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You'll be a bright light, coming out of the dark — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
All welcome- just...Keep in mind she's only 2 weeks old, and her parents will be pretty protective of her :) @Athena, @Dziban, @Ash

Life was a miracle. She didn't understand it, this concept of being something, where before she hadn't been very aware of anything until air had been sucked past wet lips into tiny lungs and her entire environment had changed, stimulating her to feel, observe, sense. Her body had needs and she couldn't control these, but she could feel them. And her body and mind learned quickly what they needed, and what she needed to do in order to get them. She could move and get closer to warmth; she could smell her way to food. She would complain- even though she couldn't hear herself- if she didn't have immediate access to what she needed. She was a vehicle driven by instinct, but slowly an awareness had begun to take hold. And that awareness had begun to grow even more rapidly following the events of her eyes and ears opening, so she could see and hear. Sounds were clearer than sights, but if something was close enough, she could make out some vague detail.

Most familiar to her, naturally, were the sights, smells and sounds of her parents. The pale, warm, white fur of her mother which was at the top of Rory's list. For while the dark, comforting fur of her father was also familiar and already loved by the tiny pup, it was with the owner of the white fur that food came, and Rory needed food often. The majority of her earliest waking hours was spent suckling, which would lead almost directly to a nap. Now, though, she would wake and exercise herself. Curiosity was beginning to make its way into her life, as was playfulness. Reflexive smiles had become replaced by real smiles, now that she could perceive the world around her. And the world was a miracle. Nestled against the sides of her parents she felt comfort and happiness. Having just nursed, the young one hiccoughed and smiled at the sound. She didn't understand it, but it made the child grin nonetheless.

Life was good.

(This post was last modified: May 19, 2014, 08:53 PM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He was always a never ending presence near Athena's den. Now that spring had returned to the forest, it was quite easy for the large man to once again blend into the shadows as he once had. No one had dare come to close to the birthing area and with Ash so close, it would be quite impossible for anyone to come near, except for the boy that Athena had taken on as her mate. It was just another bitter reminder to him that he was not made for love. Finn, Treena, Athena, Namara....all had left him, though he found that Athena's leave was unintentional, and it hurt him beyond comparison. He longed to be able to protect and teach the new child within their ranks and to take another under his large wings. Others thought him to be cold and heartless, ruthless in the way of his rule. But Athena knew him better than anyone, probably in the whole Lore, and she knew that he had a heart made of fire that would burn passionately for anyone who happened to ensnare it. Now, once again, it was blazing wildly, just begging to be put back into control.

He knew that he could not let his anger get the best of him anymore. The Hervok alpha knew what he was doing here, and knew it was his duty to do whatever he could to watch the pack flourish, and that meant watching over the future of their family, including the woman whose heart he had broken, along with his own in the process. He was burning with curiosity to see the child after she had been born, only ever briefly checking in with the former Queen of the Mountains to ensure that she didn't need anything and was being properly cared for by her mate. He could have almost been called clingy, but he was sure Athena understand his worry. He didn't want another bad thing to happen to her, especially under his watch again.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
With the arrival of the alpha came a slight breeze of fresh air from outside the den, as well as a scent he'd begun to recognize. This scent had frequently come and go, as had the owner of the reddish fur who came and went with it. Until this point, Rory had remained close by her mother's side, only venturing away when the circumstances were as they should have been- no unknown wolves in the den, only her mother and father. But now that she caught this familiar scent and turned her head to gaze toward the brown and auburn figure, she was possessed by this new feeling of curiosity. She had yet to learn to distrust anyone; and while her mother was with her, she was attached but secure, and free to roam. As long as she had her mother as her base, she felt confident enough to move away a bit.

She did not crawl directly toward him, but away from her mother a bit, and lifted her head in his direction. She sniffed, taking in the scent which had come to the den several times before. Yes, she knew that scent. Vaguely, but it was there. Scent was her strongest sense by far, apart from touch, and was tied to memory far more than any other sense. She couldn't make out details- he was too far away- but could see the colour of his coat and the contour of his body. Most of the time, those who were with her were sitting or lying down, so comparatively, he looked surprisingly tall and large. Her short, spike-like tail flailed from side to side before it pointed straight back as she sniffed the air again, pursed her lips, and beckoned him. "Awooo, wooo, wroooooo." It was the easiest syllable to manage, and rather than babbling, she'd taken to uttering this one sound. It seemed to work, though, and was the easiest sound to make.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Nari wasn't with either of her boys currently. Instead she was investigating the scents of Athena, Dziban, Ash, and the little pup scent that came with them. They hadn't gone too far into her territory, but rather stayed closer to the marsh side of the area. Which worried her a bit since the water would be high and if a bad storm came through the area could easily flood. However , not voicing her worries instead Nari respected Athena's right to be alone with the pup knowing that Ash was there constantly watching for danger as well.

