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No Apologies, They'll Never See You Cry
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Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          It sounded Ashanti held an expertise of her own in both worlds of healing, though herbal healing was more of the popular of canine aesthetics. There was never time anywhere herbal healing wasn't beneficial. Ecco's ears twitched at the mention of Nina, the one eyed, extremely angelic female who actually assisted the D'Oliva not too long ago with an ailment of her own. The common ground in their conversation immediately lit up the dark female's amber eyes, the tip of her quivering in a wag at the mention of Nina's name. This had to have been the first time Ecco's tail actually wagged in a very, very long time. "Nina? I know of her!" Ecco exclaimed, quite excited their conversation was leading down easier routes. "Nina provided me ginger root, not too long ago to heal an upset stomach. Didn't taste the best, but it sure did the trick." Ecco further exclaimed, nodding at how Nina also appeared to be a scholar to Ashanti in the healing arts. Ashanti certainly had a bright, studious tutor for that.

          Ashanti then asked of a service to find an area where herbs could be safely stored from the weather and outside. This was also the first time Ecco was asked of a task to do in many moons, and for Ashanti assisting in getting Ecco out of that stridulous rut in the thicket, Ecco did promise previously to pay Ashanti back in favor with whatever she requested. A fervent nod bobbed her muzzle up and down, a sudden newfound purpose and life breathed into the D'Oliva; it made her amber eyes sparkle with a fiery glint of looking forward to having some purpose to somebody again. "Whatever it takes. I owe you one, anyway." Ecco made light of her promise from before. In the back of her mind, there was an area she passed previously that was a den of somebody else long since abandoned. It had been deep and quite cozy. "Actually, if you want to follow me this way? I know of a place that might preserve your herbs for several days." Ecco motioned her muzzle to the East, willing to show Ashanti of this den she thought might be suitable for Ashanti's purpose.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

 "Nina? I know of her! Nina provided me ginger root, not too long ago to heal an upset stomach. Didn't taste the best, but it sure did the trick. Whatever it takes. I owe you one, anyway.Actually, if you want to follow me this way? I know of a place that might preserve your herbs for several days." The news of a new storage blocked everything else out for a second. She let her tail wag slightly in excitement, she let her eyes light up with curiosity and she made sure that she showed no sign of a threat to the friendly fae.

  Ashanti went into a smile, this wolf had been helped by her mentor, her friend, her former packmate. She knew that it wouldn't be former before long. this made her happy, the pack would rejoin in the thickets and become a new pack. She smiled as she heard Ecco knew a good place, this was a good thing for her. "Lead the way then." She said, trusting the loner to not fool her. But then again, the fools seemed to die the fastest. She was confident this would not turn against her. After all, Ecco owed her one as she had pointed out. She thought back to Nina, to find a sufficient place would surely make her future alpha happy right? She wanted to prove she was more then she was worth right now to Nina. Nina was practically the oly adult figure in her life she had left. Nina was like another mother. She reminded her of her mother, excellent in the herbal ways, in every possible way. Ashanti barely noticed the scar on her eye. When she saw Nina, she saw her mother.

(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2013, 11:25 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]