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Sharpshooter — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Abbie who has 25 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Durai Pyro
The large mass of moving white fur moved through the thicket quietly. He reached the edge of the dark, mysterious area, and he stepped into the temporary sunlight of the field. His bright white ears flicked curiously. He liked it here. It was nice, serene, peaceful. It was a good break-away from the buzz of the forming pack. Durai sighed, swishing his tail behind him. His mind flickered back to the members of the soon-to-be pack who "claimed" to be having his back. Something urgent festered inside of Rai that told him he needed to chat with the other wolves soon. He needed to earn their trusts. He needed to know that they would protect Rai like he would protect them.

Something told him that this wasn't so yet.

He fought his way through the grassy field, towards the middle of it all to scent the humid air. No prey around. Where were they all? He was hungry, and men like him needed a lot of food. His black nose twitched as he lumbered forward. The sun made his skin itch, stinging with its heat. The crisp air in the thicket was preferable to him, unlike this desert-like weather he was walking around in.

May be a potential Copper Rock Creek packmate ?!
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Everything had seemingly been going according to plan. The reunion had gone by smoothly along with Nina and Sloane telling their loves of the plans that they had. Ever single detail had fallen into place…until word came that Koda had lost his memory…of course, this hadn’t wrecked any of the plans for the new pack, but Nina’s own personal plans for her own future. According from the report she had gotten from Shade, he didn’t even remember her. This in and of itself would cause innermost problems for the thought of children. The thought of, ‘What am I to do in the spring,’ had returned once again, and it left Nina in a worried state of fidgets.

She was now on her return from where she had been near the mountains, with Sloane’s older sister. The flooding on the way over had caused her process to slow down…but she was closely returning to the area of the thickets. She still had much preparing to do. With a small sigh she moved onwards, her thick muscles in her shoulders not as noticeable with her coat, but they were there…it would once again be hard for another wolf to take her down. She had speed…and some muscle on them now. On her way back, the scent of a familiar wolf teased her nose, and it caused her head to lift up slightly. Her own paw steps quickened as she neared the scent, and when the large man’s sight came before her, ever since she had the bad feeling, her tail started to wag. Family was what she needed right now. With a delighted voice she called to him, "Durai!"

(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2012, 10:26 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Abbie who has 25 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Durai Pyro
Durai felt his stomach leap when he saw Nina. His eyes lit up and a smile formed at his lips. His tail gave a volunteered wag as he answered her call with a wuff of joy. His monstrous white paws flailed as he bounded over towards her. The sun baked his pelt on his inside, isolated him like it should, but the cold air surfaced on the tips of his fur. He could feel the rushing wind that ruffled his fur cease as slowed down. "Nina." Rai's voice calmly addressed her as he dipped his snowy white head.

Nina looked better up close. Muscles rippled under her pelt, and her vivid green eye shone more than Rai had ever seen. She was happy to see him and vice versa. Pleased, he stepped forward submissively crumpled under her a little, to the point he showed his stomach. "It's nice to see you." He said, averting her gaze. It was time he started to treat her like an alpha wolf. She wasn't equal to him, no, she was the highest wolf. She would always be the highest wolf.

May be a potential Copper Rock Creek packmate ?!
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She felt much happier to see one of her soon to be pack mate’s face. She hadn’t seen many of them since the disbandment, and she worried for them dearly…along with the fact that she hadn’t known Durai that well in the first place. He had started off rough, being caught within Copper Rock Creek territory and hunting. He had been very lucky and if she hadn’t been there, no one would have known of a Durai Pyro…Ruiko probably would have skinned him. Her tail wagged easily, for she was truly happy, and when his voice rang to her and he began to submit, the inner part of her, the one that was still in the Secluded Springs, urged her to tell him that the submission was not necessary, but even she knew in her mind that things were going to be different now. She was their Queen and they were going to submit to her, as well as to Sloane.

