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conquer the unknown — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Ilona who has 19 posts.
Chetan Su Namun
Paw tracks were all the fading traces of a long lost journey that unwrapped a story of a young wolf searching for his big brother. But as time began to pass away and days turned into weeks while weeks turned into months a slow and painful realization of the truth settled in. A bitter resentment forged the conclusion that while his long lost sibling was out there, opportunities of ever meeting him again were fading away. Disappointment followed as his once happy-to-go-lucky demeanor slipped away into a world of shadows. Would it ever be found again?

There was a small shimmer of hope that pushed him onward, preparing him to make discoveries within this cold, cruel world. Shaking his head, Chetan got rid of the negative feelings of resentment that captured the essence of his heart, if only to try and adopt a more open view of the world that was inhabited by more than just his brother. Sighing softly, the large golden male strode onwards with a pride and fierce dedication even if his purpose was still shrouded within an enigma of the unknown. ”This is my moment, my day, my time – my chance – to conquer the world and I intend to do so.”He huffed with a newfound confidence even if the true meaning of the sentence and the consequences of the future were still unknown.

Within a strange world the paths of his life had taken him into a field of flowers. His golden eyes feasted upon the rich contrast of red, a significant color representing both blood and love all at once. With his head held high and his tail bounded upwards he pushed onwards. With porpoise into the world of the unknown.
Thank-you Jess/Sagacity for the profile & the avatars <3
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
aw ya liquid timeEEE
The world was still cold, which suited her perfectly. Siku was a wolf wintermade and icecarved; the sun and its heat were utterly suffocating to the raven-coated leader. The longer the biting chill of winter trailed them, the happier she would be.

Words distracted her preluding thoughts, and the bear of a woman ceased in her actions—which had been shoveling the snow upward with her nose to look for potential herbs beneath the white stuff—to look for its source. Siku shifted her objectives from finding herbs to finding wolf, shifting her weight before moving to climb to the top of the snowy knoll. From their, it ought not to be hard to find the creature who had sounded renewed and hopeful, speaking of chances and it being his time. She had never been so saccharine as to believe that a new place meant a new beginning; she was who she was, and that was the way of things. She would conquer, here, but it was not her day and time to do so. She was curious to see who thought in such a way; perhaps a local. Her shifting gaze sought to find the maker of noise, but perhaps she was facing the wrong direction. So she moved slowly around until the moment her eyes would fall upon the agouti Chetan, a stranger to her.
Played by Ilona who has 19 posts.
Chetan Su Namun
Boom, baby, boom >)

The endless mirage of dreams was clouding something otherwise known as reality. He was out here on his own in a world unknown, a hostile and cold place, reacting to the future steps he would take. Eventually big dreams could mean an even bigger downfall. Bravery and stupidity often worked together as one. Doubts suddenly entered his mind as he was pulled back forcefully away from cloud nine, back into the harsh environment. Life of a lone wolf was filled with adventures but it was hardly a romantic one. Eat or be eaten. Life or die. The struggles, the long breath, the fight for survival and a painstakingly endurance and thrive to be the strongest. Because nature only rewarded those with the strength to survive. Did he had what it take?

His first challenge arose by the shimmering figure of a black woman. Proud, tall and instinctive only to her nature she thrived with an aura of confidence and instantly became an enigma to the young and often inexperienced male. It was a thirst for curiosity – and maybe even so – stupidity that pushed him onward like a moth to a flame of the sinister female. His posture was neutral, his face was on set on being poker-faced but his golden eyes shimmered with a strange fascination for this woman.

Without speaking a single word or shattering the lithe silence he stepped forward daringly, closer into her direction. Drawn like a fly to a spider. Playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette without an idea who or what she was. All he knew was that he wanted to step closer. And with one step at a time ..he did.

Thank-you Jess/Sagacity for the profile & the avatars <3
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
Ah. There he was. Her eyes landed upon the male, big in stature just as she (though not quite so large). The masculine odor of him was appealing; she preferred male company to female when social necessities were, well, apparently needed. And so she did not balk or snap at his approach as she may have were he a female, to test the strength of, to bring ruin to. His neutral stance was something she willingly tested: follow the leader? Her head lifted, not desiring to be a pretender and behave in a manner that was welcoming or saccharine. Siku, even when not leading, sought capable followers. Phineas would thank her for it as she and hers followed him, and of course the woman would provide him the single alliance she would ever offer. Phineas and she would have some sort of brotherhood, if ever there was one.

