The spot where they would fight for the right to be named queen would not be far off from the meeting itself. She would only walk a short distance before stopping and turning to face the opponent, Myrrhis. She just hoped this fight would be easy to some regard and that the other woman would also heed Phineas' words that there was no injury to be done to one another. Aesire had the size advantage with every wolf she could possibly face as she was the largest by at least and inch if not two. She towered over this particular woman by four inches. She set her defenses briefly to get into the rhythm as she rolled her shoulders back and lowered her head before scrunching her neck to protect it. The furs along her spine bristled before she raised her hackles. With a fierce snarl, she would make her move to attack.
It was a good chance that the other woman was faster than Aes but also an equally as good chance that Aes was stronger. With narrowed eyes, she would push towards the mottled grey woman with fangs barred. She would rush at the woman's left side in an attempt to hit her left torso with Aes' own right side in an attempt to knock her off balance. She could only hope that she would be successful in this endeavor. With a deep breathe, the emerald green female would concentrate on her hit points. Would she prove to be the queen she so desperately wanted to be?