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Waiting on my confidence to feel the knife run through. — The Wildwood 
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Played by Maeby who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Catori Algoma
Wandering away from Ashton whilst he remained in a deep slumber, Catori decided there was still so much to explore. Take the withered and burnt remains on the other side of the waters for example! She still has yet to leave any offerings to the poor poor 'tree spirits' that still resided there. Though she didn't have anything to offer but her company. "Maybe that's what I'm off to do then..." She let out a sigh, still very sad about the fire she wasn't even around for. "But.... How?" She examined the creek while approaching. She was a tad bit afraid of water, and although this creek didn't call for any swimming, it was still... well... water. "The water spirits aren't kind to me." She spoke softly. She didn't even have any reason for this fear, but as far as she was concerned, water was only good for drinking and scrying.

Where there even any 'water spirits' to begin with? She's sure that she'd heard of them once or twice from her old packs elders. Yeah. They had to be real. "What if I trip and drown or something?" Not likely. The water wasn't deep, and once again, it's just a creek. Not a lot of water crossing a creek. "Still, It's something that has to be done." She looked up to the sky, admiring for just a second the twinkles of light that peeked from the clouds every now and again. Probably just to procrastinate a little. "It has to be done." She examined the waters once more before finally deciding to cross. She felt the dampness collide with her fur. "Not.. That bad.. I'm okay." She continued on to cross. "There. I'm here. I made it. I'm alive... Now..." She picked a spot not to far from the creek, right next to a rather diminished stump, and laid down. "Tree spirits... I'm so sorry for what has happened to your home... I'm here now..." She closed her eyes, and began to do what she believed to be 'meditating'.
(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2014, 01:54 AM by Catori.)
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

Well wasn't this a novelty.

Sagacity had only just heard the last bit of what the female had spoken- something about tree spirits, and an apology, before she bowed her head reverently and looked as though she'd fallen asleep. She'd heard a voice not long ago- the one belonging to the very same female she imagined- and had been making her way toward the creek when she'd finally spotted the dark coated woman in the distance, not long before she went quite still. Sagacity stood for a moment and watched her, waiting for something to happen- but she'd gone quite still and silent, so she decided not to bother her, just in case she'd fallen asleep while sitting there. The creek, still, was Sagacity's main priority, so she approached it with the hopes of not disturbing the slumbering stranger.

Tree spirits- she mused to herself what they might be as she lowered her head to drink. She kept her amber gaze locked on the female, just in case she decided to move from where she'd sat among the dead woodlands. Sagacity wasn't sure what she would have been speaking to- a fire had obviously ravaged the place, and had left very little behind. Not that Sagacity believed in spirits of any kind anyway- so the thought of a tree having a spirit made her scoff. What would it even look like? Leafy, green, stationary. Not much of a spirit if it couldn't move, she thought, and the thought amused her so much that she snorted softly. Ambivalent as always and unashamed of herself, Sagacity lifted her head and licked her lips dry, still watching this female, curious to see if she'd do something intriguing- and if not, Sagacity wondered if she couldn't do something to provoke her...She was in that sort of mood.

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2014, 01:13 AM by Sagacity.)
Played by Maeby who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Catori Algoma
Catori found herself rudely interrupted by an intruder. Couldn't they tell she was busy with something far more superior to whatever they could be doing? Did they not care for the consequences that come with upsetting the spirits? Who in there right mind would just waltz up and halt the mending she was trying to accomplish? Wouldn't be the first wolf she's came across like this. Are they all the same around these parts? She thought about fleeing. Who knows what's on the other wolfs mind. But instead, she just lay there still as ever, eyes remaining shut. She wouldn't be the one leaving. How do you tell a wolf they are not welcome here when you yourself have no say in who gets to stay? The area didn't belong to her after all.. But she really had to make them leave somehow! She decided to play it cool, maybe it wasn't as simple as wanting to tick her off by obstructing her concentration. Maybe they needed help with something. She would help them with whatever they needed as quickly as possible and send them on their way. A few more silent moments pass before deciding to take a peek at the stranger.

"H-Hello..?" Was she greeting the wolf or was that a sincere question? Catori clearly needed to work on her people skills. She stood up quite slowly, trying to discretely examine the life that was placed not to far from her. "I'm having a bit of trouble determining your body language, care to tell me what brings you here?"She conversed as nicely as she could, if not only to avoid a possible fight from the canine. She really wasn't up for trying to upset the spirits more than they might already be, and fight would bring only that.
(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2014, 03:10 AM by Catori.)
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

It took some time for the female to react to Sagacity's plain stare, and Sage's expression didn't greatly change even when she realized she'd been found out. The dark female stood leisurely, looking a bit tense, and asked a strange question. What struck Sagacity was the fact that the female openly admitted to having difficulty reading Sagacity's body language- so the sterling female did a quick double take to see if there was anything about her posture that was confusing. No, she was just there, but perhaps it was the absence of character that stumped the meditating female.

