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Searching for herbs under a blood moon — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Missy who has 66 posts.
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Seraphina Faye

Seraphina watched as Titan did as he was instructed and crushed the pineapple weed in order to get a better sense of its scent. Afterwards, he took a small bundle and brought it to a clearing where he stored it in the snow. Apparently he planned on taking some back with him and this pleased Seraphina. The Faye woman chuckled at the boy's energetic questions. He sure was eager to learn and that was something Seraphina found admirable in a yearling. This boy could certainly grow up to be a great Healer one day."Well, chamomile usually flowers in the summer and grows in grasslands so it most likely won't be in this area, but perhaps it grows somewhere else in your land. You will know you have found it when you see a plant that has thin stems, white petals, and most distinctly, a large yellow middle between the petals. If you ever do find it, it is a very useful herb to keep in stock. It can be used to treat stomach aches, to soothe sore muscles, and to treat insomnia or help with anxiety problems. If you make it into a poultice it can also be applied to wounds to help prevent infections." Seraphina paused after she finished her long explanation to let the boy absorb all of the information. As she waited to see if he had any questions, she decided to see what else was in the area. Scenting the air, Seraphina caught the scent of one of her favorite herbs: sweetgrass.

"Ahh, do you smell that? It's one of my favorite scents." The dappled Faye princess turned away from the ebony yearling and followed the scent until she came upon the herb she was looking for."See this Titan? This is sweetgrass. Have you heard of it?" Seraphina spared a quick glance to make sure the yearling had followed her before continuing her explanation."It helps to treat coughs and sore throats and it is good to have some nearby whenever a woman gives birth. You should give it to her after the birthing process is finished and it will help lessen the bleeding. In my pack, we would use these for ceremonial purposes as well. When you soak it in water, the scent becomes stronger so we would moisten the plant and then crush it in order to release the smell whenever we celebrated a wolf being given an official role." Seraphina smiled somberly as she remembered the many ceremonies she had shared with her pack mates. She had never had one of her own because she refused to take on any role except Guardian and year after year her father had refused to allow her to have that role because she was a female. With that thought, any home sickness that may have afflicted the run away Faye were quelled by her disgust with her father's sexist attitude.


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