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set the icebergs on fire — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Abbie who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Polaris Coho
She hadn't traveled anywhere since her encounter near that Lagoon. Her idea had been to follow the stream. At least then, Polaris would eliminate the possibility of dying due to dehydration. She was hungry. Starving. Her fragile pawsteps and showing ribs were evidence of her gnawing stomach pains. The air had gotten warmer, but thin layers of snow and ice layered the ground like icing on cake. Her eyes wandered the soggy wetland she had been harboring in for the past few days. It wasn't her ideal place to be, but she was thankful for its current loneliness.

Damn it was cold.

Her entire body quaked and shivered with the utmost pity. She wouldn't give up yet, but so far, she didn't feel so hot. Her dust-colored fur had caught many little snowflakes in it's hairs. She couldn't help but notice that the sun seemed to follow her reassuringly. It warmed her for a few minutes at a time with its sweet embrace.

She could try to find food, but her sorry excuse for "running" would be completely useless to her. She was as slow as a snail trying to move on molasses. She was so incapable of running that she would surely die soon at this rate. The thought of facing death so early in her life made Polaris's heart rush. She couldn't stare death in the eye if she tried. Not now.

There, hiding behind the reeds for safety, Polaris found herself wanting to huddle up in a hole and sleep forever. She wanted to forget this place. On the outside, though, she toughly withstood the weather and un-forgettable hunger.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2013, 11:39 PM by Polaris.)
Played by Quail who has 6 posts.
Lune Ahura
To be frank, it was lucky that Lune had seen it. It was half covered in snow, stuck in the ice, with dead leaves and reeds giving it perfect camouflage. It was the shine that had caught the amber eyes of the female, and she was very glad it had. A warm tongue licked her lips quickly before she went closer to investigate, bringing her nose close to give it a thorough once over. She wasn't sure exactly what it was at this point, only that it was food. Maybe a fish, considering the location.

With a front paw she moved away the foliage, revealing the shiny, scaly, roundish thing. whatever it was, most of it was frozen into the marsh. It was dead, probably for a while, but it was preserved in the cold. That was good enough for Lune. She took the same paw and clawed at the ice, chipping a bit away at a time. Soon enough, she was digging at it, making enough progress to get a better look at the thing. As it turned out, it was a snake, not a fish. She wasn't sure what kind, some sort of swimmer though.

Her tongue left her mouth once more as she licked the cold skin. It didn't taste like anything, but it still made her mouth water. She hadn't eaten anything very substantial in a while, scavenging off of things like this instead. So when she found something, she took the opportunity to eat it. Tentatively, teeth sunk into the flesh, and she pulled with a bit of force to see if she could dislodge her found prize from its frozen grave.

It was surprisingly stretchy, and as she pulled it grew long like an elastic band. Up and up her head went until, SNAP, it broke free. In the process though, it had also snapped from her mouth, and gone flying through the air. It made a high arch and fell to the ground with a thud about twenty yards away. It wouldn't be fun to find, but she would still go after it.

Little did she know, it fell quite close to another wolf. One that she had not yet realized was there.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
For the record, this is after Narime's return, pre Koda's.
edit: DAMN! Sry! I typed all this out and did not notice until after that this was private. Though it might be an opportunity for Elettra to meet Skana's daughter and might provide an invite for you too? If you want me to keep it up, let me know, else I'll take it down for ya.

She dances, a subtle sway of her curvy plush hips, evermore with the pounds of fluff and fur she has gathered for the biting winter season. Though perhaps under that heavy coating she was a few shades below her average weight due to portioning within the large pack she held, still the woman was healthy and happy. Though the burden of Narime being entrapped within an underground system had finally been relieved, still Elettra's mind wondered over the finding of Koda, of his trauma towards his head and what might become on it as him being Leader at her side. But the confidant, bold woman was just this: She would lead her wolves victoriously until another man was sought fitting or until Koda was once more able. There was without a doubt of this, for she had created the pack to her own, for surely, she could raise it just as such.
Though still her constant thoughts of the manner, and her already loner personal caused her to wander, wander as her spirit always had. The Leader breaks from her pack lands grip, despite being the only lead to remain. She trust her Guardians, her many capable warriors and Seconds will see the lands safe in her absence. Though she travels not far, the dark woman reaching out just west to the edges of the marsh, a land which mingled in the middle of her forest and the forest of her former home. She breaths deep the scent of cedar in the air, shakes her black coat speckled in snowflake. She pauses long enough in this deep breath of the lands around her to take note of the scents in the air - both familiar, scents of her old home and, most importantly, scents unknown ...and new.
Elettra Archer's attention lifts, pale grey eyes scanning the scene before her. She stands tall through this, proper and poised as ever. There is no reason to try to hide, for although her dark coating is marred with lighter grays and tints of gold in the sunlight, she is blacker then ever in this snow laid landscape. Her attention befalls then Polaris. missing the other woman with the snake for the time being. Interest tugs enough in Elettra to watch the other figure. Elettra is large in comparison to many, though for her breed no where near the height she could have been- nothing as her brothers. The woman before her looked like she could have rivaled her had she not in skin and bones, had she not been in an obvious state of starvation. ...This is what happened to rogues in the winter, and Elettra looked to her with no pity, yet simple wonder if the determination she held in her stance would be enough for her to survive.
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2013, 11:41 PM by Elettra.)
Played by Abbie who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Polaris Coho
The young girl is oblivious of the black queen behind her. She was surprised by the appearance of the other girl. She jumped as a thud and the sound of moving snow sounding nearby. Her eyes wander to the young chocolate girl with the frosty, long creature that she's playing around with. She inspected the thing as it landed moments from her hiding spot behind the bushes. It had a long, narrow, and familiar face and sharp fangs haunted her thoughts. Its huge, round eyes stared upwards lifelessly. She closed her eyes and tried to get her past. No matter how hard she tried to forget it was dead, nothing changed her course of mind.

Long flashback short, one of those venomous attackers bit her uncle. He died that night as a foaming, twitching mess in the middle of the territory. When she came to, Polar glared down at the snake and growled. She didn't care if the other girl heard her. Anger flooded her and forced her to bend down and wrap her mouth around the adder's thin head and rubbery neck. She gnawed and bit into its skull. Blood and brains gushed onto the snow. She bit so hard that the head and neck were no longer one thing. It seemed disgusting and random to everyone else, but to Polar it was sweet revenge for her favorite uncle's death.

Stupidly, she hadn't reckoned that there was another soul. She didn't even know about the shadowy leader behind her, watching with her intense eyes. Not a single thing crossed her mind about what could happen to her now that she was chowing on someone else's meal. It wasn't like it tasted good at all, and the snake's brains tasted like bear shit and fox barf, not that it was going to stop her gross, gory mauling of the snake's eyeballs and stuff..

(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2013, 09:10 PM by Polaris.)