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Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

Her ghost white fur blended in quite well with the snow surrounding her as she scaled back down the mountains. She had no panacea for her disease. It was a strange trait of violent yet silently so tenancies. She didn't know what caused it but she did know one thing. Sometimes, it caused to to crave blood. Luckily the desires were rather subdued that fine day which marked one of the starts of spring. A great thaw was beginning and the herds were returning. Hopefully there could be a hunt before long. Only the gods knew how much she had been starving the past winter. Winter, yes, it had been the winters that had driven her from her home as far as the other wolves were concerned. They did not need to know who 'Anstice' really was. She was just a whisper on the wind.

She was the master of whispers.

From a young age she had desired spies in every region so she could keep an eye on her enemies and watch her friend even closer than tha-oh wait... she didn't need friends. The Alexa woman saw no need to grow close to another wolf or multiple wolves which went against the basic social conduct of everything that a wolf's life was made up of. She never had a strong desire to breed or get intimate in general with another wolf and she was confident that she would never feel that way... ever. She could see a forest and she wasn't too high up in the mountain anymore. In fact, she was perhaps a half hour from the bottom where she could start to cause a bit of trouble. Yes... she enjoyed trouble very much. Her dark copper eyes held a devious thought. Perhaps a bit of a scuffle if her opponent was weak or stupid. A lot of wolves were stupid, but that again, was just her opinion.

She drew in a deep breathe as she looked further past the forest. She couldn't see anything.... Must be a big forest then. She figured to herself as she continued the venture down after meeting a wolf on the mountain itself. Apparently she had just arrived to the point where the mountain was passable. Apparently during the winter it had filled up with snow which trapped wolves and even seperated familes. Sucks to be them.

She didn't have family and she didn't need family.

[Image: hashtags-gbachdontcha.png]
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
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Chulyin Nyanquet
With a heavy heart, the dark-coated man prowled the mountain's base, daring to get near it since they had descended it months ago. He was thoughtful, which was never a good thing. He had things to tend to, his sister to keep an eye on, children to prepare for. And yet...The children weren't his. The words of Mapplethorpe echoed in his mind, the weight of caring for his sister's children, teaching them as a father would. It was an honor, it truly was. But it left the man with an empty feeling, a feeling that he would always be caring for the children that were not his. Karpos, Aponi...The unborn souls within Naira's belly.

Lips drew back in frustration as he was suddenly blinded by the images of Quick, Lyr...Even Narcissa. Women that had disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, and he realized that as they left, they'd taken a splinter of his heart with them. A small sliver, but enough that he could feel his chest begin to ache as though he'd been pricked by a pine needle. Could any of them had carried his children? Even then, would his sister allow it? Would she look upon her nieces and nephews with hatred, some challenge for her position of power? Chulyin did not long to rule...Only to see some scrap of himself in the eyes of a child that could be his.

A low growl shook his vocal chords, though it did not ring with aggression, but some frustrated sadness.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

Her ears perked up when she heard it, her nose twitched slightly. Her eyes swerved when she caught sight of him. He was black, jet black with a golden color for eyes. She took a deep breathe and formulated a plan in her mind. She hadn't even realized that she was in heat and so she had nothing to worry about. If the wolf tried anything without her very possible consent than she would take his ear off. The thing was.... she didn't know this wolf or if he was right. Anstice had no interest in love, but pups were another story. She might not be a mother but she wanted to strengthen her family ties in this new land. This stranger could very well be the key to it all.

