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the violet hour — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As much as Indru was beginning to settle into the role of Leader he wondered if it would ever seem less alien to lose the wolves that still felt like true leaders to him, his parents and now Honijo. Somehow Indru doubted it, but unlike Rihael and Lani who were now buried beneath the tree they had raised their pups in, Honijo was still alive. Indru had always been close to his uncle, perhaps the closest of all of his siblings and it ached when he knew Honijo was so near but in a way so apart from the remaining Tainn's now. Out of respect for the older male Indru had left him to settle and get the breathing space he needed now that is best friend and sister had died, no doubt leaving him lost and unable to deal with grieving pups who looked to him for guidance as well. Yet news had travelled of the new pack — the Midnight Plateau — and Indru had known who had made it just by sheer instinct alone, the location of it aside.

There was excitement in his step, as much as he tried to control it, as he had missed Honijo unashamedly and the thought that he would get to see the grizzled male again was thrilling. The Tainn didn't even need his nose to lead him to Honijo's borders but he wisely used it anyway, making sure that he did not cross them, as eager as he was he knew to respect the male. Besides, Honijo would not be past teaching him more discipline otherwise, Indru was sure. Pausing to sniff the ground and content he had found the boundaries edge Indru sat on his haunches, the setting sun staining the sky violet at this evening hour and waited for the inevitable arrival of the Ithil he loved like a father.

Played by Shadow who has 30 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Honijo Ithil
Honijo had settled comfortably into his new surroundings quite easily. The mountains had always been his favorite place, one of strength and solitude. So far he had acquired several new members into his pack's ranks, all of which were female. It was laughable in some ways, irritating in others. The gray-wired male just counted himself lucky not a single one of them had made an attempt to wrangle him into submission, or worse- start a mutiny to overturn his position as leader. Nope, so far everything was just fine. However, fine would soon become wonderful as the familiar scent reached Honijo's nostrils. His senses were suddenly on alert, tingling with familiarity. Tainn, Tainn... His paws worked like wheels as the great new leader pulled himself together and started his way down the mountain slope. But what Tainn could it be? Male, definitely male. Honijo closed his eyes for a moment, paused, and took it in. Indru.

Returning to a run, he was careful with his footing, breathing in and out to keep steady and focused. All the while, he couldn't help the need to wag his tail like an overgrown excitable puppy. Rising over an outcrop, it didn't take long for the younger male to come into view. Honijo paused, something like a grin almost rising to the corner of his maw. But thinking against it, he instead took the last few steps to the level of Indru, falling to a stand in front of him. <b style='color:#227788'>"Was wondering when you were planning to give me a visit." Honijo remained tall and proud, analyzing the fellow Leader, or rather a son that wasn't truly his.

(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2010, 12:46 AM by Honijo.)
<center><img src='http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/mp2.png' title='Leader of Midnight Plateau' /></center>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

So alert and so excited was the 3 year old he could not stop scenting the air, waiting for the scent of his uncle to be more than just a border marking and instead be fresh, real and here. It came not after a long wait and caused Indru's muzzle to curl into a grin, his teeth showing in joy instead of threat, his tail waving behind him and flicking up dust in it's path. Soon he heard his uncle's paws scrabbling on the rock of the mountain, and then, even better, as Indru peered skywards he could see the large wolf's silhouette and it was only sheer power of will that kept him barking like a puppy when it's parent's returned home from a hunt. I wanted to give you space. A sheepish smile was on his muzzle now as he rose to his feet, running quickly to his right and scaling the small path to lead him to Honijo's outcrop.

Indru stared at him for a moment, allowing the weird feeling of being of equal rank to his uncle to wash over him, knowing that, truly, he would never see himself as equal, before he spoke. It's great to see you. 'I missed you' was unspoken but clear in the boy's fiery eyes, knowing that such a statement was too soppy for his uncle's ears and something he would not get away with. He took a step closer, inhaling Honijo deeply and revelling in it, the only smell he had of his parent's now only a memory, something which Honijo's had become and the opportunity to smell it fresh again was not something he would pass up. How have you been? Again Indru's eye's expressed his concern, he had known how close Honijo was to his father and how dearly he adored his mother.