She had passed by this area many times from a far just checking on the scents and what those smells told her. The silver queen wanted to speak with Athena but knew from her own experience as a nursing mother that the white she wolf would be tired and protective of her pups.

Actually only one pup... Nari noticed the scent that was slowly becoming a single little individual as she stood downwind of the den fifteen or so feet away to look but not truly see anything. She saw Ash standing there gruff as ever. Though Nari was becoming used to this gruff dominant posture. She had slowly begun to realize that he was more than that stance. That behind the stoic face there was more emotion.

Not wanting to intrude any further Nari had turned to leave when the wind brought a whine from a pup to her ears. She paused turned half way and listened.

The pup must be healthy and moving about... she noted within her mind while turning to look in the direction of the den again. The indecision of whether to move closer or not on her face plain to see.

"Morning Ash."She called softly to the lead male from her far away spot among the thickly growing grasses.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Dreams littered her mind as she lay peacefully besides Dziban and Aurora. She dreamed of running in the meadow with Aurora, Dziban, and Kratos, their laughter all around them. The bright red flowers potent in the breeze and the sun warming their backs. Summer was coming and Athena could feel it in her bones. However, her lovely dream was soon interrupted by the sound of Aurora. Athena was used to her sounds of content and complaint, but this sound was different. Her white head lifted off the dirt ground and turned towards her little girl. Rory hadn't gone far, but as she gazed out of the dark den, she could see the leviathan shape of Ash and another. In the darkness, she couldn't tell exactly who was out there by the brush. Instinctively, the mother stood up and a low growl grumbled in her chest as her steely gaze looked out towards the stranger. As her body stood half-way in her den and half-way out, her eyes began to adjust to the light and she finally recognized who was out there by Ash.

The distinct coat of grays and white gave the stranger a name. Narime was the one in the distance watching them. Part of her was still grudgeful of fact that she didn't protect her Aphrodite when she promised she would. However, Athena knew it was her fault in the beginning for all that happened last year, so she knew she couldn't put the full blame on the grey woman. Athena soon began to calm down, but was still on guard. Her fiery eyes fell on her burly guardian, her eyes and heart softening. "Goodmorning, Ash." Turning back to Narime, "Narime," she greeted as well. Looking down, her eyes settled on Aurora as she struggled to crawl towards Ash. Part of her was grateful that she had trouble moving about, it made things easier for her. However, she knew Rory would be walking about soon enough and Athena and Dziban would need to be on a higher guard then they are now.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Might not be the best, but my tablet is broke so I had to write this on my phone. Hope you don't mind me jumping in.)

She smelt something...but what, she couldn't tell. It brought her back to her earliest days with Tacoma and Ashton. Pained jabbed at her heart as she recalled the memories. She could also smell some packmates...and her uncle! She grew a little excited at scenting him. Ash was family she intended to get to know, even if he was quite scary. The pale girl began following his scent with a slowly wagging tail.

She could tell that she was about to meet some new packmates. It made her uneasy, would they dislike her? How was she suppose to act around them? *Minka approved of my head lowered, I believe.* Danica had yet to discover the pack drama that had gone on. She kept herself distant from them...even to the point of having a small den near the borders. Why? She wasn't exactly sure. Maybe it was the fear growing inside of her that she would be unwanted here. Or the rice sized hope she'd run into an old packmate who would tell her that her family was doing great. She missed them even if she wouldn't admit it. However, she didn't want to return. Already she felt happier here...away from her brother's grave and her returned father.

The Emerald green eyed she wolf finally came upon the scene. She approached timidly, purposely coming behind her Uncle. She hoped he would protect her if she screwed up. She came closer then Narimé had, but still distanced herself. Creeping behind a tree she poked only her head out, "H-hello Uncle," She greeted shyly. She wasn't sure how she was suppose to adress him. Glancing at the others with scrunched eyebrows she got a hint of what was happening here. "Oh," She quitley mumbled taking steps back in attempt to be respectful. "I'm sorry Ma'am, didn't realize you had a pup in the den. Please do forgive me. I only came over to say Hi." She looked down at her paws nervously. *I must seem so rude right now, I didn't even greet the pretty silver lady*. Swallowing hard she lifted her head to look at her, "Morning". Was all she said before looking back down at her paws.

