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Weakness is Our Strength
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
RE: The sky is dark with storm clouds.

Between the storm-dark sky and the denseness of the forest, close to no light reached the tight undergrowth, where all movement was slow and arduous. Only when lightning struck, rumbling above the protection of the canopies, did a sharp flash penetrate the gloom, lighting up the few animals daring, or stupid, enough to brave this rough terrain. One of them was the young, rust-pelted wolfess, who was now seriously regretting her decision. The forest had grown dense so quickly, she hadn't actually had time to notice, let alone contemplate it, before she suddenly found herself in the middle of thick, thorny underbrush, and branches seemingly reaching for, and grapping on to, anything trying to pass between them.

Maybe she should turn around. Actually, it would probably be one of the smartest choices she'd ever made, to turn back and find a way around this place. However stubbornness had long displaced any common sense in the lady's head. This place gotta end somewhere! A long, rough sigh escaped her and she stopped in her tracks, breathing heavily from the effort of pushing through the heavy growth on the forest floor. The sound of the heavy rain, hammering against the leaves above, echoed between the trunks and made the gloomy forest feel even more impenetrable. Aideen's ears where pressed flat back against her skull in irritation, and in an attempt to block out the roaring of the thunder. Nothing about this situation suited the adventurous dame, alone, boxed in and miserable.

A lightning stroke, illuminating the forest and glistening on the wet leaves. The lass growled and set to it again, trekking through the appalling woods. Hopefully she would soon reach the end of this place! The chances of any adventure finding her here were indubitably lousy.

Word count: 295

I'm not stupid <b style="color:#c7470f">”I've got bark!”

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
I’m guessing it’s nighttime? If not, just PM me to edit my post. Also, slight PP. Again, just PM me to edit my post. C:
And long post is long xD

The sky up ahead –or what could be seen of it- was dark with storm clouds. Just the way he liked it. Rain pelted down upon his dark fur, and a quick shake of his black head sent droplets of fresh, rainwater showering on the shrubbery around his large, bulky body in a wide arc. Staring at the ghostly forest for a few seconds, lightning flashed in the sky. But only some of the bright light filtered through the thick canopy, so it didn’t blind him like it usually did. But the rumbling growl that followed was just as it always was; extremely loud and earth-shaking.

Lifting up his dark muzzle, the Young Hellion howled out to the heavens, just as another splintered flash lit up the sky and rumbling growl met his dark furred ears. His drawn-out howl lasted for a few seconds before it stopped, and everything went quiet for a few seconds. Whenever there was a storm, he howled out his sadness and grief, because it reminded him of the day almost all of his family had died. All but him and his sister, Neith.

Almost all wolves would be hiding in a den or in the large roots of a tree in this weather, but the Young Hellion didn’t care. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and right now, he just wanted to explore the intriguing forest. Thunder and lightning were completely harmless (unless if you were struck by it), especially under the thick canopy of the Ghastly Woods. It even shielded his large, bulky body from some of the rain.

If the thunder had boomed out just a few seconds later, the Young Hellion would have heard the ling, drawn out rough sigh that came from a fae just meters away from himself. But in the semi-darkness and rain, it was hard to spot another being without touching them. Especially if they had a dark-coloured pelt such as his. Which was very handy in some cases, yet hindered him in others.

But as another splintered lightning flash lit up the evening sky, a rusty brown and black small figure was seen by sharp, bright amber eyes for a fleeting second. The Young Hellion almost considered it a trick of his mind, but curiosity overcame his mind. He may as well find out of the figure was actually there. Maybe it was a wolf, though he doubted it. Most were hiding by now. It was probably just a fox searching for somewhere to rest for the night until morning.

Breaking into a trot, the Young Hellion followed the trail left by the rusty brown and black figure. It was hard to follow the trail in the rain and semi-darkness, but leaves pushed to the side and twigs on the ground showed the way. The scent was also another participant in his challenge to find out exactly what the figure was. It smelled like a wolf, but the rain also made it hard to define it. The wolf scent could just be that the fox –or whatever it was- had gotten into a scrap and acquired it on its fur. But who knew?

Unaware of his close surroundings, the Young Hellion walked into a bush and stepped on something sharp. He let out a loud yelp. His ears flattened against his skull as he lifted up his paw. It hadn’t done any damage as it was mostly the sudden pain that lanced through his paw. But it didn’t hurt enough to stop him from trotting onwards. Anouke hoped that the figure hadn’t heard him, but it was likely because his sudden outburst had been loud, especially to himself.

He had barely walked twenty meters when lightning flashed yet again and suddenly the figure was there, just a few feet away from him. Cocking his dark head to the left, the Young Hellion strained his bright amber eyes slightly to see the figure before him. Now that he could see it, the figure was clearly a wolf, albeit an extremely tiny one. It was more the size of a fox than a wolf; barely reaching up to his well muscle-toned chest. A white muzzle and underbelly was clearly seen against a rusty hue coat, with dark grey hairs along the wolf’s face. The wolf had a bony build, making it look almost scrawny. Yet, if he looked closer, the hint of muscles beneath its coat was seen. But the most striking feature was the deep, warm-copper eyes that were set into a kind face. Oh yes, the wolf was also female.

A smirk came upon the Young Hellion’s face. He could have real fun with the female if he wanted to. As he stood there, staring at the fae with his head cocked to the left and a smirk on his handsome face, the tip of his brown tail twitched to the side as he lifted up his right leg –which was all white- and flexed it calmly. Whenever he met a new wolf, he always did that, but why, he didn’t know. “Look at us here. Running away from the storm, are we?” His voice was deep and soft, yet also full of volume, like a bass guitar. He would attempt to make the fae trust him, and then he would extract valuable information from her.

Oh, how he would toy with her mind.