Played by Shadow who has 30 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Honijo Ithil
Indru was just the same as ever, as far as Honijo was aware. The boy was soft-tongued and genuinely honest, the truth pouring from his maw in a way that was supposed to make him forgive the youth for taking so long to pass by. Of course, him being the abandoner and all, he could have made an attempt at contact. It was no use dreading on such things, however. What was done was done. Indru was here and he looked positively thrilled to see his Uncle, taking a step closer. As the wind carried its way down the mountain, Honijo too caught the familiar smell of his nephew, so much like home, like his sister. But it wasn't home. Not anymore. With a low calm roll of his shoulders, the large male shrugged. <b style='color:#227788'>"Thank you. Space was probably a good idea." Even if he didn't want to admit it to himself, space was the only way he would heal. That and time. Lot's and lot's of time.

Gold eyes averted back to focus on Indru as he mused that it was great to see him. Honijo bowed his head in agreement, wondering just what exactly the young lad really wanted to say to his old Uncle. Was their some bitterness and misunderstanding in those eyes? Did Indru empathize with Honijo's actions? "How have you been?" His tail flicked to the side as his head swept around, as if to show off the view of his new lands, seeking Indru's opinion and approval. It was like a role reversal for that brief moment, and in it he sighed quietly into the still silence. <b style='color:#227788'>"I'm good, Indru. Just fine. As fine as I can be." It was hard moving on with his days with the knowledge that Lani and Rihael were gone and no longer alive. Their presence in his life had always meant comfort. Now, with them gone, he was to remain the rock and keep his cool. But for how much longer? <b style='color:#227788'>"What about you and your siblings? How has everyone been coping?" The care and love he felt for the Tainn's would not go unrecognized. <b style='color:#227788'>"You have grown into a fine wolf, Indru. Rihael would be proud."

(This post was last modified: Aug 18, 2010, 09:29 PM by Honijo.)
<center><img src='http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/mp2.png' title='Leader of Midnight Plateau' /></center>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

His Uncle confirmed what Indru had thought he would need — space, especially after facing such a loss, as though they had lost their parents they still had their siblings, Honijo had lost both wolves he had loved most at once. Indru went to speak, taking a step forward as he did so, before hesitating, smiling slightly and nodding, good. Unlike some of his siblings, Junai most overtly and obviously, Indru appreciated Honijo need and desire for change. The older male was, and always would be, part of their family but Indru was sure that now he felt more excluded, more of an outsider amongst the Tainn siblings, without his beloved sister and his brother in all but blood.

Indru's fiery eyes, so much like their fathers and something that really linked the Tainn's as family, watched Honijo carefully, he knew him well and could sense his unease. Did he really think Indru would be mad at him? He loved him and for something like this he could never be angry, he understood his Uncle's motives entirely. Indru did not bring the subject up as Honijo seemed to be inviting him to comment on the land he had picked, something which Indru had been required to do not so long ago. The Plateau, Indru commented, recognising the place as he had neared the borders. I always loved it here. Good memories. The younger male nodded, a smiling touching his muzzle slightly as he remembered Rihael up here, he knew it had been a haunt of both his father and uncle.

As his uncle responded to his question Indru watched him with concern lighting his eyes, a small, barely audible sigh escaping as he shrugged in understanding. Yes. All of them were as fine as they could be. Us? We...We're coping. Just about, he laughed lightly, though it was forced, without humour, and his face showed his nervousness. It's hard, leading. I don't know... I'm not ready, Father would know what to do so much better. His eyes turned down too his paws, a grimace replacing the small smile that was there previously. It was a mantle he was trying to live up to, Rihael's great leadership, something he was not sure he could manage. At Honijo's praise the boy looked up at him, pleased, knowing that praise was not something Honijo handed out lightly, sometimes not at all. Thank you. His relief was degage, it meant something to him even if he was unsure if he was entirely deserving.

