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Oh Angel, how dark have your wings gotten — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint

Ever since the meeting wit her brother, Myrrhis had been on edge, as if expecting him to pop out at any time to speak with her. Not that she would mind, he needed to know his place regardless of whether or not he was a part of her pack or another's. He knew just what she could do to him, if he went far enough with his teasings and immature behaviour. It would not be her fault if he came across a particularly tasty looking mushroom and accidentally made himself very sick...

Shaking her head at the thought, Myrrhis scowled heavily. Damn her brother and damn her father! Damn her father for giving them this curse that seemed to crop up in every litter and damn her brother for being the one to bring it out in her! He really should be taught a lesson. It had been a long time since had had been taught one of her lessons. Huffing slightly and watching her smoky breath mist up before her and float away on the fast paced wind that seemed to have picked up over the last few days.

Myrrhis liked the cold and snow. She liked the harsh wind tugging at her fur. Somehow, the cold weather made her feel...alive. It was cruel an unforgiving but it also gave others hope. Hope for spring and what was to come. Hope for new families and for more food to fill the caches and bellies of those they loved. An all the herbs that begin to grow in the warmer months as well. Closing her eyes, Myrrhis took a deep breath of cold air and felt her lungs sing at the freshness, as she sat on the mountain.