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A Friend In Need is a Friend Indeed — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

It was quite the sunny day- perfect for traveling. The older woman strolls along at a leisurely pace. She nears the water, anxious to satiate her parched throat. As she approaches, a soft smile creeps across her dark lips."Aye, been a long time, it has..." She mumbles these words gently to herself before she dips her dark head downward. Her tongue snakes from her muzzle and laps greedily at the waters. After satisfying her thirst, she raises her head and gazes about with her emerald eyes. Nothing seemed to have changed. It would be a journey to find those she was once friendly with, but who knows if all of them were even still here? Pakuna furrows her graying brows before she looks back down into the water.

A small fish swims by, and the woman watches it as it disappears down the creek. She turns on heel now, tail waving behind her like a banner as she strides over to some rocks. Una bunches her muscles before she leaps rather gracefully onto a large rock. "I be old but still have it" Her voice coos aloud before she titters. She felt rather tired. The sun was warm on her coat, heating her flesh beneath. With a part of her jaws, Pakuna yawns before she lays down upon the rock. The singing of nearby birds settles her down as her eyelids begin to flicker. She closes her eyes, allowing herself to rest for a bit before continuing her stroll to wherever she damn well pleased.

"Speech goes between these."

(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2014, 12:47 AM by Pakuna.)
Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Kite had learned little of Secret Woodlands thus far. Mirren had briefed her on the basics, and Kite was eager to meet her. However, she had failed in catching the leader something worthy of bringing to her doorstep... and Kite, displeased by this, desired to scout around some more. It was early yet, and Kite was a woman on a mission. She would achieve if it was the last thing she did. The L'Crowe was more than determined. Her father had taught her to never give up, even if the odds were against her. And so she would not. Although the herd she had smelled earlier was nowhere to be found, that did not mean they were truly nowhere... so she would find something worthy to bring to her potential new leaders attention.

Kite lingers nearby the creek, just outside of the Orchard, her keen eyes flicking left and right. No sight of anything. This was a big disappointment to Kite, who had wondered if perhaps they had gone to the Creek to slake their thirst. They would be inactive now, but still, her nose would at the very least be able to know where they stopped. But as she moved near the Creek...

Perhaps they had passed through the waters. That would explain the fact that their trail led nowhere. Kite shifts her weight, disappointed... but pleased that she had gained some knowledge here. Still, everything was potential, here. Kite wanted to know. She wanted Mirren to look as brilliant as he was for inviting her into the fold, and she wanted to make a good first impression on her new leader. Kite was... nervous. No one but her mother had ever led her, and Kite was a good subordinate. Of course, as any yearling may be, she could test the elders from time to time... but obedient and helpful.

As the wind comes to her again, Kite turns her head in time to see a wolf lazing in the warmth the sun offered. Not wanting to bother the woman, Kite looks over her shoulder, wondering about Mirren... and if she should return to him, or continue on her hunt. She knew she was no longer alone any more... but she could not help but want to please him, too.

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
As Pakuna lays, her mind begins prodding her to go fishing. It be too early... She thinks to herself and rolls onto her side. Her eyes open as she does this, and her emerald gaze picks up a figure several lengths away from where she lay. A pang of panic shoots through her and she rises up as quickly as she can. She isn't as quick as she used to be- her bones ache in her legs as she stands. Perhaps leaping onto the rock minutes ago was a poor decision. Una clears her throat before she gently leaps to the newly growing grasses. The soft, short grass beneath her pads was such a relief. The bitter cold was no longer biting at her.

Una keeps her gaze on the wolf who seemed to also arrive at the creek for a drink. Pakuna bows forward and stretches, allowing her ears to fall flat against her head as she does so. With another yawn, she stands tall now and approaches the female slowly.

"Oi there! Ye be here for a drink too, eh?" She couldn't really think of much else to say, so perhaps some small chit-chat would open the other wolf up for conversation. The bracken colored wolf paces slowly up to Kite before pausing at about six wolf lengths away. There she stands now, her eyes pinned on Kite and her tail held at a neutral position. She was a lone wolf... she had forgotten. It had been quite awhile since she ran into another wolf. It seemed forgetfulness was beginning to take hold of her. Damn old age.

