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Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
||OOC|| Ugh, there's no good excuse for how long I put this off, I apologise. This thread is challenging me and my muse, for some reason.||


Her companion described his experience in Pitch Pine Trail as they walked, and Naia was a little taken aback at how differently they had interpreted their former home. Where Naia had seen chaos and a crumbling hierarchy, Aeolus had seen a family… not a happy one exactly, but it was home for him none the less. Perhaps this was the male experience, Naia reasoned. Most of the turbulence had occurred within the female ranks, and it was possble the males had experienced the events completely differently. To them, maybe the females just looked like a pile of bickering women; distressing, but not worth the effort to interfere. Her mouth was busy hauling the carcass so she could not reply, but the look in her honey eyes was profoundly sad. She vowed that Aeolus would never again have to comfort himself with delusions of a paradise that never existed. He was her family—twice over now-- and she would do everything in her power to make sure he found what made him happy in Cut Rock River.

As they drew up to CRR’s hidden store, Naia dropped the much-too-light deer carcass into the snow in order to dig up and expose the cache. Aeolus answered her question about his origin with a single sentence, and Naia got the impression that it was a subject he didn’t like to dwell on. For good reason too—it woud seem that every pack he had been a part of had tragically collapsed. Naia herself could hardly withstand the heartbreak of losing one pack that way.. she couldn’t imagine what it would feel like if it had happened twice. No wonder Aeolus had clung so fiercely to the scraps that remained of Pitch Pine Trail.

Finally exposing the cache, before Naia was a sight even more disappointing than the ravaged deer carcass. The cache that she had tirelessly added to since her arrival at Cut Rock River was nothing but a pile of bones and scraps of fur. Her face set in a grim expression, she hauled the carcass into the ground and began covering the cache once more. She packed the snow carefully and deliberately, trying not to panic about the state of Cut Rock River’s stores. She replied to Aeolus, hoping that continuing their conversation would provide a needed distraction from the her worries. ”I have no idea what became of my birth pack after my departure,” she confided, ”but I doubt they missed me much.” She met Aeolus’s gaze with a wry grin. ”Perhaps I’ll go back someday, just to see. For closure.. you know.” After patting down the last of the snow onto the cache, she turned toward her companion, wondering what he thought of the idea.

Played by Namara who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeolus Argyris

Aeolus watched as she put the carcass in the pitiful stores that were picked dry. A small sigh from him. That was winter, winter was a harsh thing that would kill them all if it got the chance. Aeolus had no firm religion, but he did believe things about winter that many others would call him crazy for. Zombies of dead wolves in the night perhaps, though he had never seen them. His eyes held a bit of concern as she spoke of no pack missing her. He shook his head denying it. "I doubt anyone could feel that way about you Naia. You're a nice wolf, far nicer than most I have met. What kind of pack wouldn't miss you?" He asked her before he thought about what he was saying.

Aeo's eyes flashed an uncertain look real quick before he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. He really couldn't give compliments without feeling like he was flirting with the reciever. Life was complicated in the mind of Aeolus Argyris and few tried to see in his mind. "Shall we go for a walk towards the den?" He asked the former Pitch Pine Trail wolf the question with a small smile gracing his muzzle. Conceal. Don't feel. Don't let them know of your struggles. He told himself, but then he began to wonder if his struggles were 'struggles' after all. There was the fact that he had gone through them all with little trouble. Then there was the fact that he knew of wolves who had it far far worse than he did. Take the Slayer children for example, they lost everyone they held dear before the age of one. Guilt tore into him for not looking for them.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
OOC|| Is it cool if we fade this one out as they walk back to the den? ||


Aeolus’s kind words were enough to still Naia’s paws as she put the finishing touches on the cache. She swallowed hard before looking up at the man, her honey eyes full of warmth and a touch of curiosity. It was one of the nicest things she could ever recall someone saying to her... and it came from such an unexpected source. Did Aeolus mean it in a friendly way, or was there some other feeling lingering behind the compliment? It wouldn’t be preposterous; after all, the two of them had certainly been through similar tribulations. She wondered fleetingly why it hadn’t occurred to her earlier to confide in the former Pitch Pine Trail wolf, who would certainly understand and identify with her struggles. She gave him a small, modest smile, her ears flattening in a demure way. ”That’s... really sweet, Aeolus.”

The older male was looking quite embarrassed indeed, and Naia wondered if she had said the wrong thing. There seemed to be quite a sensitive soul beneath the man’s large, intimidating exterior. ”Yes.. let’s head home,” she agreed with a wag of her tail. She embraced her companion’s change of the subject, relieved for a way to escape the awkward note that had settled into their conversation. She let him lead the way toward the Cut Rock River den, quietly mulling over the twists and turns their conversation had taken. He clearly held onto a lot of guilt over the situation in their former pack, and Naia had to wonder if it would hold him back from moving forward. A wolf who still grieved for his past family could not be expected to thrive as part of a new one, and that worried the agouti lady.
