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[M] And though the night seems long, Your tears won't fall forever — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
"Oh, it won't rain all the time, The sky won't fall forever, And though the night seems long, Your tears won't fall forever."

OOC: Open to any Cove wolves. Rated M for this is Moonshadow's death thread.

The morning was like any other, nothing particularly special about it. The sun rose in the east as it always did and shone its golden rays on the world below. The few birds that remained to endure the mountainous winter with them chirped among the trees. Small creatures either slumbered beneath the frozen ground or fitted about in the crisp morning air. They were on the cusp of spring…well most of them were.

Unbeknownst to anyone other than her, that would be Moonshadow Eastfall’s final morning. She couldn’t quite place her paw upon the feeling, but a call deep within her soul clued her into what would be taking place. Her uneven sleeping patterns had allowed her to rise in time to see the brilliant sunrise. The fiery oranges, reds, and pinks slowly turned into soft baby blues. The grey-phased woman sat along the shore of her beloved lake as she watched the change above the snow capped peaks that protected them. Her hazy gaze moved away from the sky to the glistening frozen lake. The morning’s glow bounced off the glassy surface as a lifetime of memories played through her mind. The Lost Lake was her home no doubt about it. Her spirit will forever be a cove wolf.

Cool droplets fell from her now white chin as Moon moved away from the lake shore for the last time. Large paws that were once strong and confident moved at a snails pace in comparison to how they used to as the carried the Eastfall woman back to the pack den. Her dampened sense of smell told her that her family remained inside. She silently debated on waking them or not. The last thing she wanted to do was burden them with something of this magnitude. While she felt ready in her soul she knew from recent conversations that they did not feel the same. Yet, thinking back to @Tulip and how she wish she would’ve been there for her and the pain knowing she passed alone, that was a far worse burden to place upon their shoulders. So instead she sent a quite chuff into the communal den for anyone who may sleep within, before making her way to Aquene’s birthing den to find Nash.

Her heart yearned to be with her beloved once more and didn’t want her loved ones to have to carry her. While the ten year old was much more frail than she had ever been, Moonshadow still had a large frame and knew she would be difficult to carry. No, she would walk herself to her final resting place. One last journey, though unlike the many she’s had in her life she would not be alone.

The walk was expectedly slow while the elderly woman walked from her current home to her first true home on the other side of the lake. Nash had thankfully been able to slip away. The last grandbabies she’d ever meet lay sleeping inside with their mother. A sad pang went through the Eastfall woman’s heart knowing she’d never see them grow up, or her great-grand babies either. But it was time. Nash had taken up helping her on her flank, though Moon was determined, more than ever, to complete this as much on her own as she could.

Hazy silver orbs looked upon the rock slide where her husband rested beneath and a small sad, knowing smile tugged gently at her lips…soon.

Word Count: 572
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2024, 04:52 PM by Moonshadow. Edit Reason: Naquene had 2 babies not one </3 )
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
the only reason I am not openly weeping is because I'm at work and they will mock me.

His daughter had safely been born, beautiful and soft as all his other children had been. He already loved her dearly, and yet he could not find it in himself to be joyful.

And then his mother called softly to him and his blood ran cold.

He gently brushed his nose against Aquene's head, wishing terribly that she could come with him, but Jessamy couldn't be left alone, nor could she make the journey.

His paws felt leaden as he joined his mother. He didn't say a word, just trailed his nose up her neck before falling into step beside her, offering his shoulder on this terrible procession. His mouth was dry, his stomach churned, he thought he might be sick. But he held it in, held it together, tried to keep his head high even as his tail dragged. He needed to do this, but he didn't want to. He wasn't ready. He would never be ready. But she was, and he was here with her. His mother would not pass alone.

Played by Grae who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
He could see how his grandmother slowed more and more each day, the sight saddening him. She spoke of his grandfather more often and of others who had also passed. Matos knew enough of death to know that she wouldn't be with them for much longer. So he hovered, sticking close to her as @Eclypse did, though opted to let his younger sister spend more time with her as he had gotten an extra year.

