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There's fear in letting go — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 100 posts.
Sanguine Cove VI. Subordinate
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
Moments ticked by after he settled, Galen arrived receiving a small smile and nod in greeting from his agemate. No sight of Leo or Eclypse and Matty looked around the trees behind his father expecting to see them. Enough time went by that his father became frustrated and called out specifically for them, only to be met with silence. Strange.

When the minutes ticked on and neither of them appeared Nash decided to get on with it. He spoke of how the entirety of Matos' life had been hard and continued to get harder and how someone had suggested the mountain was cursed. A knot began to form in his stomach, becoming larger as his father said it was time to consider moving. Waves of shock battered him as a slew of emotions ran their course through his mind. He called for their thoughts on the matter and it was his mother who spoke first. Dual colored gaze moved from his sire to his dam. She called for them to leave the mountain before it killed them too. The young man flinched ever so slightly at the notion and conviction of her hoarse statement. But she was right, look at the state of their family. She was a shell of herself, though not physically gone she wasn't really with them. When Nash turned to speak to Galen of his father and though he would never try to replace Uncle Al he thought of the Vuesain men as his sons. Matos shared the same sentiment, Leo and Galen were his brothers.

The mountain had taken Al too, and Sari and his grandfather and so many others. When Galen spoke Maty found himself nodding in agreement. The mountain had given them all, with the exception of his mother, their beginning but had taken so much that it no longer felt like home. The swarthy man let out a small sigh before adding in his piece. "I agree, this may be where our beginnings were but it should not be the end." Part of him didnt want to leave the lake, but he wasnt about to give up his family for it. They are home not a place.