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What's a little mischief? — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali had stayed away from the den, initially so as not to irritate Corinna then simply because of duties. She was worn out now. She'd had another long run of border patrols and aside from the joyful reunion with her sister Jess, all had been quiet. Since she was forced to rest or be worthless to her pack, she decided to do so near the den. If Corinna wished, they could get to know one another, if not, she could merely be a silent sentinel for the young royalty. At least then she could serve her pack, even as she rested.

Satisfied with her reasoning, Cali headed towards the den site, with a passing thought wondering where her sister was off to. She seemed to be adjusting well, so she wasn't worried. Jessie had ever been talented at fitting in. With a sigh and weary paws, Cali neared the lair and slowed to smell the story. All seemed as it should be, with Corinna's scent heavy all around. The leadess was not in sight, but Cali had no doubt that she was nearby, or inside the den. Her heavy perfume wafting about the entire area made it a bit hard to discern. No matter, she would merely announce her presence, quietly, so as to not awaken the little ones and take up watch as she rested.

In a very soft, yet confident voice, she announced, "Corinna, It's Cali. I'm on watch just outside the den." There. That should not have bothered anyone if they had been asleep, but alerted Cori if she was awake. Not really expecting an answer, Cali lay down about ten feet from the den's dark earthen opening and faced away towards any potential danger. Despite her fatigue, she held her head high and her ears were in a constant swivel. She thought that she heard a tiny scurrying sound coming from the den, too small to be Corinna, but she maintained her stationary position all the same. A small smile crossed the face of her sphinx-like body as the scuffling got louder.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torrel Tainn
Presuming they have met already a little (in the pack thread that will go on) but very briefly. :D

A voice momentarily broke his gentle resting and Tor's ear's twitched as his brow wrinkled at the confusion that it brought with it. It was soft and gentle like Ma's, yet she was warm against his back and he could feel her sleepy breaths against his spine. It wasn't deep enough for Papa either and certainly not as familiar and it was these facts alone that caused Torrel's blue eyes to flicker open with curiosity.

As quietly as he was able (which was really not very quiet at all) he wobbled up onto his precarious stance upon his over sized paws and peered suspiciously at the den entrance. It had lost most of it's interest as soon as they were allowed to pass freely between the barrier of light, but leaving it's safety and warmth, and in turn his sisters and mother, was something that still required thought first. Slowly, when he reached the top, he dropped down to his belly and shuffled forward like a snake as his back paws scrabbled furiously against the dirt until his head popped out and the pure white female fell into his sight. Torrel 'huffed' abruptly in surprise, his eyes blinking rapidly as he scooted back to a far safer distance to observe the new addition to the just-outside-the-den area.

She smelt like Pa, which Torrel had learnt meant she smelt like pack, which he had also learnt should mean that she was safe. Yet she wasn't familiar like Ma, nor as strong and large looking as Pa, and honestly just how was he to know, really? Slowly again, so hopefully not to draw her attention to him from where she stared into the distance, the young Tainn rose to his paws and stepped forward with a small, pathetic grumble coming from his chest as, without further ado, he stretched forward to try and bite at the closest thing to him—which just so happened to be her tail.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">She could clearly hear a pup emerging, despite their best efforts to be stealthy and she had to fight to keep an affectionate grin from gracing her beautiful face. As the little one approached, her ear tipped ever so slightly to follow their shuffling progress and a tiny rumble came to her ears. She held perfectly still though, waiting to see what would come. He was still far enough away that she suspected her fluffy tail might be coming under attack and she waved it gently from side to side to make it even more tempting, feeling amusement lift her fatigue as she silently teased the young pup with a moving target.

Finally, she let her tail slow so the youngster could catch their quarry. The feel of over-sized puppy paws pinning her tail down and needle sharp milk teeth clamping down in victory finally forced a small chuckle from her maw, which she laughingly turned into a soft cry of distress, "Oh no! I been attacked by a beast!" She turned her snowy head towards him, emerald eyes wide. With a laugh, she rolled on her side, then exposed her belly to the air in surrender. "Please don't hurt me, Mr. Beast!" Now that she could see her 'attacker', she recognize young Torrel and she gave him a wink from her position of defeat.

She was enjoying this encounter more than she thought possible and suddenly all of the long hours, days and weeks of border patrol and improving herself were worth it. Her pack was her family and now even Jess was here. Here she was playing with the young Tainn prince and everything just felt perfect as she flailed her white paws gently in the air to entertain him.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torrel Tainn

For the first time Torrel felt a thrum of adrenaline pump through him—a feeling that would become more than familiar, sought even, when he began to learn the thrill of the hunt. A low grumble of escaped escaped the boy and even though it was somewhat muffled through the intruder's white fur the pride in it was clear as 'Rell began to shake his quarry mercilessly... which would most likely feel like a gentle tugging to the female.

Suddenly the female spoke and turned her gaze on him and Tor stared back wide-eyed torn between yelping and growling the most ferocious growl he could muster as he waited for retaliation. However, clearly he was far too intimidating as she rolled over and exposed her belly and in his excitement Tor let his prize fall from between his teeth as he crowed in pleasure, high pitched yips and yowls escaping him. Grrr, he offered her threateningly in response, his chest puffing up proudly as he was confused with this 'Mr. Beast', clearly this wolf must be an incredibly scary one. No, he corrected, his head shaking furiously as he peered at her, Tooor'eeell. After all he didn't want this strange wolf getting the credit for his deeds—he wasn't even pack!

The young boy marched up to her confidently with a clumsy walk as stiff-legged and brave as he could make it, though his erratically waving tail gave away his excitement and good nature. He paused when he was a mere metre or so from her muzzle, stretching forward as far as his toes would allow him to peer softly into her eyes with his blue ones—they almost looked like Mama's.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali had to suppress a girlish giggle at the pup's enthusiasm. She was supposed to be terrified of her tiny attacker, after all. When he corrected her on his name with such pride in his voice, she couldn't hold back a smile. She quickly put a straight face back on her delighted face and nodded quite seriously from her upside-down position.

"Oh! My mistake, Master Torrel!" she said in all seriousness. His wonderful mix of 'aggression' and playful excitement was too adorable. "I am completely at your mercy!" Cali whispered in a dramatic voice as he peered into her eyes with his baby blues.

She had truly missed playing with the young while she was away from her birth pack and had been robbed of the chance with her own pups that had been taken far too soon by the cruel fates. At least now she could entertain Indru and Corinna's little ones. The innocent play seemed to be filling a hole in her heart that she rarely acknowledged was even there. It was like a soothing balm to the tender heart that hadn't fully healed.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...