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fidelitas — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Tasha who has 11 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Paeryl Mavrakos
Meant for the entirety of Paeryl's band! Any outsiders are welcome to join but unless vouched for by a member of the band known to Paeryl they may be harmed

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
religious conviction
as when they do it from

Slowly, he had reconnected with all of them. Paeryl found that Sovanya had done excellent work in her recommendation of the mountain, and the siblings had done an excellent job in scouting the path ahead for them. It was time, however, to push forward… to call them all together and begin to establish the firm foundations for what their cult might grow into. He tipped his head back, letting out a loud call. He had tracked each of them there, figuring they’d all be within range to hear his powerful call.

He stood upon a rock, jagged as it push from the fold, looking down at the ground below him and waiting for his eager disciples to gather, though his wife would be permitted to join him on the high ground, the rock wide enough for two.

And then he would wait, with a near impatient and intense gaze brewing under the surface of the usually quiet and stoic man, planning his next words carefully, for the impact they had he knew would shake the core of this very mountain and deem the gods pleased with their sacrifice to consecrate the ground.

(This post was last modified: Jul 21, 2024, 04:36 PM by Paeryl.)
Played by becca who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaenyra Mavrakos

The place was grand. She had spent time preparing spaces to become more permanent abodes. Soon she might call among the youngest of them to help clear the harder places. She envisioned many safe locations tucked into the slopes of leaning stone or crumbling caves. First she desired a space for her and her beloved. Then she wished for a medic enclave.

If Paeryl had asked, she had shared all of these visions with him.

For now, they needed to rally beneath their shared banner. Alongside her husband upon a high stone, she sat regally. The image of a trained grace. Her glacier gaze looked out to the space where those who had true loyalty would gather. Judgmental and impatient, even as she did her best to steady her features.

She would have plenty of time to scrutinize each and every face when her husband spoke.

Played by Cade who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sovanya Rayvne
Sovanya appeared in a matter of minutes, gait contradictorily unhurried. She was never really out of touch with Paeryl for very long, even in the times they did not often meet. Many of her strengths happened to align with the skillset of espionage, and they were used just as ardently upon her allies, especially the messiah himself. She'd had over a year now to learn as much as she could about him, about how he conducted himself, about the way his mind must work. It felt time for him to make a move, and so his dutiful apprentice had been ready.

She took her place near but off at an angle, intending to have a decent enough view of the audience as well. Especially if it ended up containing any fresh faces. For now, her burning eyes were lifted, watching the couple who led their hellish band.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Felyx hadn't been far off recently, either, save for an excursion or two, so when Paeryl's call filled the air he arrived shortly after. Sovanya's presence was to be expected, and Vaenyra's, though the latter's gaze made his skin crawl under his fur like a thousand ants. He did not show any discomfort or dislike, however, as he took a seat before them, offering each of them a bright grin.

When others would arrive, it was likely that Felyx would wind around them like a serpent, especially @Cynder or the recruits. If Felyx was allowed to, @Thoval would get this treatment, as well as @Dacian, should either of them arrive. Not touching, but clear by Felyx's actions that the other teen wasn't one to kill. It was always a risk, with new people, but he didn't intend on allowing the lead pair to sacrifice his newest playmate.

anyone is welcome to pp Felyx being a little squirmy snake if he's allowed c: he's feeling affectionate
(This post was last modified: Jul 25, 2024, 05:06 PM by Felyx.)
Played by Cade who has 45 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Dacian Quinlan
Dace had the luck of choosing to come up the mountain and finally mingle with these friends' of Felyx very recently, arriving just the day before. He'd only gotten the chance to meet one of the band, a woman a year older than him named Sova, and while she'd been all smiles, she'd also managed to make him feel like prey. He tried not to show how thoroughly intimidated he was now, following after the wolf he did know. His poker face was on, mouth a thin, unyielding line and copper gaze guarded while his body language remained neutral.

The ginger had been seated a moment, but bounced back up to circle around him, close. There was something different to Lyx's energy, or maybe that was just in Dace's head? His eyes lifted to the couple looking down their snouts at them, and his gut told him it wasn't. There was just something off about these guys.

Dacian forced his posture to fold regardless, reclining down onto his haunches. He didn't sit as near to Felyx as he'd originally intended, and pointedly ignored Sovanya's heavy stare. If it didn't work out, he'd just leave. It wouldn't be that big of a deal...
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
The powerful call rang through the air calling their band together - great. The discomfort of a group settling laid over her like a thick blanket as she released an annoyed huff of air. She snapped at a near by tree branch in frustration, growling and gripping it hard between her teeth. She needed to release the frustration before facing their leaders as to not draw any unwanted attention her way. She released her hold leaving deep impression marks within the wood. The yearling gave her ale tawny pelt a good shake before making her way to the gathering.