She took another deep and steady breathe. "Hello there handsome." She let the tease roll off her tongue in a sweet voice. She didn't even know him, she just liked playing around with a wolf's emotions to see how they might react to it all. He seemed sad, depressed. Hopefully that did not make him have a short fuse. The smile continued to grow from her muzzle until it was almost from ear to ear {not literally}. She had forgotten all about the surroundings and focused on the man as she examined his every move. He seemed aggravated in some way as well as sad and she wondered what it was all about. Her eyes focused on his features as she tried to tell what he was made of.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
It took the man a minute to see the woman, and she had already spotted him. The snow that covered the ground still camouflaged her well, especially along the stone of the mountain. Chulyin realized suddenly that there was another soul in the area, and not by sight, but by scent. Winter was giving way to spring, and with it, women became receptive. His sister had, and this woman had. His chipped heart beat in his chest as his brain vibrated instinctively, driven forth by his broken-hearted thoughts. His head snapped around, amber eyes suddenly spotting the woman. He was startled, moving back a step as her scent hit him full on. Ears flipped back as he scowled. Handsome? His eyes narrowed, uncertain of what to think. The woman's scent overwhelmed his scenes, and Chulyin was not certain if he was literally being dragged, or if he was helping his instincts along.

"Good day," Chulyin growled, clearly struggling. He focused upon the cold around his paws, trying to ground himself, regain some control over himself as his mind attempted to tear him into two. Was this what he wanted? Truly? Certainly not. His breath hissed through his teeth, and from his nose steam rose forth, dissipating in some faint breeze. The mountain rose at her back, and he found himself climbing its ridges, remembering faintly meeting Narcissa upon those rocks, and saving Lyr from the rain...Would this woman be another Narcissa? Here to verbally barb him and yet forever burn herself into his retinas.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

She examined him and his reactions. Strong, capable, large. He would make a decent match according to genetics it seemed. She told herself as she thought a way to further herself along as her mind commanded her. She herself would never give her name unless he gave his first. Her sleek white bum settled in the snow and her dark copper eyes bore into his fur. She gave no explanation of her thoughts and nor did she intend to. She was looking for live stock. That was all, unless he could convince her otherwise. That was still left to be determined. Her thoughts wrapped around the game she was playing, her eyes softened slightly as she was curious about who the man was. Handsome, that would get a man's attention for sure.

She hadn't been lying, he did have that appearance to him that made her slightly attracted to him. However she took thoughts over raw emotion even if it was difficult sometimes. She would play her game and she happened to give love a bad name. She drew another breathe as she thought about speaking her alias. No one could know who she truly was. If they did, that might be problematic. She had no ties in the area but she never knew when someone who knew her for who she really was could enter the lore in search of her heart to rip out and take back to their alphas. She had a reputation as a fighter and a cunning little bitch to keep up. It was all a matter of secrecy. It wasn't exactly xylography.

"What is your name handsome?" She answered him.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Who was she? Where was she from? The fur along his spine rose, his tail curled over his back. Dominance was what he attempted to convey, anything to make her back up, get that scent away from him. His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth as he tasted it upon his tongue, lip curling. But his jaw clenched, tongue disappearing. She was a stranger and he needed her to stay that way. Go back up the mountain where she'd come from. Out of his sight. But the path had been chosen, and now he found himself unable to turn back as though the trees kept closing up behind him. This woman would not leave his sight, and would gradually get closer, the pot of gold at the end of this damnable rainbow.

"Chulyin," His name was nothing more than a moan, a grumble. Did it matter what his name was? No. What would be done, would be done, and she would never speak his name again, if she even uttered it at all. He stepped forward, lip curled again, his chest pushed forth. He begged her with his amber eyes aflame, begged her to retreat before this all went sour. There was hardly a space between them, and he tipped his chin to regard her, a silent threat. But he had a feeling that she was more than aware of what she'd stumbled upon. Chulyin was being played like a whelp played with a well-loved bone, and yet they would likely both come out the victim.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

She listened carefully for an answer from the man. He had that pack smell to him and she knew what little bit of drama she might cause for his family, as she assumed that was who his pack was. All the packs she had run into happened to be close knit families who were very defensive over one another and were not so forgiving to treason. She listened carefully for a name and she supposed she would be expected to give one if he were to present her with his own name. She rose from her sitting position and purposed a talk. "So what is a man like you doing up here?" She asked, her voice laced with something she had no knowledge about... strong and positive emotions.