She nodded to him, her emerald eye shining in light to see another family member. She reached down to lick his muzzle and nip it firmly, yet gently in acceptance, "As it is always a pleasure to see you." Her tail swayed behind her easily as she looked upon her pack mate, before settling down across from him, letting the cold snow collapse around her to make room for her muscular body. She had wanted to discuss things concerning the pack with the large white male, but of course, in Nina’s mind, other’s well being always came first, before business and so she asked quickly, "Have you been doing well?"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Abbie who has 25 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Durai Pyro
Durai felt a nip and lick at his chin, causing his tail to wag gratefully as he laid down and looked at his Queen. His fur blended perfectly with the snow. He rolled over and got a comfortable position. He waited for her to speak first. "Have you been doing well?" Durai heaved a deep breath and plastered on a week grimace. "No, Nina. I have not." The man stopped to think about what he could possibly say to her. "I find myself looking to the north and wondering if my family is still alive." He muttered and swished his tail in the snow. He looked down. Sometimes he felt disloyal thinking these thoughts.

His blue eyes glimmered and glinted with the utmost concern. He didn't want to seem like a jerk, thinking about things like going back home, but he sort of did. With this, he heaved a sigh and uncomfortably shifted his immense weight.

May be a potential Copper Rock Creek packmate ?!
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Her good eye flickered over the man in front of her, letting his words sink into her brain properly. She didn’t mind him telling her his thoughts…it just build trust on Nina’s side of things. Her ears twitched, paying attention to the allegory under the words. He wanted to go to them…he was worried about them. The golden brown female personally knew what that felt like, and if he wished to go, she would not hold him back. If he freely wished to return to them, then he could do so. Family was important and it was this that Nina completely understood. And so she nodded her head at him, calculating in her head the best way to say so. If he did not wish to go and stay with the newly formed pack, then she would gladly speak to him of the arrangements she had planned for him.

Her tail curled over her back as she stared upon the large white form in front of her…he was truly massive, though not as big as Sloane’s enormous brother, who seemed to be taking up three medium sized wolves of her own size. Her thoughts did not stray to off topic though, for she soon spoke, her words and grace proving her importance and wisdom, “Family…is important. If you must…go to them.” Her words held no anger in them, but pure affection and kindness for the male. She had grown to like him, even if he had trespassed on Copper Rock Creek borders so long ago. That was in the past and the male had proved himself to be loyal. That was all Nina would be looking for, that and companionship. He had remained with her, and she had been happy to have him with them the whole time.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Abbie who has 25 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Durai Pyro
Durai felt misplaced in this pack. He did not know much, but he did know when he didn't belong. With a heave of unhappiness, he swiveled his ears to Nina. She spoke with an unseen wisdom, "Family…is important. If you must…go to them." Rai felt all feelings of distrust wither. No, he did not want to go off to the east. It was all too risky. He would loose everything, especially this pack. And what if his family is really dead? Gone? What would he do then?

His pelt itched with confusion. He couldn't make up his mind. Better go with the safer one! "I'm staying here, Nina. I think...I have too much to loose now." He shook his broad, white head stubbornly. There was no need for him to leave. He stifled a indecisive groan. I made the right decision...I...hope..

"Do you have anything to talk to me about?" He said, blue eyes glimmering at her curiously. She probably had pack business to address him about.

May be a potential Copper Rock Creek packmate ?!
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

When he finally responded with his own words it took much holding back, on Nina’s part, not to jump around, much like a pup in happiness. She restrained herself and didn’t think of it otherwise. Durai had remained loyal, ever since Ruiko had accepted the male into Copper Rock Creek, and Nina had been happy for the man. It meant that she could trust him and that he would remain loyal to her and Sloane if she asked for it. Becoming alpha was a large leap for Nina. She was not used to leading a group and would have to become use to taking charge of situations. Little did she know that later she would prove to be a strong alpha…one that wouldn’t let them all down, or at least, this is what she hoped.

His next words brought a business-like draw to her facial features, her tail flicking behind her once or twice. This had been one of the reasons she had wished to speak to him, though the other one, which was more important, happened to be his own well being. She nodded her head her mouth opening, she was cutting right through the bush, "When the pack forms. I would like you to be Second under Sloane." her voice was clear and serious. Kashikoi had been going through hardships since the pack had disbanded and Nina needed someone strong to help protect the pack as Second. Durai would be the male to do so.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.