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and the courage that i showed — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Mickey who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quest Aquila
<blockquote> Quest's tail gave a feeble wag. In all honesty, he couldn't say whether or not he was making the best decision for himself, but he wanted to give Relic Lore a fighting chance. After all, Ruiko's welcoming nature was giving <i>him</i> a chance, and he felt somehow that he ought to repay the universe for suddenly shifting his karma. He did not know if he could ever truly trust and feel accepted in a pack, but as much as his former home had tried to stamp out his humanity (or the wolf version of this word), it lingered on. He wanted companionship, and he did not want to starve (or die of thirst, as was more applicable in this case), on his own.

He nodded his head, replying, <b>"Yes, I'd like that very much,"</b> to Ruiko's offer, ready to follow him. He had hoped for a peek at the Swift River territory even before he'd made the abrupt decision to call it his own, and now that his stay was to become permanent, he was becoming overwhelmed by just how much he didn't know about Ruiko or Swift River. He hadn't seen his soon-to-be home much closer than he was now, and he didn't know any of its remaining members. <b>"The pup, Kinis,"</b> he began, <b>"is a relative of yours?"</b> Quest couldn't imagine a pup in the pack not born to its alphas, but neither was he aware of Ruiko having a mate. The thought made Quest's insides tighten slightly, but he tried to push it away. Instead, he brought the idea up in a round-about way. <b>"I hadn't realized your numbers had shrunk quite that much. Who is the other wolf that remains?"</b> he asked. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 28, 2010, 11:22 PM by Quest.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Had he known the male’s thoughts to his warm welcome to the pack, the regal wolf could have reflected as to why he had suddenly become so open to lone wolves. A creature that doted on his family and pack, Ruiko had a tendency to be cold and indifferent to the wolves outside.. Somehow, since his brother’s departure, Ruiko had become more open in the times of disaster.

Quest gave a nod in response, and without responding, the tawny wolf gave a nod in return before turning, beginning to lead the newly accepted pack wolf to his new home. His hefty paws trailed along the edge of the river, his eyes glancing over every so often to view the dry, muddy banks with a stoical gaze. The momentary silence between the two was interrupted by his new subordinate, and glancing over to regard the male, the golden Alpha gave a nod. “He is. He’s my youngest brother.” There was a thoughtful paused, and as the Tainn wolf was contemplating on speaking more of the subject, he instead shrugged. “The other wolf is my adoptive cousin, Avalloc. My aunt had taken him in years ago when we were pups. He had become lost from his pack. She raised him as her own, but when we found his family he went to live with them. He returned to us, though.”
Played by Mickey who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quest Aquila
<blockquote> Quest absorbed this newest information like a sponge, and having so little water around, he certainly had a large capacity for absorption. His ears couldn't help but flicker to learn that as of now, Swift River was an all male pack. He also could not ignore a slight flicker in his chest to learn not only of the gender inequality, but that Ruiko's pack was certainly family, but not one he himself had sired. <b>"I will do my best to meet them soon, and not remain such a recluse as I am used to being,"</b> he said with a slight smirk.

He was a part of a pack now, and that certainly would take some adjusting to, but even as they walked further into the Sacred Grove he could feel a chill wind slipping down his spine, and an echo of winter - and the snow and rain it would bring - licking at his heels. He did not feel emboldened by his decisions today, but he did feel good about them. <b>"Is Swift River the only pack still around these parts?"</b> he asked.[/B]</blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Quest’s words were reassuring to the regal wolf – Swift River was going to be a pack of tight-knit family, whether through blood or not, and the dark wolf instantly soothed Ruiko’s worry that he was accepting a member that would simply disappear in the middle of the night in a week or so. The tawny wolf was unused to openly accepting wolves in to his home and lands. Only months before he had sneered at the thought of coming across a stranger or lone wolf.. now, with their numbers so dangerously dwindled, Ruiko realized in order to survive, they now had more than enough spots open to any wolf who was in need of a home.. so long as they worked for the better of the pack.

He did not speak of the matter, though his bright eyes did slide to regard the male by his side very briefly before giving a small smile. The two remained silent for the moment as Ruiko lead them further to the heart of their home and his eyes scanned the land before them, wondering where Kinis or Avalloc were. But they were no where in sight, and Ruiko’s ears flickered briefly at the voice of his companion. “No,” he murmured in response, his tail giving a lash through the cold air. “There’s a pack on the mountain called Midnight Plateau.” The two males continued further in the depths of the territory, every so often Ruiko would interrupt the light conversation with brief introductions to the landscape about them, and once the tour had been concluded, the regal wolf excused himself before sweeping off to patrol the borders of his home once more.
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2011, 01:07 AM by Ruiko.)