She held a steady rate of breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling as her heat scent had started to flood around. It wasn't too strong as she was just a first time but it was still evident. Anstice did not pick up on it or at least pretended not to as she eyed him. "Anstice Alexa." She offered a name as he gave her his own. Chulyin. A pretty name, or at least a warrior name. It sounded kid of cool and so Anstice wondered what to do. Her eyes gazed directly at him thought not in the eye filled with some unknowingly fake lusty feel to it. She blinked slightly and took another deep breathe. She had to strengthen her ties. She grew closer to him slowly.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Her question fell upon deaf ears. No, he heard her, but he would say nothing until he heard her name. That was the least she could do for him before she threw him into the flames. His jaws parted for a moment, allowing his tongue to pass over his capable teeth, another heavy breath snarling in his throat, another threat, another chance to let him leave. He cursed himself as his teeth snapped upon the shutting of his jaws. He never should have strayed from the Wood, away from the borders that held him and reminded him of his duty to his family, his pack. When his paws strayed, so did his mind. As the snows melted, the prey would return, and yet it would not stray towards their borders, not yet. He had to go to it. But rather than finding prey, Chulyin found himself the prey, a willing squirrel in this woman's, Anstice's, jaws.

She spoke her name, and he had to pull his eyes away from her. Another lovely name for another lovely face. This face would leave him as well, he had to make this face leave. Her question. His thoughts startled him, and he spoke without thought, "I had to get away." Was it a lie? Chulyin wasn't certain. Perhaps he'd needed a moment of clarity without the scent of home overwhelming him. He'd needed to become a guardian again, for Naira, and yet now he was being overwhelmed by this stranger. Her scent was choking him now, and as she consumed the space between them, he felt he might be blown off the mountain. Their fur brushed and he resisted a twitch.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
One more Chuylin post and we're done?

i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

Her breathing grew deeper as she toyed around with the idea of just leaving him wanting more. It was quite obvious but not at the same time. His eyes begged but she had never been one to play by the rules. Perhaps she didn't think that things would turn sour. Perhaps she could even use it to her advantage. Show up at a pack with some lie about how she had been forced into by an unknown man. Perhaps, if she had a pup, it would even look like her with no traces to Chuylin at all. She could formulate it all in her mind and still find it in her heart to love a pup from a man that she had just met and seduced into doing the do.

A smile crept upon her muzzle as she whispered the name. "Chuylin. What if I told you I could make your sorrows go away? I can make you not regret your venture up here..." She asked in a calm and quiet voice. Her eyes flashed a dangerous look but not a threatening one. She almost laughed but contained it as it stirred in her chest. How could he react to such things. Did he even know what she was implying? She wondered how old the aging man was. Was he 4? 5? 6? He looked like he had been through many hard times but with the current winter it could just be winter. Her eyes were soft again. Her breathing steadied at a normal rate. Would he fall for her clever tricks?

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Chulyin couldn't bring herself to attack her. It would be the only way to get rid of the woman, and yet his teeth would not find her flesh, at least not in any piercing way. He'd grown tense in the moments that had passed between them, each word that was spoken from either tongue caused each vertebrae in his spine to straighten. His knees had locked, his tail was curled over his stock straight back like the perfect curve in the shell of a snail. Even his neck ached from the effort of being stone. The knight would not be broken, and yet he yearned for the stone that had formed around him to shatter. Even his lungs had been taken over, frozen like ice that had claimed the grasses months ago.

Her words were a chisel, slowly tapping their way down his spine. It was not only her scent that entrapped him, but now her words drew him forth, curdling his blood, causing his heart to pump in his chest as though she could replace all the faces that he'd lost in the past few months. It beat so hard and began to pick up speed that it send lesions up along his sides to meet at the notches that she'd made in his back. In an instant, Chulyin became weightless as the stone dropped away and instinct, lovely and pure, consumed him. Through rose colored glasses, he saw the woman before him, and he would embrace her as though he had known her his entire life...

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention