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Scorch The Ground — Hidden Tree 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He hadn't expected Triell to just shut his dark mouth and give his words serious thought - somehow, he'd expected the fury to blaze on and smash Ice's explanation to splinters, demanding fire and blood to cleanse the world of Rhysis' filth. Still, that it didn't happen was a pleasant surprise, and he felt rather odd sitting there - just, sitting, listening and talking quietly when there was room. Triell had been restless so far, pacing around, sticking his nose into things, snarling, growling, nearly shouting, rampaging... and he'd just been sitting there like some white antipole, a patient angel tossed down into a ruined forest to soothe a dark creature whose heart was laced in gold. Except, angels didn't feel like their bodies turned to ice at questions and then cracked, slowly falling apart and shattering. He wasn't used to falling apart like this anymore, and was grateful that Triell didn't stick his nose into the wreckage of his mind and prodded around a little more. He didn't want to say it aloud, for then he'd never be able to forget it, and.. no. He'd never want to risk ruining the bond between them, even if the presence of Volkan loomed overhead like a warning of yet another pack forming sometime in the future - and then, Triell wouldn't be around on a daily basis anymore, and the world would be as empty as a night without stars.

The future he could worry about another day, though, for what happened tonight was far more important. His ears pricked up at Triell's voice, and his 'brows shot up in yet another patient-angel-face - this was a touchy subject with his black friend, as well, not so surprising but... Ice's anger had been quick to flare and quick to fade, leaving him feeling hollow and mildly cruel, whereas Triell was nearly spitting fire at the ground. ".. what he did to her." The crescendo of his rage seemed to find its pinnacle then, and Ice could only watch in amazement as just thinking about something set his black hackles rising and snarls falling out his teeth, a death sentence delivered - a shiver traveled down Ice's spine, and he was thankful that it wasn't his life Triell was threatening. Despite his youth, Triell was large, strong, fierce, and it was that last attribute he feared the most. Triell had a large heart, and if he fought for it, he'd be unstoppable. Worry knitted Ice's 'brows together, and in silence he stared at the charred tree trunk, pale blue and green reflections washing over it. If it had been winter, it would've been clearer - brighter. More enthralling. Triell's anger was warm, and Ice allowed his thoughts to slide around the ever-changing patterns of the world, the ruffle of wind through fur and sapling, the sky-fire, the rustle of naked branches; all tangible. Reach out and touch, feel.

Anger, though, can't be touched or held. Anger was like fire.

"Deception," he said after a while, softly. "Not lies, perhaps, but still untruth. On purpose; deception." His head tilted a little to the side, and he chanced a glance at Triell. Perhaps it would be good for him to vent his emotions where no one but the already bloody Ice was around to get caught in the crossfire. He could take a couple of random blows if it made his black friend feel better. "He said they had a falling out, that all he wanted was to meet her again, talk to her, ask her what was up, why she wanted him dead." He didn't even have a clue what had happened between the Aquila siblings on the road - if he'd known... "Thinking back on it, it seems an exaggerated reaction to a falling out. I was - am - naive." A bitter murmur, a bitter half-chuckle, and Ice looked up, fixing his pale eyes on the anger of his black friend. It pained him to see him so.. helpless in his fury. Rhysis wasn't anywhere near them right now, so they could hardly run back up the mountain and chew his tail off. "It's my greatest weakness," he added a after a moment in a soft, nearly inaudible voice. Then he gave his head a shake, as if to toss the emotions out. "When you go for him.. I don't mind coming along, to, y'know, make sure you don't get beaten up too bad." Despite the joking tone when he said it, his eyes were serious - it was an offer of help, and one he would not go back on.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<3 to continue is perfectly fine, and ha ha yes, triell and i got winded.
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

Every time Triell had been on the edge of losing his temper he had put his anger away. Tragiclly he had stored it in this dark, ugly box in the confines of soul rarely understanding it's vague existence. What had been a small pebble of a cube had grown, packing away little piece by piece of madness and rage. It may have freed itself a couple times in mere sprouts, but it had grown considerable since the last time it'd been free and it was not a pretty sight. Something he hated for Ice to witness, but it another showing of his soul, his real self, and Ice was someone he trusted to see this part as well. The part of Triell that wasn't pure, and beautiful....the part of him he was afraid would win in the end. It was possible he was letting it off his leash to not only get help from Ice, but to keep it from running completely wild. The unworded curse sounds that emitted from his vocals, his chest, and his heart was nothing compared to what they could have been. What he could have been.

His fit of rage was over. He let the cold air penetrate his hot skin, he made a strong point to feel it against him, to concentrate on it's own sharpness. He pulled in very slow breathes of it, letting it slide against his throat, and his lungs raise in each new taking. When he felt more like himself, his orange tinted eyes flickered open to rest on his pack mate, his friend. Ice was not considerably looking struck down, he could see hints that what he done had affected the older male. There was something wise, and almost timeless about the silvery man. He knew things Triell did not, he saw things Triell had yet to see and grasp. A softened glint to his fiery eyes, and a slack form of relaxation to his dark visage he stepped a little closer to his fellow Swift River wolf, and let his ears perk to the gentle tone that still remained. Already calm, the simpleness, and familiar easily set him to remain level headed. He may anger he had never gone so far to be blinded by it, and react to hurting himself nor another. He glanced to the edge of the white wisps of Ice's feet, and listened.

A different outlook unfolded, and he was enlightened to what Ice had come to learn, what he had thought and felt. What maybe he had wanted to ask of Triell. The rage was still there, deep in the depths of Triell's eyes and soul as it would be until it consumed someone, but it had began to sleep, tucking itself back into it's container. He would cock his head slightly, not understanding how Ice was ever naive, but he supposed he meant he had believed Rhysis, and believing things one didn't see nor hear themselves was not a good asset. Triell put little judgement on it. He too had been hurt by the idea of Volkan Rhysis had brought her to be, and he had questioned things. Who would not believe the words of the slicked silver tongue? He knew how to paint things, and without knowing him it was hard to see the whole picture. He was silent, merely letting himself become dull not to ignite once more while Ice's voice rose, and fell quiet. He was dead quiet, and dead still until the tease had come. The Tainn chuckled with true vigor of amusement he often possessed, and strode so he was standing beside his fellow canine. "Well I guess I would not want it any other way," he said the humor from his laugh still hinting in his words. They were honest words. Who else could he count on? His brothers he was not sure what they thought on the matter, and thinking of causing them,their mates, or even worse their children grief Triell could never do. He let his nose tip upward, and stare at the magic of the sky if there was more beyond himself, and this place. His eyes faltered to the tree, and he dropped his head. More quietly, mores somberly he began, "I honestly don't know what happened between those two, but I've never seen Volkan paralyzed in horror from anything, let alone a single mention of her brother. I just know he hurt her.... body and soul in a most intimate way there is hell to pay for that." There was only an icy, coldness that clung to his words like a sharp knife blade when he finished. There was much more to be said. It was going about it from one mood, from one feeling to another.

His dark lids swept against his eyes, and he shifted his weight from front limb to front limb before deciding he should just sit down. "There is something else of coarse, when I met you it had not been long since Rhysis had put this seed of doubt in my mind about her because you see she was more than just a friend....When I looked at her I realized I never wanted to be parted from her, I saw everything different. So what he said struck deep within me, and I questioned why I felt like that, and how she felt about me if she couldn't be honest. Believe me naive must be a trait we all carry." He half snorted at himself, his stupidity, and softly grinned as he continued,"When I saw her again, there was no doubt about anything. I realized she was afraid of a lot of things, and it's hard when you're afraid. It's even harder to share fears, to share parts of yourself with someone you don't know will take them for what they are. We all have pieces we hide, not knowing who would accept them. Her past is not who she is, it's just the story of how she began. I do not want her to live in fear any more." He let his words hang in the air, feeling like he was rambling, but not sure what else to say. He had done his best to explain it, and if was asked to fill in the holes of information he would.

(This post was last modified: Jun 17, 2012, 06:24 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
I'd not mind wrapping it up soon though, I'm having a hard time getting back into these old threads. xD

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
A dry, drawn-out laugh erupted from his mouth when Triell responded in kind, a wry smile crawling across his face like a dark snake. Partners in crime they would be, black and white. Ice was stained with old blood already, but the time would come for Triell to taste the sweetness of it too. Briefly, the Guardian wondered if his young friend had ever caused serious harm before, if he knew what it was like to have a wolf's flesh between your teeth and not just holding it, but actually trying to destroy as much as you could? His upturned face reflected the brilliant sky as he wondered if this quest for vengeance would take the last pieces of Triell's innocence. The only way was to ask, but it was a delicate question, one that Ice didn't want to know the answer to. He wanted to live in his world of snow and sky-lights, and let the darkness stay at the sidelines. Ice's breath slipped into the air, his ears listening, quivering to the sound of his friend's voice, but he said nothing. Only his silver eyes spoke, and they spoke a cold, hard language. The dislike he felt for Rhysis had never been minor, but with every word that fell from Triell's tongue he felt it intensify, harden, grow warmer and stronger, roaring into life like a fire, a monster. It went from dislike to raw disgust, his lips twitching with the pent-up desire to snarl and rip into flesh - flesh coated by that black fur. He wanted to crush his heart in his jaws, feel it beat against his teeth before squeezing the life out of him - an honor that surely belonged to Triell or Volkan herself, but the desire to do it was in him and it surprised him. He'd never been a violent creature.

Not even Triell's confession of love for Volkan soothed his temper, it only sealed the door on another part of his heart a little more, hiding the secrets behind locks. "It disgusts me," he started in the silence after Triell's speech, his voice uncharacteristically rough and heated. "That we sheltered him. That we fed him and protected him. The only thing he deserves for his crimes is death." Some part of his mind had caught on to the implication of Rhysis' crime, and that part did not know the concept of mercy. Even if it had, everything the lanky black male had done towards him and his family had put him far out of the reaches of mercy. There was something feral about Ice, in the way he stood, the way his head tilted down from the skies and in the hunger in his eyes; he was normally a gentle, placid animal, bordering on laziness, but he was still a predator, and for the moment he wished for different prey than deer. A low growl rumbled in his chest but he didn't let it out. There was no reason to growl on Triell, who surely felt the same, but it still marred his beautiful voice when he spoke. "We didn't kill him yesterday, but there are more days to come." It was a threat as much as a promise, and he cast his hard gaze at the charred tree. It glared at him now, not wanting to be privy to such foul promises and vile intents, and Ice gave it a cheeky grin. Even the stars seemed to rebuke him with their distance, the fires turning sour green and reproaching red. Maybe it was time to leave.

Ice's head turned towards the east, and with a shrug he started to pace away, though he lacked the easy, relaxed sway he normally had - instead he moved with precision and power, fueled by the anger in his veins. Rhysis was too far away to reach tonight, and with the passing of time his rage would cool, but it would always smolder in his chest, ready to be reignited. Over his shoulder, he sought for Triell's eyes. "Come. There's nothing more for us here, I think. We have to head back to Swift River anyway, and Rhysis..." Ice's eyes narrowed dangerously. "He'll get what's coming for him, it's just a question of how far he'll run when he realizes we've forgot the meaning of mercy."
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul