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the stars are watching, waiting, wanting...
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Short and sweet, for anyone...really! ^^

It was sunny, and Bastet welcomed the warmth of the sun's rays along her back with a feline like stretch as morning finally made its mark on the world. She was spending a majority of her time in Red Fern Forest, an area where prey seemed plentiful and canines were few and far between. The perfect combination for any predator, especially a lone wolf like herself. This morning she was restless, though strangely lazy in the same instance, there was not much to do for her to do in a place still relatively new and she had no desire for hunting as a meal of rabbit or bird had grown boring not to mention only slightly satisfying, and she was much too absolute to go searching for the wolves who remained few and far between in Red Fern Forest.

Curiosity was one of her strongest suites and she decided to go searching for fun, perhaps on the way she would run into something or someone who could quell her indescribable thirst for interest in the seemingly empty forest.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Hope you don't mind me throwing Cori in here. =) Just a reminder, you do need to keep your posts to around 250 words - any shorter and you won't be able to claim them for LP when the thread has finished.

Gone Tomorrow

Pursuit of an odd looking animal had led Corinna well outside of her pack's territory. But the creature, pale in the moonlight, had been unlike anything she had ever seen before and despite her age and supposed maturity, had gone after it. The leader of the Oak Tree Bend wolves had no real desire in hunting the creature; whatever it was was far too big for her to bring down on her own anyway, but she merely wanted to get a closer look at it. The figure had been that of a deer, she thought, but the odd coloration and the strange object on top of its head had piqued her curiosity. Perhaps the creatures from Sceral's adventures were actually real? Upon her return, she hoped to tell him.

But the strange creature, whatever it may be, lost her as it slipped beyond Spectral Woods and into Red Fern Forest. Despite its pale complexion that would have made it stand out against the red leaves and the dark brown tree bark, the stag simply seemed to disappear. Splashing through a creek, Corinna stalked the banks, her tail slashing wildly in agitation above her back as she searched for the scent to continue on her hunt. But the stag had left no clear indication in which direction it had gone, much to her annoyance. Grunting, Cori set off in a random direction, careful to put the sun on her right side so as to not get lost even as it began to rise.

Walking along, she halfheartedly sought to seek out the scent of the stag, to see if she had gone in the correct direction. But the ground was bare for any strange scents, save for one. Nose to the ground, the leader sniffed about the base of a tree - a relatively fresh scent of wolf. No pack scent that she could recognize, so presumably a lone wolf at that. Shifting, Corinna lifted her head and looked around, but saw no movement in the woods around her. Perhaps the scent was not as fresh as she had initially thought.

Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
She was attentive to the landscape, her gray-blue eyes searched the treetops of the surrounding flora for the familiar flutter of the pesky magpie from days ago--it seemed to have disappeared from the area. Her intentions were to scare it some, perhaps give it a taste of the nuisance it had given her not too long ago, and if she were lucky, she'd eat it just to put an end to her frustrations. It would be a light snack, but fulfilling all the same if she could seek vengeance on the pestering bird. She kept her walk at a steady gait and pursed her black-lined lips into a circle to force out a whistling call, something similar to what the magpie itself produced, in an attempt to lull it in her direction. A whistle echoed in her direction in response, a signal that a magpie was in the area but there was no telling if it was the same bird that had attacked her pelt those days ago, she would have to get it to come out of hiding in order to identify it. Her whistle spilled forth a second time, and a response came back faster this time, it was a indication that the bird was closer to her than before, and getting closer.

A third call came forth and finally she witnessed her guest, it's feathers were dull in comparison to the bright leaves in Red Fern Forest, but it was beautiful all the same and probably was even more beautiful up close and in her stomach. Her eyes searched the treetops, watching as the bird landed swiftly on a branch and sought her out with beady eyes, as black as a glistening marble, its head turning to the side in confusion. It was too high in the trees to capture, and it too was smarter than she'd anticipated but there was no worries, its nest was falling apart due to the weather and had a high potential in falling to the earth--she'd ransack it for goods later. In the mean time she heard footsteps on crunchy leaves and turned in the direction of another canine, slender like herself but lighter in complexion. Her coat was distinctive against the bloody backdrop, and judging from the smell, she was a bit of a ways from home, perhaps she had claimed a pack not too far from Red Fern Forest. "'Ello miss." she spoke, her accent thick, "you frum here?" she questioned, her head cocking to the side.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The leader's head had fallen to the ground, sniffing at the base of the tree to see if she could pick up where the scent was most fresh. Walking in a circle around the tree trunk, she was so intent on her task that she missed the first whistle. The second, though, the sound of a bird caught her attention. Lifting her head up, she stood up straight, her ears perking up. The next sound, though, it was not quite right. Green eyes narrowing in suspicion, she cast her gaze around her, but Cori saw no one in the forest around her. But the whistling continued, and with it Corinna's puzzlement.

