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Search and Wait — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

How long had it been since their dissapearance? He glared at the snow beneath his paws. The pack was in turmoil. He felt like he could literally feel the shift from peace to crumbling despair. @Aideen, their healer, gone. His only confidante gone in the blink of an eye. He could only hope and pray that his small friend was okay during this cold winter and would soon make it back home to them. As he continued to trek through the powdery and icy substance across the borders, his mind strayed to the other wolf who had been lost in the blizzard. @Pacem , one of Nina's pups. He fervently wished he was harbored somewhere among their allies, or hopefully with Aideen.

His deep blue orbs stared intently at the familiar thickets surrounding him. He had traveled amongst them for so long now that the black man had always seen the borders and pack lands as his sanctuary. He had never seen them like he was seeing them now - a prison. As soon as the words popped into his mind, Miccah shook his head as if to deny it. But it was true. He wanted to be out there, join Iopah in her searches. He knew it was illogical. Their numbers were dwindling and it greatly disturbed the large beast. He was guardian of the pack. It was his passion and his duty that kept him chained to Secret Woodlands borders now instead of going off on a whim to search for a scent that had probably long since gone stale. No harm would come to the pack if he could help it. He just hoped they got some good news soon. He couldn't take this silent anguish in the thickets any longer for Miccah was afraid he would suffocate with it.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2015, 08:04 PM by Miccah.)
Played by wolfsi who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
May I jump in?

Ai was so lost, and event tough you should believe that the son of a scout could follow his own tracks back to his family, but your deadly mistaken. He had been stupid enough to keep on walking getting furthered and further away from the mountains he had crossed and know he was standing heir in some kind of thicket lost, hungry and could. >and this is why your useless you can’t even follow you own tracks how on earth are you supposed to follow the tracks of prey? it was nagging at him again, the voice in his head had awakened as the panic of him being lost had taken him over. He growled irritated while mumbling to himself as he was making a conversation whit it, tough to the outside world it would look like a conversation whit himself whit it also where in a way.

"could you just shut up for five minutes!?." a called out releasing after that it might not have been his best idea to shout great no you are sourly goanna get us killed, idiot! it told him off as he whit a growl start to run "if I would let me get free from you it might be wroth it!" as he suddenly came to a halt someone was standing just a few meters away another wolf who carried the strong sent of a pack. Ai could tell from his scent that the wolf was male and way larger than him. we are so dead the comment made him growl irritated on himself. "why don’t you just shout up?" he mumble as he looked at the other wolf allowing his tail to stand out from his body. Knowing that if his father found out he had submitted to one of these wolves he would never be able to earn just the slightest hint of respect. Tough he doubted he could win he wasn’t that strong and this wolf seemed older and larger than him.

   "Speech." thoughts it 
please don't judge me for talking to my self, after all, you were the one who ruined me.

Keala is permitted to enter any thread Zilas is part of regardless of the tag unless otherwise stated 

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health