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Tomb of the Unknown Soldier — Lost Lake 
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Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
The northern lights are particularly brilliant tonight.

Cool, breezy, snowfall

Kamota's eyes gazing around carefully as he followed the path lines of the patrol. Ash had blown up about him missing a shift and he was truly sorry. To attempt to make up for it, he decided by himself to do four long and detailed patrols along the borders a day. One every 3 hours. In between he was hunting, or doing whatever anyone else needed. It was cold out tonight, the auras of the sky dancing across the thin air like magic. His eyes followed them as he walked along the borders, marking every scent line he could with the smell of the Poisoned ones. The pack he would always belong to even after he had gone. Poison Path. He was truly worried about this new pack in the mountains, mainly the fact his enemy, his brother. The one who he hated most, was a loyal member of the pack. Not to mention the bitch Naira and her god-forsaken mate. They had taken Datura with him, but the pup with, in his opinion, more common sense stayed. Bella stayed, it made him happy. He had talk to Bella once and she lit up his day.

The wolves of the spirits past danced across the great mountains as wolves walked across the ground, snow crunching at the feet of these wolves. It made him happy. He let out a howl of pure emotion, just shouting to the lights as he patrolled. They were like his guide, for anything more, and anything less would be like day and night. Night as dark as it could go, day as light as the noon sun. The soft howl came to a close as he marked the borders yet again. It was tedious, but he always made his way through patrols. Except that one patrol. He would never miss a patrol again, if anything he'd go on extra patrols.
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Han who has 45 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Eden Asthed
Snow fell down in thick flocks. Tangled up in browns of fur before it would melt away from his body heat. Night was cold, it was more cold in the mountains than it was beneath. Was it always like this? Comparing the new and the old? The brown wolf had many things to say about this new life. Many good things, the air was cold yet fresh it kept him sharp and cleared his head. Step by step, he would be purified from his sins. Here in this new pack he could proof himself worthy once again. He believed he could, something Eden hadn't done ever since that red day. Believe, if he could do that little thing wonders may happen. Nothing was guaranteed but one could never know what lay on his path. Right now he had something irrefrangible. A promise that he would keep until he would be united with his parents or the other party would break this precious vow.

'Stars are really closer, here.' A little cloud was sent in the air as he spoke these words. The cool night cooled his warm breath as soon it would leave his muzzle. Green eyes that were like the sea, watched the dark midnight sky. Calm his tail hit the flying flocks while wagging in the air. For a second he closed his eyes from to see complete darkness. Listening to the mountains voice he seemed to be alone. For now, the new poisoned wolf had no idea somewhere further a guardian was doing his tasks. It had been already clear to him, his full efforts were demanded. Not only his loyalty but he had to work hard too. He was confident he would be a hard worker. He had always done so, just wait till he was fully emerged.

A howl made from emotion danced in the air. It broke his thoughts, Eden opened his eyes and watched in the dark. He couldn't sense the wolf who just howled. As he scented the air he could made out it was a other pack member. One he had just to meet. Probably it was one of the members doing their patrolling. Ash, the strict alpha. He was every where and not. It was like the mountains were his eyes and the wind his ears. It felt strange to be watched on his paws every time. Tasks were divided and were not be neglected. Eden knew already that much. He was free of duty this night, though he didn't want to interrupt ones task maybe he could be a silent company. His chest rumbled as a low howl came out. It was steady yet soft. Eden wasn't sure he would be appreciated but he waited calmly, watching to see a wave of colour unfold in the air. It was truthfully breathtaking.

Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
Kamota turned to a wolf he sensed, he would not yet tell if it was a pack mate, or a loner crossing the borders. He followed the noise made by the wolf, it had sounded of a gentle howl to him. He raced after it, as a hunter, he was known as a faster one in the pack. He arrived to find the black wolf, gentle dark brown hues to the male. "Greetings, I don't believe we've met. I'm Kamota." He introduced himself to the wolf, he had quickly picked up on the Poison Path smell, must have been new here. He looked at the wolf, he seemed larger then Kamota. Everyone in this pack seemed to be larger then Kamota. Especially his sister. She was fairly large, she was the tormentor that was no longer tormenting him. What was he to call himself. He still tried to figure out a new last name. That was it, the northern lights were there. The northern lights, the aurora, he was Kamota Aurora.

He'd found the answer. "Kamota Aurora." He said, an introduction of his full name. He felt like his spirit followed the lights that shown brightly at night, the name was perfect. Ridden of the cursed last na,e he once had. He had no idea whether he was to act dominant or submissive since he could not know the wolf's rank. So he let his tail hang. A gentle wag to it. "How are you fairing this night sir?" He asked, he was use to acting submissive so he always used the terms sir or ma'am when talking to wolves.
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
He had been doing his job to the best of his abilities. Watching over the lands and the lives within it. Keeping a close eye on everyone and their movements. It was as though sometimes he were a ghost, slinking around silently and waiting for the perfect opportunity to jump out and scare the living hell out of another being. Sometimes he found it better that he did this, it made it easier for him to report what was going on to Athena and to keep the pack's strike record. So far, no one had reached the three strikes zone...well except for those who had deserted the pack. They were no longer welcome...even if that meant his best friend, mate, and close friend. It wasn't a good mixture, but Ash knew it was harder on their alphess. She had lost her mate and the brown brute would be absolutely sure to make sure he was no longer welcome within the pack. His desertion hurt Athena beyond her ends and that was something that the man did not tolerate. Bella and Athena certainly both deserves better than the wolves that would up and leave without giving them consent. His ears pricked when he heard the song of Kamota. Shaking himself, causing his fur to fluff out, he got up from his position next to the lake, his mossy green eyes passing over his throne, which he had been guarding, now that Ava had disappeared, and started towards where the call had sounded. Without much surprise, Ash headed towards the borders, pleased to know that Kamota had taken their talk I to consideration and listened to his orders. Kamota's morning shift was just in time too, and after his mid-day shift he would be free to hunt for the rest of the day.

Ash wasn't as hard core as much as his pack mates might of thought he was. The only wolves within the pack who had probably seen his soft side would have been Athena and Bella...perhaps Namara if she remembered anything from the time when she had fallen. He snorted silently to himself as the low bowl from their newest edition, Eden pieced the calm air. The guardian had also been keeping a careful eye on their newest edition, not quite sure what his whole story was. Athena had readily accepted him, but even Ash knew what she had meant by her last statement to him. He knew exactly what he was suppose to do and be had ensured that he would do it. When he arrived at the scene, his deep mossy green eyes flickered between the two wolves, glad to see that they were getting acquainted with one another. His pack mates and for the time, his subordinates. His eyes then turned to the sky and the brilliant lights that danced across the sky. It was just like life. One would flicker here before another would flicker in another area. A non stop interchangeable amount of patterns. The Gods had graced them with beauty tonight and they all got to share it together. With a small sigh, he turned his attention back to the gathered wolves, his tail and head raising as he approached the two of them. He barked lowly to announce his arrival to the two wolves, his large frame landing next to them as he jumped down from a rocky cliff in a matter of seconds.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2013, 05:24 AM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.