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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote><i>Evening; Mostly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 37° F/3° C</i>

Since meeting Vlarindara in the ditch Angier's incentive with taking care of Corinna and Indru's pack surged wholly now through his everyday actions. His sense of purpose could not have been any greater. At dawn he had checked and double-checked the caches he had filled and created, traversed a good section of the pack borders, then finally managed to take a rest somewhere not too far from the pack den. He had taken some notes (or, rather, eavesdropped) on where the pups were headed today but ultimately decided to let them be. He had introduced himself to them, the pack, at the meeting, but he was actually not at all prepared to teach them anything just yet.

He slowly sprawled out at the base of a tall oak, lowering himself to his haunches at first before reclining onto his stomach and stretching his paws out in front of him. Catching a hare, quickly stowing away the remnants of a deer carcass, and hastily making his way around the pack's territory markers might not have winded him but worrying about Vlarindara had. Only now did he realize that he would only find absolute solace at the end of the day if it were Vlarindara's side he was nestled up against rather than the rough bark of a forest giant. He inhaled a deep breath then slowly exhaled, his eyes finally turning vigilantly to the darkening grove around him.</blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As the fresh scent of the subordinate male caught Indru's nose there was only a brief moment of hesitation before the leader decided to head towards it. Indru had seen Angier in passing of course, but the two had not had a chance to catch up and the Tainn was curious to see how accurate his memories of the pleasant wolf at his borders were. Fire-bright eyes alighted on the male resting against a tall oak and as Indru closed the gap between them his chin and tail rose just so, as befitted a wolf of much higher rank than this male. Angier, he greeted with a warm smile, yet still he waited expectantly for the lower ranked wolf to show acceptance of his dominant role.

After a pause Indru continued to watch him curiously and while questions run through his mind of what he had been doing since Midnight Plateau's fall he kept them quiet for now. You look deep in thought, he began, a brown ear twitching as it waited for the male's response and the leadwolf continued to watch him in a pleasantly curious way. I'm glad to see you again, though. It's good you came back here, perhaps Angier had left Relic Lore and joined another pack or perhaps he had just stayed a lone wolf, but whatever his status had been and whatever had made his decision to come back to his borders, Indru was pleased.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote><i>"Angier."</i> The sound of his name made his eyes dart to where the owner of the voice approached from. <i>Indru...</i> Angier nearly gave a start when he recognized the River leader. <b>"Sir,"</b> he addressed the Tainn respectfully after sitting up to lift his muzzle and lick Indru's ivory chin. His ears that had drawn back upon being greeted relaxed and he managed to give Indru a smile.

Indru commented about how Angier had been somewhere else mentally and the Lyall had to clear his throat. <i>"I'm glad to see you again, though. It's good you came back here."</i> Angier nodded, <b>"Glad to have finally caught up with you. But, y-yeahhh, no, I was just thinking about someo-- something. It's nothing really, though; there's, err, this ditch on the far end of the territ'ry but I'm sure the yearlings won't discover it anytime soon."</b> The smile that had faded in the middle of his sentence returned and he quietly added, <b>"I had to. To come back... You were quite kind to me that day we met, generous really, even with mere words."</b> One side of his face twitched as he cut himself short, remembering that whatever had been shared had actually never met Alexander in the end. <b>"Your boy, Fenru,"</b> he quickly added to change the topic. <b>"He's getting better with his hunting skills; I was... I caught a glimpse of 'im earlier today, practicing, taunting a rodent of sorts when I returned to my patrol."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The male had been respectful before and he was no different now and Indru's chin rose in acknowledgement as he felt Angier's tongue wash against the base of his muzzle respectfully. The smile the subordinate soon gave him after was returned quickly and the warmth in Indru's fiery eyes heightened at the company. Angier had been a calming wolf to be around when they had first met and it was no different now.

The ditch posed interest to Indru and he knew where Angier meant, but like him, it was no concern for him yet either, if anything he hoped it provided a small deterrent for a unexpecting stranger. Well, I'm glad you came back. Truly, and the sincerity in his words was clear—Indru would never frown at a good wolf and he had little evidence to doubt it with Angier so far. The praise to his youngest son made Indru visibly beam with pride, and he nodded, fire-bright eyes gleaming, yes, he most certainly is. He's a good boy, Fen, he'll be a great gain to the pack when he turns a year. Of course, Indru could have been called biased, but in this case he was being far from it and felt the truth of his words. While not as bold as Hael was, Fenru most certainly had his own grace and perhaps an uncoupled intelligence with the others in his litter. Have you settled in yet?