She wasn't first but at least she wasnt last. @Throval was yet to arrive and the ghost of a satisfied smirk adorned her red tinted maw. Cyn's blue grey eyes noted Sov and Lyx and the dark boy the latter had become so smitten with. Her gaze lingered a bit on him, sizing him up as she came to settle a few lengths away. Her twin slithered about the other yearling before moving to her. A slight lean into him was all the affection she'd show in front of the gathered group. Her gentler side - if it could be called that - was reserved just for him.
Played by Tasha who has 11 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Paeryl Mavrakos
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
religious conviction
as when they do it from

Slowly, his band assembled. First, his wife would arrive. He’d greet her with a gentle run of his maw along her cheek before his apprentice arrived, his gaze casting down on her. There was a sense of approval in his eyes for her timely arrival…and then there was Felyx, and another whom Paeryl had not yet met. A snarl would escape him, a certain level of rage building in his eyes as he waited for the man to explain whether or not he had been invited here by another who might vouch for him. Such was custom.

Cynder was next to arrive, but his gaze remained solely focused on Dacian. “Who vouches for this outsider?” His voice would boom. It would need to be handled before they discussed further business. Perhaps, if no one vouched, then Dacian would have simply delivered himself for the sacrifice of wolf blood they needed for the mountain.

He noted a few other absences, but they could be addressed if they had not arrived by the time the business of this outsider was handled.

Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Felyx had not expected Paeryl to have such an intense reaction to Dacian's presence, but he supposed it should be expected - he hadn't introduced them beforehand, after all. It was no matter, though. If there should be a punishment for it, Felyx didn't mind shouldering it - it was his fault, after all, and he didn't want to have Dace thrown off the mountain.

So he weaved in front of the other boy, keeping his posture loose and relaxed, but defensive in the way he positioned himself. "I do," he said calmly, head lifted to meet Paeryl's gaze. "I'm the one who invited him."

He hoped he made himself abundantly clear - this one was not intended to be a sacrifice for Paeryl's gods. Felyx didn't mind going out to hand-deliver their actual sacrifice, but if they tried anything like that with Dace, there would be an issue.
Played by Cade who has 45 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Dacian Quinlan
The moment his hind end touched the ground, the leader's displeasure rent the surrounding air. Dacian was back on all fours in a heartbeat, eyes wide and snapped to attention. Oh fuck. That creep Sovanya began to laugh, and he felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment even when his biggest concern should have been the amount of communicative aggression his mere presence had been met with. It took conscious effort to keep his tail from curling up against his stomach, instead pointing directly down at the earth.

He certainly didn't try to challenge Paeryl's assertion, even if there was also a bit of indignant anger that mingled amongst his emotions. He hadn't done anything. All he'd managed so far was simply existing. Why'd that always have to be such a problem, and seemingly just for him? Dacian Quinlan-fucking-Valle. Not really wanted anywhere.

Felyx moved in front of him, unshaken as far as Dace could tell. Was this normal? Was this one of those situations where the guy in charge threw regular tantrums and everyone just worked around it? He didn't want to walk on egg shells, didn't want to be made to feel like this with any consistency. But... he couldn't stop staring at the back of Lyx's crown. He was sticking up for him, easy thing or not. Would he keep doing it, even if the odds changed or the stakes raised?

Could that maybe be worth putting up with certain aggravations for?
Played by Cade who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sovanya Rayvne
Felyx the next to come, and Sova's tail swung in wide arcs to show her own pleasure at his appearance. Her eyes narrowed when moments after, Dace arrived, though that biting grin never faltered. In fact, it grew even wider as Paeryl thundered and the outsider nearly leapt through his own skin. A girlish giggling spilled over her tongue and out into the air, a sound that was probably cute once, a long time ago. Now, it was as unsettling to the ears as it should be.

She would only take her eyes off of the younger wolf when Cynder turned up, and even then it was brief. As much as she enjoyed the twins, they couldn't compare to something as exciting as this. Sova didn't know if she wanted more for him to stick around so she could torment him methodically over time, or for this situation to escalate into a whirlwind of violence that wiped the little look-alike right off the face of the earth.

Both would honestly be immensely satisfying, she was certain.