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Late Night Trouble — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Late evening. Slight pp <3

Hotei was done. He was through playing her childish games. He had given her time to come to him, but she only seemed to avoid him even more by interacting more with the pack. Being a man with no social urges, he stayed in the shadows. She knew that her time was running out anyway. The grief he felt for his brother was still as strong as ever. But Hotei being Hotei, buried it under an emotion that was his constant friend - anger. Becoming tired of her little game, Hotei picked this night to be her last night of freedom. He was getting no sleep, making his always fragile control on his temper even looser. He was getting no sleep because his mate no longer was curled up beside him. One way or another, she would be at his side once again by the end of the night.

Giving up on the idea of getting any sleep, the man silently stepped over the forms of his sleeping pack mates. Easily picking up her scent, the Tainn moved through the territory, realizing he was getting farther and farther away from the pack den. Finally finding her on the far edge of their borders, he silently moved from behind, his muzzle pressed against her small form. He relished in her scent, something he had dearly missed. Slowly sidling up to her ear, he gave it a gentle nip as he bent his large head to whisper in her ear. "You can't avoid me forever, love," he spoke. His deep timbre was unusually calm and his tone could even be called...affectionate. But as he moved, naturally towering over her small form, his eyes connected with her familiar green orbs. He knew she would be able to read his true emotions from his yellow gaze. Hotei's eyes seemed to burn with the level of his fury. Hotei was beyond pissed, beyond furious. With the rage that had been building up for weeks, coupled with the shock of his brother's death, and her annoying avoidance of him, the dark man felt downright murderous.

(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2015, 04:54 AM by Hotei.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

She had been successful thus far in staying away from Hotei, priding herself in her hiding spots. But she knew she couldn't hide forever, he would always end up finding her anyways, no matter how hard she tried to avoid him. She supposed that it should have been a comfort to her to know that he would be able to find her, especially should something ever happen to her. But currently, and if she were ever to die, it would be her curse. So that night she went on the outskirts of the territory, her green eyes wandering before she settled down. Briefly, the woman wondered of what had happened to Nayeli. The woman had been a great friend during her time here and had gone through great lengths to make Triell happy...and now... Now Jessie knew that their alpha was truly not happy, and the named Tainn had no idea how to go about the situation. So the pepper and salt colored female reverted back to her former ways and isolated herself from everyone, not wanting to see disappoint reflecting in their eyes.

It wasn't long before the small woman dozed off, happy to be off her feet for awhile. She needed the much needed rest, because during the day she was too busy around the borders or just trying to avoid every pack mate at any cost, which was easy with her tracking skills. She felt like she was dreaming when she felt a pressure on her side and the familiar scent of Hotei. He was with her...and he wasn't yelling at her. However, her delusion was shattered when she felt his breath near her ear and his scarily calm words speaking to her. In a daze, the small woman's eyes popped open, immediately finding the familiar yellow ones of Hotei. She knew she was in deep shit and when she saw the look in his eyes, her heart dropped. For the first time, she truly was scared of him. So without second thought, the woman darted into the trees, not daring to look back. She knew she was faster than him, she had always known that. Unfortunately, Jessie was still discombobulated from her slumber and didn't notice a large tree root covered my the shrubby undergrowth. So without a thought, the Tainn continued on, stumbling over the root and twisting her paw in the process. Hissing in anger, the woman tested her weight on her paw and found that it wouldn't support her weight. Perhaps after a day or two of recovery. Knowing that Hotei wouldn't be too far behind her now, Jessie did her best to blend into the night, her body firmly pressed into the side of the large tree, holding her breath in hopes of avoiding this confrontation.

Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn

When her green gaze connected with his, he couldn't help but revel in her fear. She had a right to be scared, because Hotei was furious. He wanted to rip her in two while at the same time crush her in his strong embrace. Before he could decide which course to take, he watched as her gray form sprinted away. He growled angrily. He could literally feel his fury steadily rising, like a hot ball in his chest eager to explode. If she kept playing these stupid games, he wouldn't have to make a choice between his two decisions.

His black form took off after her, knowing there was no way in hell he'd be able to catch up. Jessie was a wolf made for speed, Hotei was made for strength. Though he did hold one small advantage. He could trace her anywhere. He had become so attuned to her scent that it would be easy to trace her steps. Though "attuned" wasn't really the right description or word - more like addicted. She was his addiction, his vice. But no matter how much he loved and craved her, not even the very Fates could save her from his fury tonight.

His attentive ears heard a slight distortion in the quiet darkness, and his yellow orbs narrowed. His muscular form tensed as he snarled. Hotei opened his maw, her name coming out as a warning.


He was this close to his breaking point. She needed to stop with her bullshit. Dammit, she knew how he was! She knew of his anger! All he needed was a couple words, telling him where she was headed. Though, he almost snorted at the incredulity of his thoughts. Jessie was fiercely independent, as he was fiercely possessive. Of course his gray vixen wouldn't have made his life that easy. She thrived in being complicated.

After a few beats of silence, with no response from Jessie, Hotei had had enough. He picked up her scent, wasting no time in following where it led. When he found her, Hotei couldn't help but let loose another snarl. Finally, she was right where he wanted her. His gaze promised trouble.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2015, 11:21 PM by Hotei.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

As she hid, heart hammering in her throat, Jessie could only hope that she would be able to remain hidden. Of course, those were foolish thoughts. The couple was in a forest, where Jessie's pepper-and-salt colored pelt didn't blend in well with her surrounding. That paired with Hotei's expert tracking skills when it came to her, made her chances seem nonexistent. She tried to remain still and quite though but it was no use. Within moment, he had found her, and his eyes were blazing with a familiar fury. Swallowing, Jessie glanced around desperately, knowing that there was no where for her to run or hide. She was trapped between the tree behind and her love, who was radiating with a particular emotion that she hadn't sensed so prominent in awhile. Well, that also had to do with the fact that she hadn't seen him for months.

In a brief act of subordinance, the small woman bowed her head, not wishing to meet her lover's gaze. She knew what she had done and perhaps how much she had worried him. Jessie's avoidance of their confrontation probably added to his annoyance and lack of tolerance to her defiance of him. Her front paws dug forward so that she was in an awkward bow in front of him, trying to appease his anger and clinging to the hope that he wouldn't lose it on her. It would not do either of them good to get caught up in a fight and then for her to have to explain her injuries to Triell. That would surely get Hotei banned from the pack again and she knew that neither of them wanted that.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
permission to pp :)

The familiar anger in his chest was reassuring, and he embraced it like he would a long lost friend. His yellow orbs blazed as he stared at his lover not with affection nor love, but pure, unadulterated fury. The burnt man knew he needed to calm down. Take a breath and step back. Though his eyes were focused on her cowering form and his mind took in her rare act of submissiveness, he could only seem to remember the nights that he had spent worried, thinking something had happened to his petite lover. He knew she was capable of taking care of herself, but she had been gone for a long time. And with another man, no less. It didn't matter that Drestig was his friend. He trusted Jessie, but not him.

He took a step forward, bending his head to look at her emerald orbs. The Tainn could almost feel his anger, like a thin thread stretched too far, quivering, ready to snap. The dark man stepped even closer, his broad form preventing her from trying to escape. Finally, he breathed in a sharp breath, trying to keep a lid on his boiling temper. But it wasn't working. Using his strength, his paws connected with her lithe form and he took the chance, catching her by surprise and flipping her over onto her back. Truly now towering over his mate, he encaged her in his arms. She would have to fight to get out of his hold. "Stop being an idiot all the time," he growled, his voice dark. "I ask for one damn thing, Jess. One." He was tired of her idiotic decisions.