Played by Shadow who has 30 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Honijo Ithil

What is Wisdom?

There was absolutely no doubt in Honijo's mind that Indru would lead his siblings to success, even though every adult he had ever looked up to was now gone. His parents were dead, there was no getting around that, and Honijoewas dealing with the grief he was feeling in his own way. It hadn't been a particularly easy decision, to leave the Tainn siblings behind, but he had known that it was something he had needed to do not just for his sake, but for theirs as well. He was their uncle, their closest link to their parents, and having him around was nothing but a reminder of what they had lost.

"Yeah, the Plateau. It keeps all the pesky ones away," he commented dryly. It was no secret that Honijo was not particularly a fan of undisciplined young ones; and while he had started a pack of his own, he had not been thrilled when those who came to join him showed little interest in his way of life. "Maybe I'm just getting old, Indru," he mused to the younger wolf, caught off guard by how quickly his thoughts had wandered away from their conversation. Shaking his large head, he turned a stern golden eye to look at his nephew. "Stop that, now," Honijo's voice was commanding, with the smallest traces of a growl in the undertones. Self-depreciating themselves wasn't going to make Rihael and Lani return from the dead. "You're better able than the rest of your siblings put together, and you know it," he grunted. "Except perhaps for Borlla." While no smile was offered in his physical expression, his voice lightened and the growl that had been there before was replaced by a throaty chuckle. Only a couple of months old, and Honijo could already tell that his niece was destined for great things. "Any news, Indru?" Changing the subject, he inquired into the state of affairs; while being isolated had been nice, it was time to get back into the real world.
<center><img src='http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/mp2.png' title='Leader of Midnight Plateau' /></center>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Even though he was now an adult, and a leader of a pack at that, Indru was not passed discipline given to him by his uncle and his ears and head dropped slightly as he was corrected, a sharp nod showing his understanding as Indru knew Honijo hated to be spoken back to. The lighter tone was not lost on Indru though and he laughed, agreeing with him. Yes and she's grown even more confident since you've seen her. More difficult to rein in as well, Indru thought, thinking of the many times Borlla had ran from the pack lands and had to be escorted home.

The question made Indru think for a moment, assessing his pack, their family for something Honijo may be interested in. We've gained new members — aside from the family. He offered, not at all worried about sharing information he would keep from the strange lone wolves that frequented Relic Lore now. It's nice to have fresh blood, not effected by... what happened. It helped to keep them all out of melancholy and dwelling on their parents, something everyone one of their siblings was a reminder off. Briefly Indru thought of Feather and how much she had helped him think of other things and for a second the boy toyed with mentioning her before deciding against it. No more news though, Honijo. But maybe I best leave you to your pack, eh? He smiled, pushing his limbs forwards slightly to stretch them as he prepared to depart back down the mountain, it was never good for him to be so far from the Swift River for too long.

Played by Shadow who has 30 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Honijo Ithil

What is Wisdom?

The large brute smirked in amusement as the Swift River Leader talked about his youngest sister. They were quite a bunch, those Tainn siblings. He had been there since the moment they had been brought into this world, and for most of his life, he had assumed that he would be there until the moment he left. But, fate had taken a different route than he had expected, and while that was all fine and good, he did miss them. But they were growing, and from the sounds of things, they were thriving. "Yes, fresh blood is definitely good. Though, in time they too will become family...provided they stick around long enough," he replied. While it went without saying that Honijo hoped for Indru's young pack to thrive and grow, just like his parents' pack had, there were pitfalls that Indru would soon discover. Lone wolves who came and went were part of that.

"Yes, I suppose so," the Plateau Leader agreed, rising to his feet. A leader's duties were never over; and it applied to both himself and his nephew. "Give my greetings to your siblings, Indru," he instructed, before turning over his shoulder and heading back towards the center of his pack lands.

<center><img src='http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/mp2.png' title='Leader of Midnight Plateau' /></center>