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Before the Storm — Arbol Rosado 
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Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
@Aideen Back dated for the 21st. :3

It was vespertide when Florence set out towards his destination, the lone cherry tree on the hill he had spotted as Fly had taken him and @Vera to their new home. Florence was curious about the tree. It looked like the only one of its kind in the area and as he drew closer, he could scent the sweet smelling berries that littered the ground below it. So it was a fruit producing tree? He thought to himself as he bent down to inspect the berries. There were only a few on the ground, half decomposed but Florence knew not to eat them regardless, as he had no idea if they were poisonous or not. He also knew that he didn't have long to stay at the tree as his attention was drawn to the sky, the tell tale signs of a snowstorm brewing.

But staying for a short while, now that wouldn't hurt. He told himself silently. He was happy to be in Black Thorn Downs and to have friends like Fly within the group but without Vera, Florence didn't feel like socialising all too much. He just hoped no one within the pack minded that he hung on the edges, unless Fly or Vera were involved.

Settiling amongst the roots of the tree, Florence over looked the field below and tried to imagine what it would be like in the Spring, all green and the air filled with the sweetness that seemed to float on spring air.

His heart lurched at the thought of what else could happen in Spring and a flush settled under his fur as he thought of Vera. They had been together for some time now and though they weren't anything official yet, Florence had been debating lately whether or not he should talk to Vera about becoming true mates this coming Spring. They wouldn't have pups, oh no, he didn't feel ready for them yet. And he'd probably have speak to their leaders first, to see if it was alright with them.

But he wanted Vera to be his and him to be hers. They were so close, a few wolves had already thought them mates. Florence sighed heavily as the thoughts flew around his mind, settling his head between his paws. He wanted to talk to someone about it, to voice his thoughts before going through with them. He couldn't talk to Vera about them and Fly, well he wasn't sure what she would say.
(This post was last modified: Nov 23, 2014, 10:54 PM by Florence.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She shouldn't be here. Again! Of everywhere she could go, why was it that she always ended up here?! It seemed like her paws insisted on taking her through The Blackberry Fields, despite their lack of allure now that winter had cleared them of both flowers and fruit. Up here, she felt a small sense of home - especially now that the dark bushes were half buried in snow - and though she felt happy in Secret Woodlands, and could never dream of leaving, she couldn't help but miss her birthplace from time to time. In these fields, she had found a little refuge, where she could dream of her childhood and think of her family; so far away.

Today would have to be a shot visit though; above her, the storm clouds were brewing, promising more snow to come, and an icy wind was already blowing, ruffling her rust read fur. Still, she couldn't quite turn back yet, as she had set herself a goal for today's trip; and there it was, appearing up ahead, the gnarly trees of The Cherry Orchard starting to dot the lands around her. But it was a specific one she was heading for, standing above the others, its branches longer and lighter than the others. She'd noticed it on her first visit here, a little month earlier, but hadn't had time to investigate further. So today, as that strange pull had once more drawn her to The Fields, she had decided to check it out; that familiar, adventurous feeling tinkling in her chest.

As she came to the base of the tree, she felt a jolly grin spread on her face, copper eyes aglow; I HAVE missed these adventures! Then she noticed that she wasn't alone, and her body and smile froze for a second. On the opposite side of the trunk, sat a young, dark brown wolf, gazing out over the fields, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. For a moment the slender fae considered turning back, leaving him to himself, but she quickly decided against it, tail waving excitedly. Slowly circling the tree, closing in on the other, she didn't hesitate any longer, but eagerly greeted him in a warm, soft voice; "Hi there." She stopped a little distance before him, tail waving happily above her back, and smiled encouragingly, hoping he wouldn't mind the company.

Word count: 395

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
The large male really wasn't expecting anyone to be out and about with a snowstorm so close, so when a warm voice greeted him, it surprised him a little, causing him to half rise onto his front paws, mouth opened slightly as if to say something. It did not help he was not paying close attention to his surrounding so her arrival had not been noticed at all. Yet as he calmed himself, after all, she was just saying hello, nothing more, his front paws slipped on an icy spot of ground beneath him that he didn't realize was there before.

Grunting as his chest met the ground quicker then he intended, Florence shifted so he wasn't just resting on his chest. After tucking his legs back under him, he closed his eyes and tried to focus his embarrassment away along side the slight pain that was caused by the fall. Great, the woman would probably think him a big klutz and as if he was not already feeling down as it were. Once the pain of the sudden fall left, which went fairly quickly, Florence opened his eyes again and smiled back over at the woman.

"Guess I should watch where I put my feet," He chuckled softly, noticing her wagging tail above her back. Her coat reminded him of Fly a little bit, with all the red coloring that was a par of both their coats. "You out here to get a bit of fresh air before the storm hits too?"
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

He truly hadn't seen her coming, and as the surprise spread on his face, she felt guilty about sneaking up on him; even if she hadn't really been sneaking, at least not on purpose. In his shock, the brown boy tried to jump to his feet, but in the rush his paws slipped on the frozen ground, and he fell back down; an audible thud ringing through the air as his chest connected with the ice. Aideen's smile vanished as an expression of wide eyed alarm and concern took over her features. Her tail had stopped waving and she rushed to close the distance between them, her healer's instinct taking over as she bent down to make sure he was okay.

The dark lad didn't take long to shuffle in the spot, getting his legs back underneath him, but, wisely, choosing to remain lying down. He smiled up at her, pushing aside his accident with a, slightly sheepish, laugh, then hurried to change the subject. Aideen furrowed her brows slightly, leaning back un her hunches - she still wanted to check him and make sure he was okay, but he seemed determined to brush off the mishap, and she didn't want to further embarrass him - so an unsure smile spread across her lips and she carefully answered: "It can be tricky with all the snow, seeing where the ground is slippery... " She waved an ear at him, smile growing a little wider; "But yes, I need to stretch my legs while it's still possible."

She turned her coppery eyes to the scenery around them, sliding over the naked trees, trying to imagine what they would look like in spring, covered in light-green leaves. Then she looked up at the swirling clouds, feeling simultaneously excitement at the sight of their display, and angst at what they might bring. A small shiver ran down her spine, and she looked back to the brown wolf, lips puckered; "Are you sure you're alright?" Despite not wanting him to feel ashamed, she felt a need to make sure he hadn't been injured, it was her duty after all. She sent him small, happy smile, tilting her head lightly; "I'm Aideen by the way, nice to meet you."

Word count: 374

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de