>worst</i> one. Next time they'll get you. And I won't mourn the loss.</b>"

The thought was morbid, and yet she found that deep within herself she meant it just as much as she didn't. Life was poisoning the female, hardening her honey eyes to amber stone. Perhaps later tonight she would venture beyond the beyond the border for a mind-purging run, but right now she was still in the situation and she still had to <i>deal with it</i>. Giving a disgrunted shrug she turned away from the two males and stalked idly after Athena, though she was not on the way to check up on Naira, rather to the stores of herbs that were hidden among the stone dens that made up their pack living space.

"<b>You'll follow if you're not keen on infection,</b>" she called over her shoulder, voice finally devoid of emotion. Rather it was hollow, tired. Let the drama just be over with...
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2012, 11:09 PM by Ava.)
Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
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Kegan Richie
The sudden words about what land he grew upon, made Kegan boil with rage, he tried his best to keep it down underneath him, and had succeeded. He didn't answer Ava's question,and kept silent. It really wasn't any of her business, Kegan now felt more upset and was incredibly felt unwell. <i>'Next time they'll get you. And I won't mourn the loss.'</i> Kegan had another compliment to the female's mean words<b>"N-"</b> He decided not to say it, then It would cause another big drama.

<i>'No, they won't! They'll never get me, those cold hearted bastards. I would rather drown than get killed by the're filthy teeth and wrecked claws. I quite frankly don't care if you don't mourn my loss, I would never like you to cry over me, bitch.'</i> Kegan thought in his head. Angrily thinking, how could someone be so mean? <i>How could I be so mean? I diverse it after that. Stupid mean me."</i> Kegan then suddenly thought about his mother, and what she would say. <i>Never say mean things to other wolves, Kegan, you'll soon regret it and never forgive yourself.</i>

He wasn't keen on infections and quickly limped forward quickly. Of course he knew not to be so reckless and walk into those territory. He wanted to find Mist, though he said nothing more and hurried along.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
With Vafri gone, we'll just say he walked away and we never saw him and he was never proclaimed leader. I'll end it here with Athena scampering off and met Tlarx in the mountains in <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=2474' target='_blank'>Freeing the Feeling</a>. Pack meeting will be after this once you two reply one last time. <33

Her white body snaked through the thicket of nightshade until she finally reached Naira's den. Everything was quiet expect the muffled whines of pups. A frown crossed her delicate face as she trudged forwards. Naira's scent was unusually faint and as she got closer to the den the puppies seemed to sense her presence and whined louder. Something was wrong. Not caring anymore, she rushed towards the den, almost diving inside. What she saw was not what she was expecting. Instead all that was in the den were two lonely puppies. Two puppies without their mother.

She went forward quickly, checking over the puppies. Her presence made them squeal loudly, especially the gold-ish one (Datura). His loud squeal pierced her ears and they flicker in annoyance. She gently bent down and nuzzled them to try to quiet them. The female seemed to quiet, while the male just kept going. Shaking her head, she turned out of the den quickly and barked to Ava. "Ava! We have a problem!" Deciding not to wait, she rushed to where the were outside the thicket of deadly nightshade. Spotting them where she left them, she barked to them again before her rush of words came out. "Ava, Kegan - Where's Vafri? Never mind. Naira isn't in her den and two of the puppies are still there. Kegan, you to stay with them while I go look for Rhysis and Naira and the other puppy. Ava, look for them to the south, I'll look in the mountains." She said, firmly. Looking to Ava specifically, "We need to find them fast." She said, before racing off into the mountains for her lost leaders.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Her brilliant eyes flashed like a blaze of fire when the wolf had enough stupidity within him to challenge her words, but he allowed only a syllable to slip past his senseless lips before he towed himself in. Ava snorted and continued walking, no urgency within her dark paws as she made her way to the path that marked their packland's entrance. But before Ava could begin her trek through the poison path Athena came leaping forward, her voice full of concern as she shouted about a <i>problem</i>. At once she felt as though her heart had stopped beating and she went cold, feeling the bile of fright thicken in her throat. <i>No. No, no, no.</i> Ava cursed herself for the feelings she'd had before when she had gone to find the scent of Swift River on their lands, and how they hadn't left her despite the males' shaky explanations. Yet Athena's discovery was far from what she might've expected. Instead of one of the puppies growing sick, or Naira being weak from childbirth, <i>Rhysis and Naira were gone</i>. Besides that, they'd taken with them two of the children - and left behind the others?

It made no sense. Her mind was reeling so quickly she had no idea when they had lost sight of Vafri, nor did she give a sniff about it. "<b>The liar can be drowning in the Lake for all I care,</b>" she snarled, her hackles raising on high alert. Athena gave her instructions and she nodded sharply, baring her teeth upon Kegan. "<b>If so much as the smallest thing happens to them...</b>" Her threat was left open-ended; the wolf could choose his fate however he liked, but it would be horrible if the Poisoned cubs were in danger because of him. Sharply she turned on her heel and tore away from the thicket of nightshade while the white Second did the same, leaving Kegan in their dusty wake. Of only one thing she was certain, that herself and Athena would get to the bottom of this disaster, <i>immediately</i>.

(Crappy post is crappy, sorry. Smeh, feel free to reply or just archive. Ava out!)
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2012, 08:58 PM by Ava.)