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Aftermath — Underground Sea 
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Played by becuffin who has 28 posts.
Inactive Deceased
we can watch the world devoured in its pain

Blackcrow, Blackcrow. Always fucking Blackcrow. Of course the wolf was losing his mind but it didn’t lessen the desire to grab him by the muzzle and shake some sense into him. This sickness, it was eating his mind. But surely even he had thought to gather more information about this new pack? This potential threat to their cause?

Of course he hadn’t. He was out of his mind.

The dark wolf had stayed back after the others had left. A look seemingly enough to keep the omega in place. For a moment he wondered how long it would be before the idiot confused him for the lost king... and then the cogs began to turn in his brain. He could never be as noble as the lost leader, no. He was far too used to playing dirty for that. But a delusion like that could play right into his paws. It might be just enough to wreak real havoc on the weak wolves of the west.

He had come to the conclusion that getting bitten by one who was sick was enough to pass the sickness on. After all, Blackcrow had been bitten by a raccoon. A raccoon that smelled too foul to eat, and then it had been Blackcrow who had bitten Slimtail, who now carried the same stench of death. Maybe, they wouldn’t need to go to war. Maybe, they could just fight dirty instead.

When he was sure they were alone, he smiled at the omega. One of his most winning smiles. His voice was slick like oil, smooth. Completely disguising the disgust and anger he felt towards the lowest of the pack. “How many has she gathered Slim? Where do they plan on making their home?” Of course it would help to know who she was but he had his suspicions. There had only been two women he had seen so far that might have a reason to start a second pack... If only to stop the first from being torn apart.

(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2013, 09:12 AM by Slyscar.)