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where did all the good go? — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Van who has 155 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Noriaki Eastfall-Koizumi
AW for SC members <3

It had taken a day longer to travel up to the Cove than Nori had planned for. Burying Archer had been difficult - both physically and emotionally, though really she wasn’t feeling much at all aside from a heaviness in her entire body. Even the fear that made her limbs shake as she climbed the mountain was dulled, and she probably should be concerned about that, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care.

She still had a job to do. Several, in fact.

Nori approached the border, exhaustion and numbness slowing her steps, and she halted just before she reached it. This was her family, and Chan had greeted her with open arms, but she couldn’t be sure how Nash and Moon might react.

She wasn’t sure it mattered.

Taking a short breath to gather herself, Nori tipped her head back and howled for their attention.
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
note to self: this is after Moon's death and Jessamy's birth but before Sari's death

His mother's death, while expected, still ached deep within him. He knew he needed to go tell Chan - and have another discussion with him - but after Aquene's difficult birth and the impending birth of his grandchildren Nash couldn't bring himself to leave. There was still someone out there who had hurt his daughter. Chan would have to wait until Magg had given birth.

A welcome voice called from the borders, pulling Nash from his thoughts. He smiled as he trotted toward his niece. He hesitated a moment when he saw her. She looked terrible. Still she was here, and he quickly moved forward to embrace her. "Nori," he said warmly. "I am so glad to see you."

Played by Van who has 155 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Noriaki Eastfall-Koizumi
Nori wasn’t as scared of meeting him again as she thought she might be. It was most likely because of the numbness settled in her chest, wiping away her ability to truly feel anything. There was, however, the slightest hint of warmth that broke through when her uncle embraced her, and she buried her face deep into his dark fur. He had always felt, to her, somewhat like her mother - even if they didn’t really look much alike. It was comforting, in spite of everything.

A quiet whine escaped her without her full awareness, and she let her eyes fall shut. “I’m glad to see you too,” she said, and was surprised to find it was true. She’d been in a haze for days now, an emotion she didn’t truly have a name for yet, but Nash’s presence eased some of the hollow feeling. “I’m sorry, for being gone so long.”

She’d ask about Ally in a minute. For now, she didn’t feel bad about indulging in the comfort so freely offered to her.