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The Eye of the Storm — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint

@Naira The sky is dark with storm clouds.

The sky rumbled threateningly above, the dark clouds looming dangerously as they threatened to begin raining on Myrrhis before she had managed to find suitable shelter to escape the storm from. It had been hanging over her head the last few hours now, rumbling at her and seemingly chasing her towards a scary looking forest that would hopefully give her some shelter that was needed. As long as it does not start now, I’ll be happy.” She thought to herself as she cast a wary eye upwards. Her limbs gave a twinge of warning, as they had been doing lately. They had become something of a weather warning, ever since she had started becoming old.

However, as she was walking with eyes and ears alert, the scent of Nightshade floating on the air made her freeze. Not only the smell of the deadly plant but the smell of death and decay caught her attention as well and Myrrhis knew she must be near a pack. It was the only reason for such...unique smells to co-exist together, unless it was some kind of ritual killing ground.

If the latter was the case, then Myrrhis wanted nothing more the to run, run away and never come back to this place. But the underlying scent of wolves also ran with the deadly smells and she hoped that, as she lifted her head and howled a greeting to the pack leaders, a wish to meet and speak with them if they were free, that the first was true and she had found a pack to settle into.

And not run head first into some weird place instead.
(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2014, 04:02 AM by Myrrhis.)
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet

Chulyin preferred to stay out of the rain. So when the sky threatened to unleash a torrent, he felt the strongest urge to disappear into the den and wait for it to pass. Nothing good tended to happen when the sky dropped anything. Snow, rain, hail...Anything. So, he did what he thought was smart, and disappeared into the den. Besides, he'd been busy during the day checking the borders, catching any prey that might've crossed his path, attempting to fulfill the needs of his sister and the new additions. Perhaps he'd be driven out into the damp later, but for the mean time, he'd wait it out where it was dry and warm.

He watched the sky turn gradually darker and could hear the wind rustling the gnarled trees the surrounded their home. The sound of the oncoming storm was always soothing, even when the storm arrived, he felt somewhat calm. But only when he was not in it. The winds were not blowing in his favor today, it seemed, though as a howl flooded the clearing. He might've mistaken it for a gust of wind if not for the fact it sounded so precise. He walked to and from those borders every day, sometimes more than once. Any sound that came from them, in any direction, he could tell. With a guttural sigh, he pulled himself into the fray, though thankfully it hadn't started raining yet. He propelled himself forward, not quite running, but he was in something of a rush. It took hardly any time for him to reach the female waiting at the borders. His tail curled over his back, a quiet warning to her that he was in charge here. So long as Naira was denridden, and Mapplethorpe her caretaker, Chulyin had little problem with a bit of role playing if it got the point across. The Keep wolves were not the most welcoming bunch, and though he loomed large, he would not scare her off until she pled her case.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
The light female waited patiently for someone to arrive, shivering slightly whenever the wind picked up and ruffled her grey fur. She hoped that even if the wolves that were here turned her away, that she could still find a shelter in time before the storm truly hit.But there was hope they would arrive soon and take her in. She was getting old and felt tired as it was. Myrrhis wasn’t sure how much longer she could stand in this blowing gale for. Not to mention that as the wind blew and it got colder, that not only were the clouds threatening to rain water on their heads but quite possibly hail too. And Myrrhis hated hail with a passion. It was first hand experience that she had seen what the cold blocks of ice could do, when they were big enough and falling with enough force to knock out a wolf, whether for good or not. Yet if the strike didn’t kill at the wolf, then it was better to simply end their life, with a wound that wouldn’t truly heal...

The elder wolf was brought out of her musing when a large male drew up to her, with his tail curled above his back and eyes questioning why she was here. Instinctively, Myrrhis lowered her gaze and her body to the ground, turning her head away to show part of her throat to him. This was his land she was near, his land she wished to perhaps call home. She would show no disrespect to him or any other that came.

”My name is Myrrhis Flint. I am here to not only seek shelter from the storm but also to look for a place to call home, if you would have me,” Her strong voice called over the howling wind, loud enough to be heard but not ordering him about. ”I have been a healer for many years now and I also teach to those who are willing to learn.” Another strong gust of wind had her shivering but she quelled it as best she could. Her body wasn’t what it once was but she wouldn't show weakness if she could help it.
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet

The female reacted quickly to his arrival, and so ensured that his own posture would not change into something more threatening. Maybe they could make this fast before the rain came. His cold eyes thawed somewhat as she cowered before him, and he gave a single slow blink so that she might begin to speak, for he had nothing to say to her yet. The woman seemed...Old, to say the least, from the way she shivered against the wind. It blew against him, but only his fur shifted beneath its strength. His tail swayed quietly, in an absent-minded fashion as she began to speak, to plead her case. Thankfully, she was quite thorough in her introductions, sparing him the agony of having to feign aggression to drill it out of her. Perhaps if she was not so old, and it was not so dreadful outside, he might've bared his teeth, snarled a bit.

"A healer, then?" He repeated, mulling her profession about in his mind. Chulyin knew of Couth, their medic, but he was rather young in comparison to Myrrhis. Perhaps she could teach him. A little teamwork never hurt anyone either, especially with the young ones about. "We might have use for you, Ms. Myrrhis." He gave her words of encouragement, canting his head slightly to look down at her past his nose. Hopefully either @Naira or her mate, @Mapplethorpe, would be about shortly to cast their judgement and then they could all get out of this dreadful weather.

(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2014, 05:27 AM by Chulyin.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention