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Passing by for now — Drooping Willows 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

The snow was horribly deep. The snow had picked up as the female came down from the mountain pass a few days ago making travel slow and hard for the long legged hunter. Though as she made it to the lowlands the average snow depth would decrease to about a quarter of her own height. For once the silver she wolf was glad for her long legs as they helped her body to stay mostly above the snow. A part from the occasional deep snow drift which plunged the female into chest high coldness the cavern wolf was high enough off the ground to travel easily enough. Though it did help that she followed other creatures trails through the snow. She would follow those crevices in the snow until the woman would have to branch off those neat trails onto a different path towards home.

What made traveling so slow was that it was fresh snow that had fallen. So wolves had to plow through it instead of walking half on the top with their large paws because of the semi frozen ice-like layer that would form on top of old snow.

The gray she wolf was tired as she pummeled through the snow drift deepening just a head of her. She had remembered seeing this much snow back when the young woman had first entered Lore as a yearling. So why does it seem like this is too much snow? She wondered quietly with renewed energy in her steps. Nari had recognized an old hunting area she used to follow back when she'd been a part of Willow Ridge. Her blue gaze traveled over the frosted landscape surveying the white wasteland. I never noticed just how much snow this land accumulates every winter. Maybe because I wasn't thinking of it as a hindrance to running a pack before now. Only something to play in and admire as a yearling. She wondered if every year would be like this. Unfortunately for the young mother she did not have the years behind her which would tell her that winter had come very early to Lore.

Knowing that she was close to Willow Ridge Narimé angled herself away from her old pack. She wasn't interested in speaking with Elettra or her subordinates at the moment. Al the silver she wolf wanted was to get back to her pack and to check on her family.


Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

Winter had officially come in the lore and it was quiet colder than the one he had experienced the year before. Snow covered everything in every direction that he turned, easily giving him a headache that he could not expunge. Once again his sister had disappeared. She was not yet healed but perhaps just enough that she would be able to travel if she wanted to. It made him think that perhaps she had only used Willow Ridge to get herself healthy again, but when he pictured his twin, he could never think of her ever doing something as evil as that, especially not using others that Guiness cared deeply for. None the less, now that she was gone, the Vigilante was free to roam the lands again and was not set in one spot for the rest of his life. Now that it was winter, the russet man did not fit in very well with the forest around him. His multi-colored fur stuck out like a thorn. He would once again be home-bound by winter. His body kept him warm but it was easy for his body to move even slower than it already did now that his limbs were freezing.

As he was walking along the borders he could have swore he saw a flash of gray and instantly thought that there could have been a rabbit, but then he recalled the form of something much bigger than a rabbit. Concern for his pack took over and the Guard padded away from his borders, his russet head moving in all directions and trying to find out what the mysterious form was. What he ended up stumbling upon shocked him quite a bit. Trotting so that he could catch up with the woman that he saw, he looked her over, surprised to see how hungry she looked. Shouldn’t Sloane have been taking care of her? Dark thoughts filled the large man’s mind as he looked upon the Queen. If his brother had done something dishonorable to Narimé then Guiness would certainly have a quarrel with his little brother. Letting out a stiff bark to make sure that the alpha of Whisper Cavern’s new of his presence, he stepped closer to her, blocking the wind from hitting her straight on with his body.

Pillar of Strength
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narime hadn't howled for any of her old pack mates from Willow Ridge. It was entirely chance that Guiness had been patrolling the same instant that she was traveling back near frosted Willow Ridge territory to get to her own in the icy meadow. She hadn't noticed him until the burly Thorben had barked out to her alerting her of his presence.

The snow swirled around her shoulders as the wind picked up and lifted the tiny snow crystals into the air. A few fell upon her face which was masked in one hard looking expression. Though that hard look softened a bit as the mighty male sauntered over and stood beside her to keep the wind from buffeting her.

In true Guiness fashion Narime listened to his silence as he protected her from the wind. Though she wondered if this was his greeting or if he would actually follow her like a shield all the way to Hush meadow.

"You know... I made it over the mountains like this. I'm sure I can make it back to Whisper Caverns without freezing to death. " She chastised the protective male then looked up at him with a warm gaze. She wondered if she had ever had a brother, if he would have protected her like this. Well.. he kinda is my brother... She chuckled silently lifting some of the dark mood that had plagued her most of the journey.

Taking a few steps forward in a westerly direction Nari tested to see if he really would follow her back to her pack just to make sure she was okay. As much as she was intent on getting home she was very glad to see somebody she trusted and knew so well. Nari relished in the few moments where her mind was distracted from bad things. Her tail even hinted at a slight tired wag.

"It's good to see you @Guiness." She gave half a smile then continued a few more steps towards her destination still curious as to what he would do.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +7 Health

Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
He was glad that he had decided to go on rounds when he did. If he hadn't he wouldn't have seen his brother's mate wondering around in such a state, one that was, no doubt, unhealthy for her. He moved beside her effortlessly, almost amused to see her look up at him every once and awhile, as if wondering why he was sticking around. It was no mystery as to why he was, though she was no longer a Willow Ridge wolf, she was still part of his family, and Guiness valued family... Perhaps not above loyalty, but it meant more to him than it did to most. The Vigilante lived by the codes no matter what happened and he would always be a force to be reckoned with if someone crossed him. He believed that this would have been one of the reasons that the younger woman did not say anything to his presence.
As they moved together, he encouraged her to lean on his side for support and he knew that he would do anything he could to help her. When the scent of fresh prey played on his nostrils, worry flooded through him and moved him towards where the prey was. It seemed as if they got lucky and the carcass they found would do well to help both of them. Nudging her forward so that she could get some substance back into her body before she rejoined her family, Guiness sat down beside her and waited for her to eat something, allowing himself to take some of the meal as well to keep his body well nourished on the small journey he was about to make. It would take him much longer to take her home than it would for him to return home, but if he was sure that she was going to get back perfectly, then it was worth it and Guiness knew that he would never want to do anything different.