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ooc name: Grae
.... current characters: Matos
.... how you found us: been here forever now
.... your character's initial fight stats: Sharpshooter
....a role play sample (200+ words):

The smoke lingered, continuing to hold the wolves of the Cove in its grip. Everyday the elderly woman hoped it would finally vanish and its affects would wear off from her family. Her own health was the least of her concerns, per usual. With her age came bouts of sleeplessness, no longer being able to sleep all the way through the night nor stay up throughout the day without a nap, much like a young pup. This particular night was no exception. She laid quietly just within the den, not having been up for more that ten minutes when she her Nash stir outside. A single silver tipped ear flicked towards the entrance as he head remained atop her forelimbs. It wasnt until she heard him sit up did she decide to investigate.

"What is i-" she began to ask in a hushed tone before catching sight of the glowing pair of eyes. Instinctively her hackles stood on end as a quiet warning growl rumbled in her chest. The dim moonlight masked who owned the glowing pair of eyes which only added to the uneasy feeling that had washed over her. Without even thinking she moved in front of Nash as her maternal instincts surged into over drive. She would protect her child and everyone else who slept within the den.

and finally a bit about your character.... Where theres bad news theres trouble ;)