When the quiet chuff made its way into the den he almost ignored it, shifting to lay on his other flank and drift back to sleep. But a pull deep within his gut told him to get up. Reluctantly he obliged his gut and silently left the den. Giving his ebony pelt a good shake allowed his to shake off some of the sleepiness. Enough to pick up his grandmother's scent leading away from the den. Where was she going? He followed her to his mother's birthing den where she, his two newest sisters, and father slept. Emerald and amber watch as Grandma Moon called to his dad, who emerged from the den. Then they headed off towards the border. Confusion tugged at the boy's still sleepy features until the realization hit him.

A low whine emitted from him as his ears fell atop his head and eyes casted downwards...it was time.

Matos fell into step with his grandmother and father as they walked slowly out of the territory towards Fallen Tree Cove. He remained silent ready to support her too frail frame opposite of his father. She would not be alone.
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
"Oh, it won't rain all the time, The sky won't fall forever, And though the night seems long, Your tears won't fall forever."

OOC: This is Moonshadow's final post, thank you to everyone who's threaded with her. She was my first character and it was amazing to she her develop with y'all!

The air was crisp with the scent of dewdrops as they made the trip from one cove to the other. From one home to the other. To the place that captured her heart in more ways than one. The black-phased woman savored each slow step, each foggy sight, and each muffled sound, letter her memory amplify them to how she had once experienced them. Not long after their departure, her only grandson joined them, assisting from her other side when needed. The walk was quiet and slow and the Eastfall matriarch wondered if anyone else would join them. She understood that @Aquene, having just given birth to her latest granddaughters and @Magg who would be bringing her first great-grandchildren into the world, would not be travelling. Even if it’s just to the other side of the lake. Moon had said her goodbye’s to each of them respectively.

The towering wall of slate and pale grey rocks filled her hazy vision. More of a blur of the colors rather than the crisp differences in them. A sigh fell from her maw. Not one of irritation or annoyance or tiredness, but one of peace. One of contentment. It was time to see all those who had gone before her. Mercury orbs saw Nash’s collection of rocks for her burial and saw he had placed them in close proximity to where his father rested. A perfect spot. She began the short climb atop the flat rock, shooing off any attempts to help her. Determined and stubborn as ever, she’d make it on her own.

Moss and other materials had been laid out atop the rock, creating a bed of sorts for her. Her coal nose gave them a sniff, inhaling the familiar scents of home and her loved ones. It settled the mini surge of panic that filled her. This was it. She circled her large frail frame, once, twice, three times before settling down in a semi-curled position. Her silver tipped tail curled tightly around her rear legs as she laid her head atop her outstretched forelimbs. ”Come lay with me loves.” she asked her boys. When they obliged her she gave both a nibble to each of their ears before resting her head once more. She didn’t know quiet how long it would be then, but it didn’t matter. She savored each moment, knowing the last few grains in the hourglass were falling.

The world was peaceful around them, birds flitting about the treetops, the lake lapping at the shore. Then there was a voice. It sounded far away at first, drawing her attention towards the lake. It grew closer until it was undeniable. ”Tagg?” she breathed out unable to believe her eyes. His handsome russet pelt was as clear as day to her, no trace of the haze that had slowly claimed her vision. He only nodded now, that smile that she’s missed for so long adorned his creamy maw. Calling her…it was time. As if to further tell her the pale agouti form of Namid walked from behind the trees, the tiny happy bounding forms of her first borns, the two tone coat of Tulip. Her loved ones she’s missed so dearly. All there to welcome her into the afterlife. The Eastfall woman spoke to them, though the words would be nothing more than mumbling to others. Her tail thumped gently against her body until it stilled and her last breaths left her body.

Moonshadow Eastfall peacefully went to sleep so that she may join those who had gone before her. Where she now waited to greet those who would come after her.

Word Count: 602
(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2024, 03:24 AM by Moonshadow.)
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]