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one. three. eight. — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Grey who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Taima Lyall Avelin

my sun and stars
silver & gold
the moon of my life

May 28th; Before dawn; Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 60° F/15° C

It had been a struggle - staying away from everyone in Maksim’s pack, keeping on the outskirts, and keeping her belly full. The day she had fully realized that something was “off” about her scent had her utterly afraid. What made it even all the more fascinating and terrifying were the small movements in her abdomen, a sign of new life...

In the days leading up to this very morning, Taima had felt as though she were feeling everything at once. She was excited, anxious, nervous, happy, relieved, hungry, listless, and antsy. Her instincts, something that she now heavily relied on since she had become an expectant mother, had brought her to travel further and further away from the Cut Rock River borders. She had made it far enough – even with enduring her contractions as they became more frequent – to reach a familiar part of what was once Grizzly Hollow, and once she had laid eyes upon an old rotting stump and the moss-covered trunk of the tree it had once been just a few meters or so from it, she knew she had found her way home; and, this, was the very place she had been born, where Jaysyek had first welcomed her into the world.

Now, Taima would do the same for her children, whose near-constant squirming-induced pangs against her right side confirmed that it was nearly time for them make their way into Relic Lore.

Just as the evening had come with the setting sun, she retreated into the narrow den, smelling nothing but the usual scent of old pine needles and other lesser creatures who had once used her now-claimed birthing den as a resting place before moving on to their next destination.

- - -

Hours had passed since the first side-splitting contraction and all that she could show from her time within her burrow were two cubs, just visible within the first rays of the new day. Two sons. The first and larger of the two, who must have easily weighed a little more than an average cub normally would, she bestowed the name of Octavius (whose name by human terms came to define the eighth child in a family; and, in truth, after Jaysyek's seven Relic Lore-born children, little "Gus" was the eighth cub to continue family's legacy), a name she hoped Datura would find as princely and attractive as she did: Octavius Lyall Aquila. The second boy, however, even after all her hard work of carrying him to term and cleaning him, had left her distraught. Though she was comforted by the fact that her first-born suckled at her middle, very much content and oblivious to everything else, Taima stifled the several whines that dared to lift from her muzzle. She had even had a name for him, Borden, after her father, whose dark, almost-black mask was a prominent marking on the youth’s mousy face. Borden Prosper Lyall (without the addition of the Aquila name if she could have gotten away with it by Datura's standards... because she had every intention to remind the inhabitants of Relic Lore that her father and the empire he had established would not be so long forgotten). If anything, it was quite possibly the only piece of him that she had left aside from the memories they had shared while she was growing up. But, Borden wasn’t breathing. She had licked the slime and gunk from his face but to no avail; he still rested on the bed of dried grass and crinkly leaves, motionless and unmoving as Octavius' small hind legs unintentionally pushed the den debris in his brother's face. There was little else the new mother could do, and her inexperience only made the doubt she felt much more upsetting.

Her mother had been able to do all this on her own - twice - so, why had she, Jaysyek's daughter, been subject to such loss? Was this the price she had paid for all her misdeeds and insolence? Was this what she had deserved after disobeying her father time and time again?

She hoped @Datura would be nearby to console her, but at the same time she hoped that he would keep at bay. Something, since her delivery had come to an end, made her absolutely dread what he might do or say should he lay eyes upon the son that did not survive. Just in case she pushed herself up (much to Octavius' dismay by the sounds of his disgruntled whimpers) and nudged the stillborn towards the back of the den, concealing him with her tail and a stretched out hind leg once she settled back down and reassured her first-born with a lick to his copper-furred forehead. She would make use of him later, either burying him with her grief of missing her family and all that had come to pass, or finding ‘better use’ for him in regards to keeping his brother healthy and strong. She might have lost the son she had had other hopes for, but for Octavius to have to shoulder the world alone, as an only child, could only signal to Taima that perhaps her first-born was meant to do great things... single-handedly.

Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila

The father-to-be threw all his efforts towards trying, trying to make everything work. But he was failing. Hard. There was so much that no one had ever told him: no one had warned him that he would have better luck predicting the weather than Taima's moods, or that pregnancy would be so hard on the both of them. Datura was running out of any emotional resource that had once belonged to him. His patience, his security, his ambition, his insanity, and his love all escaped his grasping jaws. And Taima knew. Datura was not a particularly perceptive man but he could sense her slipping away from him, too, in silence between her words, in her physical distance from him. The golden boy longed to say something, to bridge the gap between the fault lines running through their relationship. But he couldn't. Was it supposed to be worth it? Bitterness ruled all his thoughts, though most of the time his thoughts centered on flinging blame at anyone besides himself.