(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2014, 03:57 AM by Pakuna.)
Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Kite turned back in time to see the she-wolf move down from the boulder that she had lain upon. Immediately Kite was on the defensive, her ears flattening atop her head, unsure of the others intentions. The yearling had yet to trespass in her life, and she had been paying close attention in following her nose to know that this was no ones domain. Of course, Kite had met lone wolves that lived in a particular spot... had she intruded?

But the woman, upon speaking in a peculiar accent, did not seem to be bothered by her presence at all. Kite herself held herself in a neutral manner, though she could sense the older woman's age and thus had a natural inclination to respect the woman some more than she may have any other loner. The question surprised her, and Kite was quiet for a minute. Ah, nerves had struck again. N...No, I was just trying to find the herd I smelled. They must have passed through here, she pauses, before resuming to speak. Ah, did I wake or disturb you...? 'm... sorry miss, I didn't mean to be a bother or make too much noise or... she looks away, averting her gaze and thinking. Thinking of Mirren and where he was, if he was near. The thought of him instilled some confidence within her... he thought she was worthy of something. Still, it would take time to go from shying away to meeting others head on. Kite never wanted to be a bother, and the thought of annoying the stranger before her bothered her.

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna maintains a soft grin, "Nay, miss. Ye not both'rin me. Don' worry 'bout it." She watches as the young woman looks away, almost as if something were on her mind. "Ye got sometin' on yer mind?" Her head tilts in wonder before she glances back at the creek. "I be Pakuna, by the way." After she says this, she walks to the edge of the creek. As she does so, her tail flicks to Kite in a "come hither" manner. Una was enjoying the company thus far. Though the woman seemed a bit uncomfortable, she hoped she would ease up soon.

Pakuna brings her head downward, allowing her nose to hang over the water by a few inches. She stares at her emerald gaze that reflects back at her. Huffing, she raises her head back up and takes a step into the water. The freezing creek surrounds her tan front paws; she shivers. "I be tempted to fish..." her voice trails off before she looks to Kite "The water be too cold, though. Ah well." She seats herself on the shore of the creek, her paws moving back from the water. Hunger was tugging at her stomach but she remained quiet about it.

Una was disappointed in herself. Why didn't she scent out the deer herd herself? She didn't even smell it... perhaps the wind took it in a different direction. No matter the deer... Pakuna craved fish. She continues to contemplate fishing, though the icy water would be sure to numb her flesh for awhile."Speech goes between these."

(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2014, 08:07 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Pakuna was quick to reveal that Kite was not at all a bother to her. The stressful weight of her worry lifted from her shoulders. The L'Crowe had no desire to be a bother to anyone, least of all an elder... that was something she had learned from her mother. Her grandparents had been a part of her pack, and although Pakuna was not so old as they were, she was still a wolf older than her. Respect your elders was ingrained in her at this point, and Pakuna was among that number. At the others introduction, Kite felt a little more at ease. The other did not want her to pass through. Perhaps she wanted a conversation. Better yet, someone to get on with. Kite was amazed by this place, lone wolves not after lone wolves. It was a strange thing... but a nice one, nonetheless.

I'm Kite, she introduces, It's nice to meet you. Kite had remained in place, and she notes the gesture of Pakuna. Her head lowers some as she frets for an instant... but slowly moved toward the older woman in the end, her desire to not disappoint the other stronger than her social anxiety. Kite's eyes widened as the woman steps into the water, knowing it was likely quite cold even still. Her heart flutters and her pace quickens, prepared to herd the woman out of there if need be... but Pakuna withdrew, much to Kite's glee. Ah, yeah, it's still so cold! I... didn't know fish were in there right now. Kite had assumed fish were like birds, migratory animals, unable to withstand cold. They had seemed so frail the few times she had seen them... but she knew very little of them. The Plains did not have streams with fish, the water source lay in a small lake at the heart of the land that lured larger animals to it.