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>The tawny man's lips curled up into a smile, a genuine one as he nodded in response to the River leader's words. He considered Indru's question about settling in then dipped his muzzle quietly once more. <b>"Somewhat... getting there."</b> Vlarindara's face flickered before his eyes and he considered for a while what he ought to say or how to ask or how to even begin. <b>"Sir,"</b> he stated slowly, pausing in-between sentences. <b>"I... I've met someone recently and I... I was wondering if I could have your - and Corinna's - blessing. N-n-not to... nnnot to... not for..."</b> He searched Indru's face for some sort of reaction, to see if he could pick up on any traces of anger or disappointment then cautiously added, <b>"I've returned to see that your family and pack have done well since my visit. That they've managed."</b>

The ears on either side of his face pressed into his skull and he averted his gaze. <b>"I long to pay off my debt and when the day that you deem my deeds satisfact'ry I wish to rejoin my lady or... or maybe offer an invitation for her to join the ranks of Swift River."</b> He swallowed, <b>"She's out in the wilderness as we speak... <i>has been</i>, actually, for the past few months but I intend to find her when my <i>primary</i> work here is done. My apologies for being frank; I just... miss her."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
With the recent Rhysis/Naira thing, Indru's touchy and jumped to conclusions hehe. x]

As Angier continued on, after a brief pause, Indru's ears perked forwards in curiosity at the return to formality, curious as to what was coming next. He tensed as the male continued to talk, and slowly but surely as he continued Indru's posture swapped from the relaxed one he had begun to adopt while talking to Angier. The leader was unsure what this male was asking, but his slicked back ears and averted gaze did nothing until he clarified just exactly what he was after. In response Indru stepped forward, removing the comfortable gap between them and invading the male's space as his tail rose swiftly upright as his hackles began to raise along the length of his spine.

Just what are you asking Angier? Breeding season had passed but had he got this female pregnant else where and was planning to bring her into Swift River, to save their cubs that would surely die out in the wilderness at the cost of his own? Are you asking me to risk Swift River's future for your own cubs? A low growl had began to bubble in Indru's throat as his mind flashed back to Rhysis and his betrayal by impregnating another female within their pack and then stealing away in the dead of night. Your promised us loyalty and yet you want to weaken pack-born cubs? His thoughts flickered to this lone female and if it was true, and that Angier had got her pregnant before he had formed a pack to keep her and his cubs safe he was not the wolf he thought he was.

Only one pair breeds—the strongest pair—in a wolf pack, to give the pack's cubs the best chance of survival. Do you expect me to go against this for your pregnant female in the wild? Quickly, in his anger, Indru snapped his jaws forward near Angier's face, he had no intention to wound yet but he wanted an answer and he wanted one quickly.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<i>I saw it comin'. lolz. All I 'ave to say, honestly, is just... 'awwwsnappp!!' XD</i>

<blockquote>Angier's eyes had turned away from Indru's burly frame but he did not have to look up to see that he was assessing the scenario at hand with raised hackles and bared teeth. Angier tensed nervously and tucked his chin close to his chest. Indru's accusations slithered into his flattened ears and he merely laid still with his lips sealed. He swallowed, not even daring to shake his head to affirm that he wasn't going to allow the pack to risk anything for him...

A lump formed in his throat. The Tainn was assuming what had happened. This was nothing new when he really thought about it. It had been a few years since he had last fully submitted to a dominant figure, but the instincts to yield still surfaced. Angier waited for Indru to finish, blinking anxiously as the leader's jaws drew close to his face. <i>Pregnant female... in the wild?</i> A low whine emitted briefly from his throat, <b>"Sir... I..."</b> His jowls clenched together and he slowly reclined onto his back, displaying the whole of his ivory underbelly as he hastily replied, <b>"Forgive me; I would never jeopardize the well-being of your family. I'm just... requesting your permission... I... We didn't... Haven't. Sh-she's not pregnant."</b>

He closed his eyes, certain for a moment that Indru would deliver a swift blow to a vulnerable part of his body. <b>"I just seek the means to look after her. I yearn to safeguard your lands, your legacy, with every fiber of my being. I know very well I owe you my allegiance for all that you've done for me. Indru, sir, I... I bear no intentions of raising a family of my own. Not now. Perhaps <i>not ever</i>... I only long to be with her, for safety's sake. She had fallen into the ditch when I last saw her a few weeks ago, rail thin and half-starved."</b> He winced as he recalled how badly Vlarindara's ribs protruded from her torso and how shakily her steps had been when he was able to get her out of the steep trench. Perhaps he shouldn't have used the word "blessing" to begin with.</blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Sorry for the horrific wait! I feel bad for Angier haha. <33 Small pp, please say if you want it removed.

