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Only Memories Will Destroy Us — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora


Camio was prone to wander, though today he tried to keep his wandering to a minimum. Hollowheart Keep was surely growing silent and he wanted to lurk around the pack for the next few days. Keep tabs on the members to see what exactly was going on. His mind kept falling back to think he had joined a weak, dying, disgusting pack of wolves. But of course he would keep these thoughts to himself for the time until he saw it fit to spill his thoughts upon the wolves he lived with or to the other wolves of the land of the Lore.

Coming upon a hidden water source Camio allowed his nose to rimple at the sight of it. The molted male wasn't exactly a water wolf to say. He preferred his woods and mountains. Only time he didn't mind getting his coat wet was when it was raining down on him. Though when it came to swimming it would be rare to find Camio being in the water taking a dip. The only way it would happen would be in a life or death situation. Even then the male might find himself making it a tough call between touching the water or dying in whatever his death may have been. Figuring though that wasn't the case this particular day Camio sat down on the shoreline making sure to be just far enough away from the water were it wouldn't soak his paws but just close enough where it may lightly damp his toes.


table by Grey / 2014
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Where was she?

Her mind was fuzzy and though the land she had tracked through the last few days seemed distantly farmilair, it was also distantly....well, distant. It was like a fog had settled in her mind, blocking out every memory of herself, expect for her name. 'Senka.' She remembered and there was a last name there too, on the tip of her tounge but it was not coming forth. No matter how hard she thought to bring it out, to vocalise it.

Where had she come from? Was this place her home? There was a sense of belonging to the air, to the greens grasses she trodden over as she tracked the scent of water through the air. The scent of something else joinit but her throat was parched beyond compare and caring if the other was friendly or not.

Finally reaching te water source, Senka cast her orange eyes around and they settled on a lone figure, sitting near the edge but not quite in. His toes would be the only ones that would be considered the only wet part of the wolf and for a brief moment, Senka wondered who this wolf was and if he knew her from before. Before her memories were blocked from her. Before, when she could recall everything with simple ease.

Now it was a struggle just to remember her name from day to day. It irked her greatly. What happened to her? Did someone attack her? She had woken with a very sore head, the day she woke with no memories. Was it another wolf or simply the misplaced hoof of a deer, that had not killed her but simply knocke her memories from her brain?

Shaking her head, Senka stepped forward until her front legs were in the water and water was being gulped down quickly.
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora


It didn't take long for Camio's eyes to land on an unfamiliar face taking a drink from the waters he despised. Watching her thirstily lap up the water like she had never seen a source of it in her life Camio smiled softly keeping his eyes fixed firmly on her form. "My, my sweetheart did we have a long trip for you to be so parched?" Rising to his feet the male stood tall were he was, obviously not set on moving. "How 'bout you come over here and give me a visit? I've been rather lonely." His voice calling out to the other across the water.

Camio held his proud regal appearance waiting for the female to make a move and or say something back to him. Taking in the sight of the female his eyes soaked in every detail visible from his standing point. The dark reddish brown fur, fiery orange gold eyes, her large size. Some would call it rude for him to be staring at the female but he could honestly care less. Camio wouldn't follow those rules or manners set by the society of wolves he lived in. For he did what he would please. Whether it be staring or killing another individual. He was the merciless and loveless Camio Zamora. He would set his own standards and rules in his life. Never would he fully follow another and let them set his life out through morals for the foolish.


table by Grey / 2014
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka lifted her head, water now dripping off her muzzle as she stared at him, a frown crossing over her face. The look he was giving her, seeing him openly staring at unnerved her greatly, for whatever reason.

“Of course I am parched,” Senka kept her tone short and neutral, not knowing what this wolf wanted or what he was like. “I have traveled a long distant, and this is the first water source I have come across in a while. It would be an idiot to miss an opportunity to quench one’s thirst. I will say though, I do not think I am your ‘sweet heart’, seeing as I have no recollection of meeting you at all.” She then added at the end, stepping out of the water and away from him further and shaking out her fur. It was not an odd thing to say, nothing to show that Senka had lost her memory, as any wolf like him she would surely remember even if her memory was complete. She wasn’t going to let him know what was wrong with her.

He appeared too pompous for her, too...there was something about him, that reminded her of someone or something and it unnerved her greatly. It niggled at the back other her mind as she spoke with him. Had she meet him before and merely forgotten him in her fuzzy haze of memory? And what were these feelings of mistrust and familiarity?

She didn’t know and she was unsure if she wanted to find out.