"Just curious," She said, and sniffed lightly. Her curiosity had been somewhat satisfied- this female was strange, she concluded. Sagacity didn't normally like strange things or strange wolves, but at the moment she had no qualms talking to this strange wolf, especially if she had some difficulty reading other wolves. That was completely fine with Sage- she liked to have the element of surprise on her side. She still wanted to know exactly what the female was doing so rather than stalking away like she normally might have done, she tilted her head slightly. "You?" This was going to be good. Surely she was doing something that'd give her a bit of a laugh; she felt like she could use one right about now.

Played by Maeby who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Catori Algoma

The female was curious? Curious of what? Catori? She couldn't even begin to fathom why. As far as the dark wolf was concerned she was just minding her own business here after all. She should be the curious one. The girl came out of nowhere and was just watching her. 'Who even does that?' she complained in thought. 'It probably won't be easy to make her leave at all.'

"Me? Meditating. The spirits on this side of the creek seem off, can't you tell? I think it's because of the fire..." Her words left sympathetic. She really wished she knew just exactly what happened here. After all, if she knew she would probably be able to conjure up some sort of plan to set the spirits at ease. Meditating with them alone was honestly not going to cut it, but all this unnecessary stress just wasn't good for the forest.

"If you don't mind me asking... What exactly are you curious of? Me? The area? Water?" She wasn't going to ask in the first place but found she couldn't get over what the wolf had said to her after all. 'Curious. Pff.' If she could she would have rolled her eyes, but that would call for a lot of explaining that she really didn't feel like doing with the wolf that disturbed her practices. She tried to relax her body a little bit, but still unable to read the girls body language, she found it was nearly an impossible task. What was she so nervous about? It wasn't like the wolf was showing any signs of being hostile or anything..

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

When the female spoke about meditating, Sagacity couldn't help herself but snort, and unabashedly she chuckled at the mention of spirits being downtrodden because of a fire. Sagacity looked past the wolf with the tawny highlights to the charred woodlands behind her and leaned back on her haunches, nodding her head. There was still an incredulous smirk on her face. "I imagine I'd be pretty melancholy if I were singed to ash too," She said and returned her gaze to the mossy-eyed woman. Meditating? Really? Was she talking to these spirits in her head? Did she get an answer? Her curiosity had been piqued, and she now understood the chocolate female much better. She was insane.

As for the question, Sagacity quirked a brow. She decided to be somewhat civil, though- at least for herself, and shrugged slightly. "It's not every day I find someone who thinks they can talk to weeds." She said. And whatever restraint she'd had earlier was lost when a thought occurred to her which refused to be restrained. "And fewer still who think they can talk to dead weeds." Catori definitely seemed seriously invested in her meditation, but as it wasn't something Sagacity had ever found useful, practical or even sane, she judged the darker female because of it and felt no remorse in being so cruel. Spirits didn't exist; and the idea that something as inanimate as a tree having a spirit seemed stranger still. Though she knew what she'd said had been cruel, she didn't care; this wasn't something she believed in, and she felt she had every right to state just that.

Played by Maeby who has 45 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Catori Algoma

Catori was less than amused with the strangers tone. Dead weeds.. She was obviously being mocked. It took everything in her to not snap at the girl, being the better person was best in the long run after all. Plus, she'd been practicing keeping her emotions in check. She sighed. "I'm sorry, you obviously find my practices to be a bit bizarre. Not everyone understands them... Actually nobody seems to understand them but.... They are important to me so.... Did you need anything from me then or..? I'd like to take my leave now..." There, that sounded professional enough, she was quite proud of herself. 'You're getting A lot better...Keep it up!' she thought in a light tone. Although a lot of built up stress would have been relieved if she'd just let herself freak out.

In the distance she heard the faint sound of other animals making some sort of ruckus, more than likely a fight. She was then reminded that she hadn't eaten at all today. Maybe after she was done here she'd go check it out. After all, she was sure Ashton would be grateful if she brought some food back to him after being away for so long. Hopefully the girl with her hadn't heard the same noise, she'd have to give up the idea completely if her company took an interest to the animals. Then what would she bring to him? She stared blankly at the girl, awaiting a response.

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout

Sagacity could sense the other woman's tension and it riled her up a bit. She found herself sizing up the young woman, making a judgement of whether she could take her down or not, and found herself feeling relatively sure of herself. The female tried to excuse herself, but Sagacity wasn't entirely sure she wanted to let her go. There was something appealing about harassing this young woman simply because Sagacity thought she might be a bit weak in the mind. Sagacity was a bully, and one of the worst kind; she wasn't very large, so she knew enough not to pick on those stronger than she was. But this lone wolf fit right into the category that Sagacity generally picked on; those that didn't ask for any sort of altercation or conflict. She just wanted to be left alone so she could pray to her dead weeds.

The blank stare she got was enough for Sagacity to find some reason to act out. Stiff-legged, she crossed the water, but paused when she saw the look of focus on Catori's face- the look a wolf got when they sensed prey, and then Sagacity heard it too. She bristled, perked her ears and lowered her head the way a hunter might when stalking prey- but her attention was fixed on Catori, not the sound of mountain goats fighting in the distance. "You're insane," She taunted, her voice a hiss on her breath. She didn't want the other wolf to run- she didn't want to spend the energy hunting her down. She wanted to provoke her, so she could take out some of her anger and frustration. "Talking to dead plants. No one understands you because you're insane."