He wasn't with her when she finally whelped.

He would never forgive the world for that.

- - -

A broad shadow fell over the time-worn, quaint hole in the ground. It reeked of blood, birth, and his wife. His children had arrived and he found his fur was bristling. A million potentials, a million universes bloomed in his mind. He was separated from the possibilities by mere seconds, a few feet, the darkness of the hollow tree. He had tried so hard to picture this moment in his mind these past few months without getting anywhere near the gravity and trepidation of reality. Datura had always imagined the first thing he would say to the mother of his children would be to ask if she was alright. But when he finally spoke his voice was ragged from sleepless nights and taut with stress, the words that came out of his mouth were, "H-how many are there?"

Awkwardly, he crouched down so that he might see inside.

She is nothing if not dutiful,
Datura & Taima
this wife of mine...
(This post was last modified: May 31, 2014, 12:41 AM by Datura.)
Played by Grey who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Taima Lyall Avelin

my sun and stars
silver & gold
the moon of my life

It was with a heavy heart that Taima caressed her tongue over her single, surviving son. His whimpers had quieted as he began to nurse, and as silence began to creep in between them, the stage was set for Datura to make his entrance. Much like clockwork, he appeared. His shadow falling over the entrance of the hollow tree had startled her but as soon as his voice reach her ears, she was relieved. "H-how many are there?" A tired and grateful sigh escaped her lungs and she laid back so that she could see him in the day's first light. The sun shone through the edges of his bristled fur around his neck and the tips of his ears, rendering him into an almost saintly image.

She tried hard to relax, and while she was mindful of the small body she was artfully concealing with her hind limbs and tail, she kept still as she looked at her beloved prince. "One," she divulged, not even hesitating in fear that he might be dissatisfied with her bearing him a single child. "A son..." She averted her eyes to graze her cold nose along Octavius' golden-furred back, prompting from him a whimper that proved he was very much alive and well.. Without turning to look back at him from the depths of her refuge, she continued to inform him, "He's got a set of lungs on him--" she gave a small laugh and a smile, "--and he looks like his father. Very much so..."

For a while, she fell quiet, very much taken by the way Octavius moved and breathed. The boy lifted his head briefly to yawn, exposing his carnation pink tongue before burying his face into the long fur of his underbelly. Her ears perked. "Datura?" she called softly to him, hoping that he was still there, lingering at the jagged entrance of the underground den beneath the fallen tree. "Thank you."

Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila

One. He bit his tongue and took a step backwards. He stood up, grateful that Taima couldn't see the devastation written all over his face from inside the den. Had he known anything of the other, quickly fading boy Taima was hiding from him, Datura would have surely lost it. Just one? He didn't understand how that could have been possible: she had been so fat. Despite his inexperience with midwifery, he had been so sure that there would be many, dozens of little wiggling aliens in her belly that they would put to work repopulating this abandoned land. Shit. Just one, eh? Was his seed not strong enough? Were they took young? God damn it! Datura shook his head wildly, trying to free himself from the bitterness that threatened to overtake him. At least he still had one, and it was a boy, a son. From the darkness of the den Datura could hear the rising whimper of his heir and suddenly it was all forgotten, all forgiven for the moment. One son was enough and his only wish was to look upon the beautiful face of his son.

Quickly the golden father was back on his stomach, slithering towards Taima. Did he truly look like his father? "Let me see him, darling," he crooned in his smooth, dark drawl. Her thanks was unexpected. What on earth was she thanking him for. He gave her a charming little wink, "Anytime my little rabbit." He wiggled closer, whimpering and begging for her to budge aside and reveal his prize, his son. Breath-taken, the father watched her crane her neck and move her muzzle he assumed to caress their child. All at once he saw her, the scrawny little girl he had fattened up and turned into a mother, a spitfire he had somehow tamed and made his own and it startled him that someone could look so gentle and fierce all at the same time. The respect that dawned on him was deep and fear-born. Was this beauty? "Taima," he whispered, "You amaze me."