900 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Ooc: I just intended it to be stormy, but this works fine as well ^^
and yaii, I love long posts :D

It was a sharp yelp of pain that first made the young wolfess stop up. Her head, which had been bowed under the heavy rain, cocked up high, ears twitching to locate the source of the sound; could it have been a wolf? Come on Aideen, don't be ridiculous! Surely no other canine was stupid enough to venture out in this weather. Yet there had definitely been a sound! Standing completely still, she strained her ears to pick up any sign of movement nearby, any small rustle in the underbrush, or snap of a twig. Between the drumming of the rain, and occasional rumble of thunder it was a nearly impossible task; and yet... Wasn't there something?

The lady turned around and stared into the darkness, her frustration growing as she unsuccessfully tried to make out a figure in the forest gloom. Just then, another flash of lightning illuminated the scene, and Aideen took a step back in surprise. Standing before her was another wolf, only a few steps away, staring at her with bright amber eyes. Speaking politely, he was huge, standing at an entire meter, and muscle bulging under his deep brown fleece. His head was cocked to the side, and his teeth were showing in a crooked smile. Something about his whole appearance made the rusty lass' hackles stand on end, and when he spoke, his voice rang with bass-soft richness.

Eyes moving slowly over the opposers body, she scanned him warily, noticing the many scars throughout the bistre pelt; and finally resting on the lifted, isabelline leg. She took her time, letting his words sink in, watching him silently while the thunder roared above their heads. The words that finally fell from her maw were definite and rough; <b style="color:#c7470f">"I don't run!" She met his gaze evenly, leaning back to rest her weight on her hocks and hind paws, her tail twitching slightly in annoyance. Geeze, I sound like my mom! She thought fleetingly, but the quickly returned her attention to the moment at hand; there was something about this stranger that didn't suit her at all, and she kept alert while she waited for his next move.

Word count: 361

I'm not stupid <b style="color:#c7470f">”I've got bark!”

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Sorry for the long wait! No muse :c
And short post is short….

I do it because I can, I can because I want to,
Anouke Kasekhemre
I want to because you made me.

As another bright flash of white illuminated the scene and thunder rumbled up ahead, the Young Hellions muzzle lifted up briefly to stare at the stormy skies; dark clouds broiling up above while rain pelted down to the ground, soaking both him and the rust-coloured fae. His ears twitched at her words and a very soft chuckle escaped his muzzle. Yes, not all wolves ran, but most did.

Intrigued, he stared at her for a few seconds, everything around them blurred out of focus as he concentrated on her, taking in the way she held herself and how she was standing, before suddenly, Anouke stepped back. She seemed like the kind of wolf that didn’t take shit out of others, but he could be very wrong, she had only spoken three words, yet they had a rough and almost annoyed tone. He would be careful with her.

Standing evenly; ears pricked, tail lowered slightly and twitching to the side, head even with his shoulders. He didn’t want to seem like he would be challenging and attempt to show her who the boss was, even if he did inside. Taking it slow and easy, getting to know them, was the key to getting the best out of the interaction.

All the while he stood there silently, watching the rust-coloured fae, rain drenched their coat, but he made no attempt to rid his dark coat of the clear liquid. The coolness of it soothed him, made it feel as if he was back home when everything was perfect. Giving a small shake of his head to clear his face of any water, the Young Hellion smirked again. “So I see.” He cocked his head to the side, his smirk widening into an “evil” grin. “But you seem to be heading somewhere, may I ask where?”

She didn’t know what was coming.

309 Words

(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2013, 01:47 AM by Anouke.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Ooc: It's ok - I hope your muse feels better :3

The rusty dame was pleased to see her oppeser stepping back a bit, a small act of common courtesy, which gave her space and calmed her suspicions somewhat. He appeared not to want a confrontation, and the girl took a deep breath, reminding herself that neither the horrid weather, nor her being lost, could be faulted to this stranger. He generally seemed friendly enough, even if something about him made her hackles prickle; Don't be so suspicious Aideen! She scolded herself. There was no need to push her own bad moods onto this man, who had chosen to approach her here, amongst the rain heavy trees.

So she lowered her tail and relaxed her posture slightly, ears twitching when the dark man spoke. The smile that creased his lips sent a shiver down her spine, mixing with the cold of the water droplets that dripped from the tips of her hairs; Who or what are you..?! Part of her wanted to turn and run, as quick and as far as possible, but her stubborn side ordered her to stay her ground! Whatever it was about this brute, and whether it was justified, or simply in her own head, running away with her tail tucked between her legs was not an option; especially after her last comment.

Aideen fixed her deep copper orbs on the other's, looking for the truth in their amber depths. As far as she could tell, in the gloom of the forest, his eyes revealed nothing of his character, strangely cold as they seemed, despite their bright hue. Clearing her throat, the young fae shifted her weight lightly, back and forth between her paws, trying to decide on an answer to give the dark wolf; she wanted to make a friendly approach, hopefully destroying any unfair suspicions, but on the other paw, she didn't want to tell him about her quest - it would feel like a betrayal of Rayne, and, as much as it pained her, she didn't trust this lad. So she settled on an introduction instead, bringing a forthcoming expression to her face as she dismissed the question with a small lie, and instead offered the man her name; <b style="color:#c7470f">"Nowhere in particular," She shrugged, <b style="color:#c7470f">"Just exploring really. I wasn't expecting to meet anyone in here though, it's a nice surprise. I'm Aideen, what's your name?" The usual, rushed manner won over the girl's mistrust, and gave her words an enthusiastic, slightly breathless ring. But she kept her gaze fixed on the opposer, still ready to react quickly should her suspicions prove to have merit.

Word count: 430

I'm not stupid <b style="color:#c7470f">”I've got bark!”