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where two meet
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Played by Ala who has 1 posts.
Today her fur was a little darker, a little cleaner, and a whole lot silkier than it was when ash clung to it. She had long left the woods where the sooty remains of long standing trees replaced the soil in search of something. The specifics of that something came without an explanation, only a deep feeling of missing out on something. The anxiousness ate away at the pit of her being until she finally got up and left her shallow den with her hungry curiosity leading the way.

Serrod's shadow was stretched thin as the scrub pines that guarded the mountain's base, shrouding the rocky scenery in inky darkness. Her eyes shone dull yellow under the cloud filtered moonlight. They never left path before her but just once as a lone owl passed overhead. The mountain was quiet, to say the least. A bit too quiet and far too uneventful for her liking. A yawn stretched her jaws and rolled her pink tongue out of her mouth. It was one of boredom even though the twist of anticipation held firm in her gut. She couldn't point it out but something, somewhere, and possibly quite close to her was going to happen on this mountain, even if she had to promulgate it to the wind in hopes of it coming true by pure willpower alone.

The hoot hoot of an owl, most likely the one from earlier, echoed against the mountain walls. A thought crossed her mind that made her lips curl back in a silent snarl. To her the cry was the bird's version of a laugh, cynical and biting in form and reason. It was mocking her as she trudged on alone, or at least her bored little mind conjured up as a fact. The snarl came to a full yet strangled head as Serrod kept her jaws clenched tight. She would not give up her position so easily even though the owl was probably sitting back, laughing at the mangy wolf that pledged no pack. The mountain was full of dangers and meeting a stranger, no matter how innocent that stranger might seem, was near the top of that list.