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Searching, but not Finding — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Alisha who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Oliver Carmond
@Zia Sorry it's late! Early afternoon, medium to deep snow, and biting winds.

Oliver had no idea of how far his paws took him, nor how long he had been searching. Even though the winds blew fiercely- attacking his small body and nipping at his ears- it had been mostly ignored. There were more important things to Oliver than his health. His dearest friend, Roma, had gone missing. Separated by a freak blizzard a couple of weeks ago, the medic had seen hide nor hair of her. And he knewRoma would let him know in someway if she got home okay. The last few days had been spent howling out for her, recreating the scene in which she disappeared, shouting into the great blue open that this life was going to drive him back into madness.

.....but he wouldn't let that happen. Not when she worked so hard to bring him out of his darkest moment.

Letting a howl tear from his throat, Oliver cried out for her again. "Rooooma! Rooooomaa, where are yoooou?" Same as last hundred times he'd yelled, there was no reply. What if she was injured? What if- shaking his head, the small man erased all snippets of the notion. No. Impossible. She was out there somewhere, and he would find her.

At this point, he had completely cleared the Spectral Woods, coming into a new territory. For a frightening moment, the thought that he might be near her territory shot across his mind. He couldn't smell the fragrance of pink petals, but it was far north enough to make him nervous. But not nervous enough to give up his search. Nothing would ever deter him from searching. Nothing.

My tangled mind You're still with me

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