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American Mouth — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
(Set in Drooping Willows but near the base of the mountain; Freezing fog | -24 ° F, -31 ° C | Mid-Afternoon | @Enoki Only)

He just couldn't stay away. His heart got the better of him. Heigen curious as to how Enoki was since their last meeting. He remembered walking her home into the willow trees. The scent of the pack still fresh enough in his mind for him to go try and pinpoint wherever Enoki was. Promising to himself he would return as quick as possible back to Silent Moon he set off. His paws leading him to the drooping willows like he had been there millions of times before. His trip quickly taking him into the willow forest by mid-afternoon. Finding himself near the base of the mountains and possibly not too far from the pack he let out a long howl. Calling for Enoki. He knew that if she was close enough she would appear, and if she didn't appear...well he clearly had to travel farther.

Anxious to see her again he figured he would give her a few minutes to possibly show or not show. For now he could compose himself and gather any stray nerves. Taking a seat his tail curled around his legs the best it could. It was a rather cold nippy after noon. A freezing fog spread out against the lands making the willow trees seem a whole lot more disfigured than they usually looked in normal settings. He wondered if this type of fog always settled down here. Usually on top of the mountain they would get lots of snow, with sunshine the best they could. Of course Heigen always enjoyed a change in scene. Especially sense he got to possibly see Enoki too..

Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Mid afternoon had come to the lore once more and with it another day of relentless freezing fog and equally freezing temperatures. Joy. Normally Enoki was one to succumb to the beauty of the chill, enjoying the winter cold much more than the summer heat in which her dark pelt was nothing more than a burden and led to her overheating quite easily. But today she was over the cold and the snow and especially the fog. How was she suppose to hunt if she couldn't see two feet in front of her face let alone any prey that happened to be scavenging in the meadow or surrounding land that bordered the willow forest she called home. These were the thoughts that danced around her mind as her paws traveled aimlessly around the territory, ghosting over the boarder in a lazy manor knowing that someone else had made the same route not that long ago by the pungent odor of either Reiner; a male pack mate she was yet to meet, or Angier the reigning king of the pack. Surely there was something that could brighten up her dull day and give her something to do, but what?  

A long howl then broke the silence like a sign from the heavens, the tone so mesmerizing and familiar as her ears pricked forward to catch every note of the precious melody. Much to her surprise and gratitude the lone howl was directed solely to her, beckoning for her presence at the base of the mountain from the sound of it. Could it be him? The man from the mountain who had left her tripping over her own two feet despite the usual grace that filled her steps? There wasn't a moment to lose or question the call any further as her paws drifted away from the well worn path in the snow that marked the border and headed for the source of the howl, a surge of excitement filling each mighty fall of her paws as they kicked up the freshest layer of powdered snow yet to crust over leaving a fresh set of tracks behind her wake. Tilting her head back her jowls parted to allow a howl of her own to ring out on the crisp afternoon air, a song beautiful in its own right. I'm coming.

It seemed like forever and her body made no advancement through the fog as distorted willow tree after willow tree flew past her fleeting body, narrowly missing a couple wispy branches that dared to rake across the black fur of her cheeks. She had to see him again. @Heigen . The prince of her dreams as she secretly referred to him as. Minutes passed and finally her streamline body pushed past the last barrier separating her from him, his earthen colored body sat upon the cold ground as he awaited her arrival. Not even daring to slow until a couple wolf lengths lay between them the ebony lining of her lips pulled back to form a genuine grin at basking in his presence once again, her heart giving a light flutter at how handsome he looked in better lighting as well as the fading light of the setting sun. Oh what a looker he was. "Hello, Gen." She greeted first opting to use the nickname he offered rather than his entire name, her tail giving a greeting of its own as it wagged behind the spine of her back.

Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette

Just the sight of her set the fur down his spine on edge. He whined softly without realizing it. Rising to his feet he took a few steps closer. ”Come a little closer @Enoki , you know I won’t bite.” Heigen joked lightly and awkwardly with the female he recalled being so regal and beautiful. While he wanted every last bit of her to himself he knew that wasn’t happening and that that would be rather selfish of him to do in the first place. Alas the thought would likely always be there and be so tempting to the male. Heigen almost wanted to say it was his time to find a lady anyways. He would be turning four this year and needed a wolf he could depend on fully. While he wanted to claim Enoki was the one, that would be foolish of him. He had only met her one other time and while that time had been amazing he needed to take a stroll. This wasn’t a race and he didn’t need to rush into her life so suddenly. Besides, what if she already had a male waiting for her pack at Willow Ridge? Maybe he just couldn’t smell the male on Enoki’s coat..

”How have you been? Everything going well on your side of the mountain?” His questions were asked with his usual deep smooth tones. For being rather nervous on the inside it seemed he was doing well at stay composed on the outside. No shaky tones, no fidgeting, nothing too strange. Good. This was the way it should have always been when talking to Enoki. Heigen was hoping that he could keep this composer up during their meeting. It would be so nice to have a full on meeting with Enoki and not be freaking out about ninety percent of the time.

Letting his tail wag behind him Heigen decided to ask another question. This time his tone a bit more joking as well as curious. ”Anyone sweeping you off your paws?” He assumed that would be the most casual way to see if she had been claimed or mated to anyone else. If not, then the Colette assumed her to be free game. If she was though, well then Heigen would surely be upset and he would need to tone down any flirting for the sake of saving his own pelt as well as Enoki’s.

(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2015, 08:26 AM by Heigen.)
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

It was like static charged the air and made her bones vibrate with the same energy as she watched her prince rise to his feet upon her arrival with words of wanting her closer. Like being pulled by an invisible force her body lurched forward to give in to his whim, closing the remaining few feet until her muzzle was inches from brushing against his, the trace of a smile still gracing her lips. "But I do." She taunted back at his joke, keeping the mood light and playful in a way. All in all it was a comfortable setting and much more composed in comparison to their first encounter where both had been babbling fools. Admittedly she was embarrassed on how their first meeting went aside from the beautiful sunset and shared meal. The perfect night for two and hopefully there would be many more nights to come that they would share, gazing upon the stars in the pale moonlight.

How have you been? Everything going well on your side of the mountain? How had she been? Bored, lonely, cold, hungry. Enoki could name everything under the stars since the two had departed at her doorstep after that day. It was since he left that she felt a missing piece within herself, nothing filling the gap until now. Now that she was within his radiating presence. "I have been alright. The days are cold and lonely with the pack so busy keeping things in tip top shape, but all seems well." Truth be told she didn't know quite what was going on in the pack anymore. Elettra had bolted off in search of the missing prince Greer, Angier was hardly seen as is to the Ashrelle, as well as her own brother Mordacai which was odd. Then there were a few other pack members she had yet to meet while Titan and Xetor did whatever it was they did these days. The pups were growing quickly before her eyes and filled some of the hours of her day with constructive play honing their skills as they approached their first year. Then there was the yearlings Skoll and Morganna who seemed to be up to something, but alas never stuck around the territory long enough to give more than a second of thought. Well was suitable for the time being.

Another question soon followed before she could ask him the same in return, a soft chuckle escaping her lips at his inquire if someone had come to sweep her off her feet yet. Indeed someone had, but it wasn't a man of the ridge if that was what he was beating around in asking. "Actually, I believe so." She spoke vaguely, the man in question standing before her and Enoki had decided to have a little fun with the mountain man. Would he guess it was him and pursue her more or would he assume she was with a man of the Ridge and back off entirely, leaving her to face another year alone come spring? Come a weeks time her fifth birthday would arrive and mark another year of loneship. It was definitely time she kicked it into gear and found a man to spend her days with, preferably one who she could depend on. The time for fooling around was slowly dwindling to an end. Did @Heigen have was it took to be that man of her life? It was too soon to say. The two had only met once before and surely that was not enough time to make a life altering decision upon. "And you? Is life on the mountain treating you well or has a lady wooed your heart?" She kept the mood light thought there was an ulterior motive to her question that he had asked her only moments ago.

Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette

"I know the exact same feeling. Things get silent up in my mountains." His head nodded softly. He understood how Enoki felt completely on that one. It was so frustrating sometimes. Other times the large Colette man enjoyed the silence in his corner of the mountains. Of course he would really enjoy being down in the willow trees with Enoki, or even having her with him for company and pure pleasure (the good kind of course).

Her next words rattled him a bit. Was she being serious? Only one way to find out...and that was to keep playing along. "Oh really? He must be strong and handsome to have won you over." Smirking he felt perhaps jealously creeping up in his gut. It was a horrible feeling but he tried to shove it down. "Me? We'll I've met a certain woman. She doesn't live on the mountains though. I believe she said something about enjoying them though." Shrugging lightly he began to pace around in circles. "Why you almost remind me of her.." A wolfish wink was offered before he found himself sitting in front of @Enoki again. Maybe he had said too much and had given it away but he wasn't too concerned about it. If the woman picked up the hint then she did, and if she didn't then Heigen would most likely be spending this spring alone. Another spring alone, another wasted season.

"Perhaps you know her? She's really into hunting, has the most beautiful amber eyes, don't even get me started about her stunning fur." Something about that smile and the glint in his eyes most likely gave it all away. Although Heigen was fine with that. In fact he was almost dying for Enoki to pick up the clue it was her.

Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

It took everything in her to not smirk and give herself away as Enoki sensed the change in body language from @Heigen as her words reached his ears. Anger, jealousy, depression? She couldn't quite put a nail on what the change was, but it was there alright. Hook, line and sinker. That only lasted a fraction of time before he undoubtedly caught on to her little game and turned the tables with speak of a woman who had managed to catch his eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. Suddenly he began to pace around her form in tight circles, feeling the same static charge from earlier as his pelt nearly brushed hers. There was no holding back the shiver that now ran down the course of her spine to the tip of her tail. Why you almost remind me of her.. Now she caught on to his game as he circled back around with a wink before settling back into a sitting position before her. So the two toned woman had managed to catch his attention much in the way he had caught hers. Maybe there was hope after all of her not having to spend another season, another year alone. Boy she would love nothing more than to be able to curl her body up with his under the stars, slumbering for the first time in a lovers embrace. But everything was still up in the air.

Perhaps you know her? She's really into hunting, has the most beautiful amber eyes, don't even get me started about her stunning fur. Oh she knew her alright. Like the back of all four of her paws and the fluff of her tail. "Oh I do know her, actually and she has a thing for this really handsome man who lives on the mountain." Now she would do the same to him, lurching forward to begin circling his larger frame much in the way a shark circled its prey. Slowly she closed the distance between their bodies until just the tips of her hairs brushed over his, sending a pleasant shock through her veins. A simple touch that made her feel so alive. It took everything in her not to give in to the touch and throw away the facade they had created. Circling, circling, she continued the motion around his well built frame until her muzzle could easily lift to reach his rounded ears, tickling the velveteen within with the warmth of her breath. "And he makes her melt inside." Was all she spoke as a smirk began to tug at the corner of her lips, body departing to return to her previous position exactly like he had done instead now she lowered her haunches into a sitting position, wrapping her fluff of a tail around her paws. Now it was his turn to do what he pleased with her words.

Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
He couldn't stand the way they were teasing each other. When Enoki's fur mingled with his he swore he stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating. Watching her slink away took everything in the Colette to not lunge after her in a greedy manner. Of course he did go after her, just not so hungrily.

"Why Enoki.." The large earth toned man had drawn himself close enough to her that his lips rested next to her ear. "I think this woman that has captured my heart and my eye is," He paused smirking and licking his inky lips. "I think it's you Miss Enoki." Heigen's tail flicked behind him as he lingered by her ear for a very quick moment before slinking back to his own spot away from her. This teasing of who liked who was being taken to a whole new level. It would be an understatement to say that the large bodied man was enjoying himself in this game. Especially sense Enoki was being such a good sport and playing along with it.

Offering a toothy grin and low growl he flicked his ears back. "But who am I kidding, such a regal queen could never find liking in a rough mountain man like me." A rather dramatic sigh fell from his ebony lips. "I guess I'll just have to keep looking for someone who could compare to you..if there is even such a woman in these vast lands." His words were spoken in such a deep silky tone for the pure use of drawing her into his web.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

A shiver raked down her spine as the warmth of his breath ghosted over her ears that pricked forward to listen to his words, refusing to miss a single syllable as they fell from those torturous lips of his. She heard the licking of his lips, a threatening whine building in her throat that took so much self control to keep from becoming vocalized. This was torture to the Ashrelle woman. Such splendid torture. The way her name rolled off his tongue causing her hairs to raise as if a bolt of lightning had struck her from above, struck her hard enough to cause her heart to stop and her lungs to cease breathing. But she could breathe and each lungful of air she took filled her nostrils with his intoxicating scent. Another shiver ran down her spine at the loss as he then pulled away once the last of his words left his mouth before his larger frame back pedaled to stand away from her in this game of cat and mouse. But who was which she couldn't tell with the way they constantly teased each other. One minute she was the cat, luring the mouse with a flick of her tail then becoming the mouse in the next when Heigen filled the role of the cat luring her with his words that tasted so sweet on the air. Alluring was an understatement.

It was the combination of his toothy grin and low growl that brought the whine in her throat to life, tail thumping rapidly against the ground as her amber eyes flickered with a look like nothing she'd had before. There was desire behind her fiery gaze that mirrored the flame building in her heart.  "But who am I kidding, such a regal queen could never find liking in a rough mountain man like me." Heigen started that caused a low growl of her own to rumble in her chest. Oh she had a liking for him alright. The way his rough exterior from mountain living rippled with each movement, watching the muscles tighten and loosen with each step. Regal or not, the mountain princess was caught deep in his web and she had no plans of escaping. Awaiting him to devour her body and soul. "I won't allow it." The words came from her mouth without a second thought, body rising from its seated position to stand and cross the distance between himself and her. She needed to feel his body against hers again. "You will never find someone like me." The prideful words echoed on the stillness of the air.

The distance was now closed between them, her ivory shoulder brushing fully into his as she walked by him. A flick of her tail brushed underneath his chin as her head turned to give his back haunch a gentle nip. But as quick as she was pressed into his body she pulled away, circling his larger frame until she came to stand at his side. "Your queen wants her mountain king." And that was where she left it. His move again.