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devastation — Pitch Pine Trail 
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Played by Vami who has 49 posts.
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It had been weeks upon weeks since he had entered these lands. A land he had never truly called home yet had still resided within, living amongst the wolves here which stared at him oddly, filled with question and weariness. Perhaps wolves were smarter then he had originally thought. Perhaps they could tell that the vessel he carried was but a hollow shell, a casing of what once was and what now lived inside of it was far more then natural. Having been the Second within these lands (if only due to the lack of numbers) he strides over the bordering without wonder or care. To him, he was still able to walk these lands as though he belonged. He had been gone, yes, but he had not stopped considering himself a 'member of this pack' despite much time had passed with him having much better things to do then linger upon these lands pretending to be a devoted wolf. The demon hisses, pausing long enough to take in a deep breath of chilly air. Autumn was upon them and by the scent, would be colder then usual, bringing out a raging Winter unlike any other. But what truly caught his attention was the fading scent of Anastasia, something usually strong and criss-crossing this part of the land time and time again throughout the day. But it had been days since, perhaps more... He snarled, teeth baring, hairs standing on end as his body fell into a natural defensive, defiant, dominant stance. Where was he? Had he been forgotten, abandoned, betrayed? "ANASTASIA!" He would not stand for this. She could not kick the dirt under the rug and leave. He would not be left behind.
(This post was last modified: Oct 11, 2013, 10:52 PM by Beelzebub.)