The male's eyes immediately turned away from him and Indru watched as Angier's posture quickly became more submissive in response to the changes in Indru's own. As Angier's ears slicked back he let a low rumble of displeasure at the male escape from him inbetween his angry words; his nose wrinkling as his lips pulled back to flash his teeth as he snapped at the subordinate—without an explanation, submission was not enough to please him this time.

As the male started to speak he also dropped down, reclining swiftly onto his back and displaying his vulnerable underbelly to him. Instinctively Indru stepped forward and over Angier, a growl still bubbling in his throat, and placed a stiff foreleg over Angier's stomach to rest the opposite of his body so that Indru had positioned himself above him at an angle. Ears perked forward as they were, none of the male's words were missed and as the male spoke of requesting permission (for breeding, he presumed) Indru's eyes flashed in anger, his growl suddenly increasing in volume.

Angier had earnt Indru's trust to a degree, he both enjoyed the male's company and thought him of similar stature to himself, loyal, and it was because of these feelings that this (presumed) betrayal burned Indru further. Yet he made no move to strike the male yet and it was these lingering feelings that caused Indru to let him continue undamaged for now. As he spoke the intentions were made clearer, it seemed Angier was requesting for her to join him, to become part of Swift River, and presuming she was an able female it was not one he would not consider. However, too, he was aware that their presence could threaten both his and Cori's, with the potential for them to challenge their lead, but Indru felt confident in both his and Corinna's ability to defend themselves were it ever to come to that.

I will permit no other to mate other than Cori and I—it is our right as lead wolves and none shall oppose it. Slowly, he withdrew from Angier and he nipped (not too gently) at his hindleg as he did so, granting him position to move, yet his dominant position made it clear than rising far from the ground would not be wise. But I will not turn away a capable female if you wish her here, if she swears her fealty to Swift River and me and Cori and if she too pulls her weight in the pack. There will be no exceptions, for friend of Angier's or not she would be treated like any other pack member, and perhaps watched more carefully at first with the threat the two of them could potentially pose.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Aside from wincing in a touch of fear and trembling slightly as he received the River King's answer, the tawny male laid still. Though he longed to further confirm the fact that he and Vlarindara were not keen on having a family - especially in her current condition and both of their current affiliations and duties - he kept his mouth shut, only nodding twice as Indru spoke. A swift nip was given to his hind leg and a stifled yelp vibrated in Angier's throat when he slowly rolled back over onto his ivory stomach, careful to keep his tail tucked. His ears remained pressed to the sides of his skull and he kept his gaze trained on the ground immediately in front of him underneath his forelimbs.

<b>"Of course, sir,"</b> he quietly, but clearly, stated. <b>"Yes, sir..."</b> He paused to catch his breath and hopefully convey that he understood what the leader had just told him. <b>"I do not know what she has in mind yet or what she wants to do,"</b> he said slowly. <b>"But I will let her know that she may speak to you and Corinna if she decides to come with me."</b> His mind flickered back to the times he had met Vlarindara in the past, where she was full of life and a zeal to live, even with taking care of a yearling apart from herself. She was no longer that wolf but he was certain she might still live in the recovering lady he had grown to admire and love dearly. He blinked then carefully lifted his eyes before dropping his gaze once more. <b>"Thank you. I really... greatly... appreciate it."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Angier had always been respectful, and it was a trait Indru appreciated, especially with the incident that had just passed. However, as much as he respected Angier as a friend, he was not sorry for what had just happened—the betrayal of Rhysis and Naira was not something that he would allow to be repeated and it was good that he had now made this clear. Why he would not think to hold a wolf to remain in the pack against their will, he would not allow it to be a place for them to keep full and safe while they impregnated another like Rhysis had.

At Angier's words he nodded, and allowed his hardened stare to soften at last as he watched the male—the tension that drifted from his body and the slight lowering of his tail expressing that his displeasure had passed. I'll look forward to meeting her, he answered honestly, for he was interested in the company Angier would keep outside the pack and Swift River was not overflowing with females either. With cubs coming extra, loyal paws would not be refused.