(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2015, 10:18 PM by Hotei.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Before she knew it, she had gotten the wind blown out of her. Jessie was on her back in seconds, her frantic emerald eyes staring up at her lover, teeth grit in pain. Who was he to think that he could bust into her in the manner that he had? The woman knew she had no chance to escape from his grasp and her heart gave a lurch of panic at the thought of what he would do with her. His anger, pointed at her, had only been encountered once before, and that had been when they first met. It had just been Burn and herself and now the former tormentor had returned, only in the eyes of her love. The burnt man over her growled and glared menacingly down over her. He should have known that this pack always came first and that she didn't give her heart out easily. She certainly loved him, but her focus wasn't on him, but simply on the work of the pack.

She had thought that she had made this clear to him. A growl formed in the back of her throat, as her words, meant to hurt, were thrown in his face, "You know that my duty to Triell comes first here...it always has. My focus isn't on you it's on my job. You know me. Unlike you I will always come back to my home." She knew she shouldn't have brought up the past, but it would help her in this situation, she hoped. Unless it just made it easier to hurt him, to remind him of what he had done to her heart. Or if he got even more angry, she knew she would be screwed. She remained where she was, her heated glare sent up to the man above her as she waited for his reaction, not too patiently.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn

Her words had done exactly as she wished. He flinched, as if it had been a physical hit to him instead of an emotional one. Hotei thought she understood. Hadn't she seen him over the past couple of months? If he had had the desire to leave, he would have left. Just like before. But he couldn't. Wouldn't. Triell was trusting him, and the Tainn was slowly coming to trust himself too. Where once he had joined for Jessie alone, he once again had a pack he wished to thrive in. He had family, friends, and his mate. That was all he truly needed, and he was determined to not let this chance escape his grasp.

But Jessie obviously didn't see that. All she saw was his shortcomings, again and again. His yellow eyes that were once bright with anger were now dark and cold. The anger drummed in his heart, but he didn't feel like giving her the satisfaction of exploding. The burnt man moved away from his lover, letting her free. When he had come to her tonight, he had come with the intention to rip into her. To tear her apart with the furious anger that still burned within him. To let her know how much her dissapearance had terrified the man.

Yes, he had been downright terrified. It didn't matter that Drestig was with her. It didn't matter the hot jealousy that coursed through his veins when he learned that tidbit of information. What mattered was that his mate was gone. Gone for a longer period of time than he felt comfortable with. Did she not think he understood her role in the pack? Her devotion? Maybe he didn't, but she loved her duty. Scouting was a part of her. He saw that, but maybe he didn't tell her enough. Or at all. It seemed their communication skills with each other were only high when they were pissed at each other. Hotei looked away from his mate than, gritting his jaw for a moment before opening it to speak. "I was worried." He took a breath, his muscles clenching as he tensed. Almost a whisper in the darkness, Hotei spoke again. "I was scared, Jessie."  He was too old to lose the love of his life. The Tainn knew he would disravel if something ever happened to his grey vixen.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

They had never been a couple for words, preferring to communicate with their actions towards one another. Jessie had never had a problem with the way they communicated, especially because if they did speak, all it ended up in, was a fight or argument. Perhaps it was healthy for them to get everything out there but to fight this much…something must have been wrong with them. There was no other explanation. The Scout watched the hurt cross over her mate’s face, and she felt a deep satisfaction within her, knowing that she had accomplished what she needed to do.

She had not, however, anticipated his next actions. Seeming to realize the situation that they were in, Hotei broke away from her, almost stumbling away from her. Jessie was quick to turn onto her stomach, her back giving a shout of protest as she did so. Gritting her teeth, her emerald eyes glared at Hotei, listening to the words that he spoke. Sometimes, Jessie forgot how old her love was becoming. Gray was a becoming color on him but a reminder of his older age. His words, though soft, shocked her. Hotei was not one to admit his fears to everyone, especially not her, and it made her extremely uncomfortable. She did not know what to say, and so she went with something that made sense to her, ”You should have known that I would have come back, unless I died. I’m more tied to the Bend than I am to you.” Her voice was blunt but not harsh, simply informative, as if the fact should have been plain as the stars shining in the moonless sky.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]