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Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Nina kept her silence and Hollow towered above Neith. Silent and still now that Neith had spoken, he kept his gaze thoughtful almost as if he may deny him. Of course Hollow knew they needed the help and that turning down a new member could be a bad move. Hollow shot a glance at Nina, his response held for her, he would accept this new member unless Nina spoke otherwise. His stoic and odd gaze turned towards the great she wolf before him. He kept his facade almost blank except for the steady blaze in his eyes. If she screwed up she would pay the price, Hollow was though with immediately trusting wolves, as they always seemed to desert him and the pack.

It would seem he had slipped into his new role almost as easily you could have. "Welcome to Secret Woodlands, I shall watch your integration into our pack with interest." Hollow spoke softly to her, in a more friendly, less businesslike tone. He glanced once more to Nina before leaning forward in one fluid motion and gripping Neith's muzzle firmly in his teeth. It was done, the action he had seen preformed so many times before he had finally done himself. Neith was now a part of Secret Woodlands, hopefully she would prove a worthy member. If not then, there were ways of dealing with that, without causing senseless harm. Hollow turned and retreaded back over his border and waited for Nina to grip her muzzle as well. It felt good Hollow thought, to be at the helm of this pack, leading alongside such a trusted friend.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She stood in the background, watching the pair with her single eye and trying to determine whether or not having this new addition to their pack was worth it or not. Would this woman protect her children with her life? No one had been there when Tacoma had taken his final breath. He had died alone and it was all her fault. She should have kept a better eye on him, but even with her bigger numbers within the pack, somehow he still managed to have fallen and died. She had been the first to find him and the heartbreaking moments that followed were something the woman never wanted to have to experience again. Today proved that she was a completely different wolf. Any other day, if her son would have still been alive, she wouldn’t have hesitated to invite someone in for the winter, as long as they did their fair share of work. It was why Nina was leaving this one up to Hollow and the new alpha’s word would be what she would go with.

Even though he was young, Nina still trusted the Guard with her life. He had shown nothing but commitment and loyalty since she had found him all those months ago; it was almost hard to think that back then all he had been was a smaller version of himself, merrily a yearling. She had not realized that the pair had been waiting for her for quite some time now and looked upon Hollow and then back towards the loner, her head raised high and single eye daring the woman to challenge her authority. She then stepped forward, her head lowering to firmly and assertively grasp the other woman’s muzzle in her own, a small growl erupting from her muzzle as she did so. Backing up, she spoke strongly, her voice monotonous, "Welcome to the ranks. Hollow will escort you around your new home. You will have two days of grace period to rest and eat your fill, and then it will be time to start you duties. Be careful with all the secrets." Then, turning on her heel, she walked into the shadows, her golden brown form disappearing into the darkness.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.