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Tithings of the Forsaken — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by - who has 1 posts.
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http://i317.photobucket.com/albums/mm394/dagekiware/0kimitachi.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
OOC: First post! Come play with me!!

they've come to get me again
"Speak to me. ", ”I think of you” My muscles move ”Darkness reigns…”

The bramble grabbed at his fur like hands pawing at the sleeves of the most holy, but he trudged on. His large frame was often caught in the madness of this and he soon had sores to cover the pads of his feet. The birds were looking at him curiously for what animal put itself through such misery; this was a journey that seemed to lead this figure nowhere. A passing crow flew on ahead only to catch a glimpse of eyes that betrayed a haunted world. “This one’s not long for here”, the bird concluded as Kimitachi slunk past, stumbling on a rock that just happened to get between his front paws. It was the sudden stop that made the bird pause from take off, and the look from those hollow almond eyes that pinned him to the branch. It was followed by panic when a slinky grin crawled up the male’s muzzle and barely reached the glance above. At that point the crow took into account that the ruddy color on the boy’s flank was in fact blood, and that it was high time he got out of this situation. This decrepit, broken place was perfect for this male who wasn’t all together there. With a petrified squawk the crow took off, leaving behind a boy whose grin slowly but surely faded.

He sat, annoyance finally playing across the male’s features now that his only companion had left. The bird had brought a haimish sort of atmosphere to this place and now Kimitachi was denied even that small comfort. “You scared off the only one who could see…” Pain was the result of the remark from within, a bitter sting that left him not only wincing but gritting his teeth. He wasn’t going to answer because what was the use? The Beast had gotten exactly what it desired. Kimitachi had woken up this morning on his search for Akasha covered in blood and sweat. He had washed off in the nearby river but some stenches don’t fade and at times blood colored his coat like a permanent dye. From the length of his list, he was sure he’d never get the rusty red hue out of his flank. “Or out of your nightmares.” A shiver caught him, but the Zeguri boy squared his shoulders and moved forward, undaunted by his ghosts.

Perhaps that was what was haunting him today, a morbid sort of guilt. He hadn’t dreamt of anything last night, but he knew when he woke tomorrow morning a face filled with terror would be emblazoned on the inside of his skull. He was so sick and tired of playing this game of possess, kill and regret. He had gone a stretch without the Monster clawing up from his gullet and whispering in his ear. “No longer.” He paused again, this time because the fork in this difficult road forced him to make a decision. ‘To the left, or to the right, Kimitachi?’ the world posed insistently. In the end, was it really going to matter? The faint scent of Akasha still clung perceptibly to his nostrils. He was sure she was here somewhere and the final mission was finding her. “And then what? Are you going to try to explain?” There was another wince, another painful memory crippling the individual whose soul was already hobbled and beaten beyond repair. Undaunted he turned to the left, letting his nose do the guiding. The crow was back now, hopping through the trees at a safe distance behind him.“Couldn’t stay away could you?” The chuckle escaped him, deep tones flirting with the mid-afternoon sounds. “Of course it couldn’t” He didn’t answer the reply, didn’t hear the grinding just waited for the follow up that was sure to come and plague him. “Darkness always leaves a mark.”

<b>Table By Dai-Dai</b>
(This post was last modified: May 31, 2012, 05:45 PM by Kimitachi.)