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Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
AW to one or two others! RE: Viorel, while you weren't looking, a mink stole your kill!
Late evening, Overcast, 48F/9C

From past experience the leader knew that Vanadis would be having their children any day now. He was torn between feeling the need to stay close and be protective, and also the desire to soak up every last second of freedom. Tonight the latter had won out and once he had awoken from his afternoon nap he had checked in on the woman before ducking out to stretch his legs. The nearby marsh would be far enough for him to feel air in his lungs rather than the trees closing in back at home. Once the children arrived it would be better he was sure, but for now they had to just survive.

It was a perfect night for fishing, warm enough that the water didn’t bite at his paws when he stepped into it. He could have used a little more moonlight to see but this was fine, and he had already managed to get a couple up on the shore. He needed one more, so he could bring some back to the Backwater for Vanadis should she be hungry. Yellow eyes had been watching closely for the familiar flash of silver beneath the still water when a sound caught his attention.

Whipping around, he saw a dark tail disappearing into the cat tails and one of his catches being noticeably gone. Before he could make a move a second mink dashed out and grabbed the remaining snack. Cursing, he chased after the vermin, determined to get back what belonged to him.