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Kite is so cute!

[quote='Pakuna' pid='340985' dateline='1397171067']
Pakuna, as she sits, notes her own tail waving back and forth against her right haunch. She was happy. The youthfulness and innocence of Kite reminded her of her own youth- before her pack had split. Briefly, Pakuna contemplates as to why Kite was on her own at a young age. Una wasn't much skilled at pinpointing a wolf's age. By the looks of Kite, though, it seemed she was between one and three years of age. Shooing her distracting thoughts away, Pakuna's eyes light up at Kite's words. "Aye, I b'lieve de fish... they stay in the water all times. Even when ice be there. Dunno, it be strange..." She tilts her head slightly as she peers into the running water. "Strange critters I tell ye. Wish I be able to breathe 'unwater." Leaning back from peering into the water, she smirks in a playful manner.

"Tell me, Kite. Why ye be on yer own? Ye seem to be quite young. Plenty o' packs 'round here, I know that." She was feeling very social, to say the least. Though Pakuna was typically a rather reserved wolf, she couldn't help but open up at the opportunity that she had neglected (and had no opportunity for). The smile on her face remains, though it had dwindled a bit. She hoped she wouldn't hurt the wolf's feelings in any way by that question. It was a little personal, but perhaps she was overthinking it. Pakuna brings her gaze to Kite as she awaits her reaction.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Ah no way! She's a strange bird. I feel embarrassed for her >_> But I love Pakuna :)

The old woman was kind. Kite noted this with the slow wave of her own thick tail, but still, her worries got the better of her as they often tended to. Physically, this was not revealed (though her idiosyncrasy remained with her as she swept her paw gently against the ground); there was no pursing of her lips or change in the way that she breathed... Kite had been taught to control, but only barely. Ah, and then, a nervous grin! Control was not her forte, yet. She was working on it. At Pakuna's words, Kite was able to look thoughtful... and she was thinking about what the woman said. Maybe fish were lurking beneath there, even still. How did they not freeze as the waters did? Kite knew it wasn't just the surface, but if the frigid water could freeze them should they step in it, how was a flimsy fish any different...? The way her brow was currently furrowed as she fixated over the thought showed just how little she knew on the matter. And when Pakuna mentioned living underwater, Kite glanced at her worriedly. No, no don't do that...

Kite shuddered at the thought. Change was all well and good by her, but the unknown? That prospect was unnerving. I dunno if I would... she didn't know if outright saying, I wouldn't want that, would offend her elder... and so her admission she felt was more gentle and open-ended. Pakuna could dream of Kites desire to breathe beneath the water with her... or she could think that this was not a preference of hers. Kite hardly wanted to be rude and proclaim the wildness of the very thought (she was not that rigid, but she was used to drylands and to live in/beneath water seemed... strange). But Kite also wouldn't lie, it was not something she excelled in. Who knows what lives there, after all, she tentatively admits, her eyes moving from waterbed to Pakuna.

The question from Pakuna did surprise her, if only because Kite took personal questions to mean that another cared. The realist in her told her, no, Pakuna couldn't care because she didn't know her! But the part that strayed from the realist in her longed to believe that somehow, the other did care. Kite was quiet for a moment as she pondered this, the maslin of thoughts as complex and strange as the maslin of scents around them. I won't be for long, she begins quietly, her eyes not leaving Pakuna now. I am traveling with Mirren, and he is taking me to the pack he runs with, Secret Woodlands. ...Maybe y'could come with us? I... I don't see why you and I are any different I mean... except age but... Ah, no, no... get away from that topic! But that doesn't mean anything except experience and they'd probably, you know, want that... Sheepishly Kite awaits the woman's response. Age. Did she have to bring up that difference? Did it really need to be mentioned or brought up? Kite felt quite flustered... and the only thing to reveal this was, again, the anxious sweeping of her foreleg, back and forth. A pendulum-like motion that put her at peace.