Rustling in the leaves above her drew her attention upwards. Craning her neck, Corinna looked up just in time to see the black feathered bird land among the branches. Taking a step backward so she could look at the bird without craning her neck so much, the relative silence was broken by a clear sequences of cracks. The leaves underfoot broke into small pieces at her weight, but it was the voice that called out that drew the leader's attention.

Turning her head in the direction of the voice, the she-wolf's eyes quickly found the origin of the voice - another female wolf, dark black against the brown trunks. The same wolf whose scent had caught Corinna's attention originally. Had the other been watching her from a distance? She wasn't sure, and had no real desire to ask. "Hello," her alto voice answered curtly, accompanied by a dip in her head. "Yes, I lead a pack south of here. My name is Corinna." Wary, though not hostile, she kept her distance from the stranger and remained where she was. "Do you live around here? I didn't think there was a pack around," returning the question, she hoped for a confirmation of what her nose had already caused her to suspect - that this was a lone wolf and the black bird in the tree was presumably her meal.

Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Thanks for being so patient with me, I'm sorry for not replying AGES ago ><

Like her counterpart, Bastet kept to her spot, but looked a final time in the direction of the lingering magpie who had now begun to search the treetops for nourishment. She sucked in wind deeply, feeling annoyed with its presence and the nagging hunger that had suddenly appeared in the pit of her stomach; the bird seemed better as her snack. Bringing her attention back to the earth, she caught the eyes of the other female and produced a welcoming smile before settling to her haunches in comfort and emitted a sigh of relief since traveling had begun to make her paws sore. "Tis a plasure seeing sum-um so far owt," she started, deciding not to try her hand at pronouncing the woman's name with her thick accent, but nodded in response to the information either way. "Im Ubasti, or Bastet if tis easier." she dipped her head some, "whats your home cawd?' she questioned, noting that the female had given her the geographical directions but not the name of the pack she lead. Though Bastet would not recognize the name, like Corilla's name, it was useful information in case she needed to use it sometime in the future.

When the woman asked her if she was a native of Red Fern Forest, the woman's head shook instinctively to indicate that she had no alliance with this forest, nor any place in this land. Her alliance remained with her birth pack in Ypsi Creek, that is until she could find herself dedicating her loyalty to a place within these lands. "No" she responded simply, just in case the woman had not understood her unspoken gesture, I don't dink so," she was not sure if this place had been claimed, but no strong scents lingered within the leaves thus she assumed that her roaming so freely in this forest would not disgruntle the neighbors some miles away.
(This post was last modified: Sep 23, 2013, 09:37 PM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
No worries =)

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna had lived in Relic Lore for well over three years now, and it was shameful how little of it she had actually seen. Even before her pack had crossed over Serpent's Pass, she had rarely strayed far beyond her home. And yet, Corinna was certain she had met the most wolves with the strangest sounding accents in all of Relic Lore. The girl's words matched her demeanor, pleasant, but the voice itself grated over her ears. And yet, the leader barely reacted; only a slight, quizzical tilt of the head to better try and understand what it was the girl was saying.

Bastet, her name was Bastet. Well Ubasti, but Corinna preferred the alternative offered, and so she nodded her head and murmured, "Pleasure, Bastet." But that was all, before once again she had to focus her attention to get past the thick accent and determine what it was the stranger was saying to her. "Oak Tree Bend, is it's name," she said, slipping to her haunches to mimic Bastet. "But we used to live across the mountains, and were known by the name of Swift River." Perhaps the younger female had heard of them, though Corinna had no way of knowing if Bastet was new to Relic Lore or just new to Corinna herself.

She was familiar enough with the area to definitively affirm that there were no packs living in the area, which matched Corinna's observations as well. Plenty of scents, but there was no distinctive pack border that had warned Corinna to keep out. All the less competition for her quarry, though by now, the Oak Tree Bend leader was certain the stag had put several miles between them. Fixing the black furred wolf-so similar to what Aiyana would have looked like at that age-with her green gaze, Corinna inquired after the stag in question, "I left my lands because I was chasing a white stag. Perhaps you saw him while you were hunting the bird?" There wasn't a much of a chance, but it didn't hurt to ask.