Danica had always been shy and right now she wished she could just poof away. *If only Titan was here, then I could stand with him and hopefully be ignored.* That wasn't the case, though, and she wasn't sure how to react. Her front paws shuffled nervously in the dirt.
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
She felt comfortable in the presence of these wolves- she perceived them as family, and family they would be. As long as she was safe by her mother's side, she was content to receive attention from others, as she had not yet reached the stage where she would make strange of others she did not know. She felt like the center of attention and enjoyed it. Her tail flapped from side to side gleefully as her mother spoke, and she raised her head a bit when she heard another voice coming from outside the den. Doing her best to move on weak, chubby legs, Rory crawled forward to find a place between her mother's front legs where she felt safre and secure, squinting for a bit in the sunlight until her murky eyes adjusted.

She could see the male whose scent she recognized better, and rolled over onto her back playfully, looking up at him with a goofy, puppyish grin as she remained between her mother's forelegs. She reached out with her two front legs and splayed her paws as she yawned and stretched, before she turned her head and looked at Narime, who was- due to Rory's position- upside down. This was fun. A girlish giggle came from the child as she looked up at the leader from her silly position and she stretched her legs out toward her as well, kneading the air a bit with her toes.

Another joined them- one Rory didn't recognize by sight (which was still blurry for those who weren't terribly close) or by scent, but it didn't bother her much. There were others here she enjoyed and loved, so she felt secure enough to call out with a quiet "Wooooo," to the newcomer.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Immediately, his eyes softened, pleased to see that Athena's surviving pup was healthy and looking strong. He moved slightly closer, his mossy green eyes smiling down at the small pup, who was quite rowdy. It was nice to know that she was starting to move slightly, but Ash's moment of ease slipped past him when he sensed the presence of Narimé from behind him. Upon instinct a warning growl erupted from his throat to his partner, which was unneeded, because as soon as he initiated the warning, Athena was up and moving. The Hervok moved away from the woman's child, preferring not to receive an injury to her his former love's protectiveness. It wasn't even long before his niece arrived, which reminded him once again, that he should be getting to know his family better. At Athena's softened voice, Ash felt safer to step forward, closer to her and administer a small bump of his muzzle against her cheek in greeting before he once again peered down at the beauty beneath their feet.

Clearing his throat, the Hervok moved back to make proper introductions, "Narimé, Athena...meet my niece, Princess Danica Reinier of Secret Woodlands, she is daughter of Nina and lives with us now. Nari and Danica, this is Aurora, Athena and...Dziban's daughter." As he said this, Ash awkwardly shifted away from the woman, his mossy green eyes settling on his partner and niece to see what their reactions would be, but also to make sure that they did not shift too close to the young child near the Hervok.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narime expected Athena to show herself when she approached, and although Nari did not move from her position she also didn't strut forward to inspect the pup either. Instead she simply nodded a greeting and stayed her respectable distance away. When the little one struggled forward out to Ash Nari's eyes fell warmly upon the pup as it rolled onto its back.

Nari jerked as the sound of another wolf brought her back to her senses. She glared at the newcomer and stood up to stand protectively between Danica and the pup. Nari had not met this girl, and for a moment she registered the two scents that cloaked her fur, Ash and Titan's smells. While observing the girl, Nari noticed her size, those green eyes, and that she was about her childrens age. It was then that Ash's voice interrupted her thoughts and the girls name was given.

"It is good to finally meet you Danica..." Nari calmed herself, still keeping that confident look about her, but flattened the hackles that had risen only a minute before. Does Nina know she's here? Nari thought quietly while turning around to look back to Aurora.

Then the gray queens tail wagged a bit as the pup looked at her and giggled. A wide smile formed over her lips as Nari watched. She remembered her three pups being just as playful and happy. She missed how playful they used to be, how small they had been, and how loving they were. Longing filtered into her gaze as she leaned forward to scent the air. The gray she wolf restrained herself only barely from going right over to greet and play with the little one.

Instead her ears twitched as Ash spoke. Luckily for him she had been too intent on the pup to really care about his earlier defensive growl. Though she noticed that Ash was watching her intently. She glanced to his green eyes and rolled her own blue ones at him.

"Do you really think I would harm a child? Shame on you Ash."Nari gave him a crooked smile then returned her gaze to Danica to check on what the yearling was doing. Then a few seconds later her blue gaze returned to the little pup. Nari felt the tension ease from her muscles as she was surrounded by those who should be considered family. Then with a wide grin Nari lowered her front end and slapped the ground in a play bow. A second later the she wolf had rolled onto her back copying Aurora's position with a playful smile. Nari hadn't really felt comfortable enough with anyone to actually play with them, but for once, in front of the pup, she could let herself go. Even if she was still a good distance away from the little one.