She allowed him nearer, and a single step was all she took toward him; the step was firm and unyielding, so as to show him that she was not a woman many trifled with, and perhaps he ought to follow her for her strength and savagery, neither of which he truly knew... but should he wish to test it, she would be more than pleased to enhance his handsome figure with a scar or two. She was not quite so fascinated with Chetan as she was desirous of his added number to her following. Siku knew in some strange way it was meant, though whether it was now or some later time was hazy. A recruit. he looked to have the potential of a warrior.
Played by Ilona who has 19 posts.
Chetan Su Namun

There was confidence in the way she spoke without the use of words, instead body language said more than a thousand words. Instilled within the silence was a conversation, a test of strength and a challenge to each other’s barriers. Neither were stepping down while invoking a desire to tango to each other’s curiosity; draw the line and see if there were limits and borders to her approachability. The message that she send was as clear as a summer’s night. She – through her flawless confidence – was looking to lead where many of the sheep would follow. She was the shepherd, the queen bee, the one who would stand in the center of attention.

Although fascinated, Chetan was a free wolf. Respect had to be earned it was not given even if first impressions made him nearly jaw-drop in awe. He did not submit to her will or force a reckoning to her proclaimed superiority. He did not give into her dominance or reply with an inferior posture of his own. He kept his cool as he balanced with the neutrality that made him crave for more. He wanted to see more of her power, a reason why she and no one else was worthy to follow. Licking his leathery lips with anticipation, the golden sentry observed the lines of her silhouette carefully. It was crafted like a fine midnight dress, she wore silk and appealed with her exoticness. But he wasn’t ready. Not yet, not without a reason.

Taking another step forward, not one but two this time, the young male allowed his nostrils to quiver as he drowned in her scent. What did she had to offer? Why was he mesmerized?

Thank-you Jess/Sagacity for the profile & the avatars <3
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
Siku could understand his thoughts. Respect was earned through physicality. And although she was not clairvoyant, such a thing was known by all wolves. Dominate and be respected. The exchange between the two was primal and simple. He need not ask with words. Chetan did not challenge her, remaining neutral in his posture; but that he did not submit at all was enough for her to comprehend that he would need to be shown. To some, all it took was a look to know. Others needed to feel the pain. Siku had yet to decide to herself whether or not these wolves were bright or dull. They were assets, additive numbers, nonetheless. Loyalists, too, when something was proven.

As he drew nearer, as his nostrils quivered to taste her foreign scent, the Issumatar stood all the taller, muzzle draping over throat. What did she have to offer? Power. Power in its purest and rawest form. A power all could recognize, could understand; for there was nothing foreign about this language, the language all wolves shared regardless of their origin. There was no challenge, no accusation here; but if he moved to truly ask why, Siku would not hesitate to show him. She was prepared. These times were never droll, but she enjoyed them; it was difficult for Siku to draw humor from any situation, and there was nothing strangely funny here.
Played by Ilona who has 19 posts.
Chetan Su Namun

To keep in control was proven difficult he was spinning around this enigma of a wolf like a star being sucked straight into a black hole. He could twist, turn and rotate around her but it was useless, she had the power to dominate above him. Truthfully, he hated the unfortunate feeling to lose control without having the power to do anything about it. He resisted, the urge to remain wild and free like a rearing stallion began to grow strong. His head raised momentarily after hers as he stepped into the danger zone while his golden eyes thirsty climbed upwards. It was as if he was desperate for a last droplet in an otherwise dry desert. There, for one second ..or two he exchanged swift glances with the Issumatar.

He was not – and would never be – the follower who would pay ultimate respect and undying loyalty without having yearned to see something from Siku. She could stand stall, she could be a powerful image of someone worthy to rule; but even actions were powerless when having not experienced with his own eyes how she would face and triumph above the hurdles that were thrown at her. Slowly his tail raises provokingly. Chetan was young, maybe even steering inside stupidity. Nonetheless he was curious to how she would act and respond; because it were not her actions – but her probably reactions instead – which would earn her his respect; or not. Uncurling his leathery lips he was dancing with her on the edges of fire, though this time, not afraid to get burned.

Thank-you Jess/Sagacity for the profile & the avatars <3