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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

RE: Sanguine Cove, high winds have caused a snow drift at the opening of your pack den. AW! <3

The howling wind had become a soothing sound long long ago for the salt and pepper Eastfall woman. Many years on the mountain had left an impression on her, allowing her to find peace and comfort in things others wouldnt have. This day was no different. Taking one of her many daily naps Moon was lulled asleep easily. Waking though was a bit startling. It was darker than she had expected yet she was still alone within the den. Usually if her later naps ran into the evening, her family joined her, finding shelter from the plummeting temperatures. Silver dusted ears stood at attention atop her head as the old lady blinked away the sleep from her hazy gaze. Her coal nose gave a sniff, revealing no additional information. Shakily, Moonshadow stood and took the few steps to the entrance. It seemed like the howling wind had deposited a snow drift that covered the entrance. Her heart quickened for a moment as a wave of panic washed over her. She had no idea how thick the drift was and if she could get out.

Word Count: 184
Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer

Eclypse served as a shadow to the Moon.

She had not said anything out loud, but surely her father (@Nash) would notice the way she hovered closer to her grandmother after she had seen the deceased Tulip. Granted she had not anticipated this. The mouth of the den was blocked with a snow drift. She had sworn she had just stepped away to grab a meal for her grandmother. It should have been just a moment. How had so much snow built up in between?

Her own heart sat up in her throat.

Head tilted back, she called for her family to come help dig free their cherished Elder.

Eclypse was not ready to see her buried like Tulip.

Played by Flywolf who has 76 posts.
Inactive IX. Subordinate
Diantha Vuesain

Di hated the snow this year in a way she had never really hated anything before. Her litter mate was still missing and now the mountain seemed to have claimed her best friend and her remaining brother. Nash had rushed off upon learning about Leo's condition, but he had yet to return... what if the mountain took him too?

It seemed they weren't even safe here. Eclypse's distressed voice rose and Di was quick to answer, rushing to the pup's side only to find the den blocked with snow. The yearling remembered when she had been trapped like this, remembered how Stella had worked to free her and keep her calm as they dug. She turned to Eclypse. "It's okay," she said. "This happens sometimes. We'll dig her out together, okay? Let's start at the top; the drifts are thinnest there." She stood on her hind legs and began to scrape at the snow.

Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

I am so sorry about my lack of activity yall! I'm redoing flooring so I can move in with my boyfriend and hopefully will have more time after thats done <3

For as quickly as the panic set in it dissipated. Snow drifts happen, especially with the slope of their mountain home. She had seen plenty in her many years, this would be no different. Very muffle noises came from outside. Surely her family would notice and come clear the drift...right?

Her memory flashed back to the rock slide that stole the love of her life. Then to the recent news of her adopted child passing within the walls of their original den. Would this one become her tomb? At least she would be surrounded by the scents of her loved ones as met the ones she's lost. She shook her large greyed head. She wasn't about to give in that easily. She knew her time was close but she had just enough fight left in her to see the sky once more. Large paws carefully clawed at the snow, careful to not bring too much into the den. They would still need a warm dry placed to sleep.

Word Count: 168
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer

This wasn't enough.

How had only one other wolf shown?! Where were her mother and father? Were they somehow trapped inside too and Eclypse had missed them? It was the only thing she could have thought of.

She said nothing as her paws began to work tirelessly against her side of the snowdrift. Her breath came in sharp bursts, as if she pushed each ounce of her energy into every swipe. She did. Nothing else mattered in the world besides getting her grandmother free.

Where was everyone?!

Played by Flywolf who has 76 posts.
Inactive IX. Subordinate
Diantha Vuesain

The snow was not nearly as compact as it was in other places, the benefit of it being a drift quickly discovered. They were quickly making progress and Moonshadow was not going to suffocate, but it clearly wasn't fast enough for Eclypse. Di tried to dig away the powder faster for the pup's sake. "It's alright," she said again, trying for soothing. It didn't sound like anyone inside was panicking, not the way she had when she'd been trapped as a child. Eclypse almost acted as if she was the one inside.

The hole grew larger and Di was able to fit her shoulders in and pull greater tufts of snow with her legs instead of just clawing at it. The inside of the den was cloaked in Shadow, but it seemed to have one occupant who patiently waited for someone to get to her. "You're almost clear, Moon," Di called, hoping talking to the matriarch would help sooth her granddaughter as well.

Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
"Oh, it won't rain all the time, The sky won't fall forever, And though the night seems long, Your tears won't fall forever."

Sorry about the wait y'all!

As her claws made some head way through the drift from the inside the sound of other's was beginning to become more clear. The Eastfall matriarch began to push the loose snow she had dislodged back towards the bottom of the drift as to keep it from melting in their beds. Soon the snow was thin enough she could make out their scents, Eclypse and Diantha. Her silver tipped banner swayed easily at her hocks as the eldest's voice filtered in. "Y'all are doin' great, we'll get through this soon enough." Moon answered, though unaware how much her youngest granddaughter was panicking at the situation. Any trepidations about the end melted away as quickly as the thin snow beneath her paws. This would instead be a valuable learning opportunity for their youngest member, as this is her first winter. So she continued to work from within the den, scraping away at the drift, and pushing the progress to the bottom. As she said, they'd get through it soon enough.

Word Count: 169
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]