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Findin the one — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
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Rayne Flint
( @Inali Probably a little later than anticipated but I wanted to wait till the thread at Mount Dire got a bit further along before starting this. I also still have the one going with Muerda but I'm guessing they'll have to split up at this point since they're going to different packs. ^^)

After seeing Mureda off to Willow Ridge, Rayne found himself at a meadow that once would have been flourishing in flowers but now, due to the colder weather, it was barren. He had wanted to go with Muerda with her to her new pack but he also wanted to go find his sister. Little did he know that if he had stayed with the older dame, his searching would have ended as soon as they entered the pack lands and introduced themselves to the pack. But he did not hold that knowledge so he continued on his way, steering himself right and to the meadow in which he now found himself.

Breathing in deeply, his thoughts drifted to the wolf he had first meet, at least the first nice wolf. Rayne wondered if Aideen was alright and had gained any luck in finding clues to his sister. Doubts had already begun to chew at the back of his mind that he would never find his sister, that it was a hopeless cause. It had been a while since he and Aideen meet and he had no idea of her whereabouts or if she had even found his sister. In fact, it hadn't seen each other since the first time they met in the Blackberry fields and the overly excitable wolf had eagerly agreed to help him. That time seemed so long ago, as if it had almost all been a dream. Since then, he had nearly fallen off a mountain chasing a goat and meet Eek and Muerda, though the former he had no wish to meet again anytime in the near future. A shudder went down his spine at the thought of meeting up with Eek again. The tailless wolf had appeared fine at first but progressively gotten worse over the inability to catch a baby goat. Wondering where she was and what she was doing now, Rayne gazed around where his paws had taken him.

He had stopped at the top of a small knoll, giving him a view of the entire meadow. Had the flowers been blooming, it would have been a delightful sight to behold. But instead, they were decaying as the cold slowly overcame them. Having no idea where to go from here, Rayne decided it was the best for him to rest before moving on. After all, it wouldn't do him any good to become exhausted. As he lay down, the festering doubt to ever find his sister returned. What if she wasn't anywhere near this place? What if she had continued further south? Unless he meet up with someone who knew something about her, he would never know.

(This post was last modified: Oct 10, 2013, 08:06 AM by Rayne.)