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An itch that can't be scratched
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
OOC: Don't mind Enoki if she acts a bit 'snappy' towards her. Ya know with the females going nuts with hormones and such. @Piety

March 2nd - Afternoon - Clear

Spring was finally starting to make its signs known in the lore. The snow was beginning to melt in certain places the sun was exposed to the powder long enough, although the freezing temperatures at night made quick work of refreezing the areas to create slick patches one could easily trip and slide over if they didn't watch where they were going. With the slowly increasing warmth of the air came the warmth that every woman of age felt beneath their skin. Enoki was not exempt from this heat that made her skin gain an irritable itch that wouldn't go away despite all the rubbing against the rough and jagged pieces of bark that coated the willow trees. No there was only one cure, a cure she could not seek out if she wished to remain within the willows' whip like branches and she knew this although her body craved the cure more and more with each passing day. Alongside the itch came the raging hormones that made her want to snap at any female(minus Elettra for good reason) who came near her. Behind her amber gaze was a flame of distaste and urge to throw her dominance around any wolf holding a second x chromosome. A trait very uncharacteristic of the normally kind-natured piebald woman.  

This was the very reason Enoki found herself distanced from the rest of the pack today, seeking the depth and solitude of the willow forest. The faint sound of scratching and low growls could be heard in the afternoon air as the aging woman pressed her body firmly into the bark of the many trees attempting to alleviate the itch plaguing her body this horrid season and managed to do nothing but pull out clumps of her shedding winter coat. No relief was to be found and with a last ditch effort she threw her body down into one of the few remaining sastrugas, dragging her chest against the coolness of the snow by propelling her body forward with her back legs and letting her front paws sprawl outwards while her tail lashed out wildly like a pissed off snake in every direction. 'God I don't know how much more of this shit I can take.' She growled in the confines of her thoughts. But this was a thought she had every year when spring came rolling around. It only got worse every day she fought the instinctive urges that wrestled inside and she knew this, but at the same time she knew it was only a temporary hindering. Once spring was over her attitude would return to its normal sweet nature and everything else would follow suit. And it was best that the other females in the pack stay out of her way if they wished to keep a toe or two. Spring brought out the craziness in women.

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2015, 07:04 AM by Enoki.)
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

There are darknesses in life and there are lights,
saint & sinner
and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.

It was obvious every woman was going a bit out of her mind this spring. Piety knew she herself had either been rather distant or constantly looking for Skoll (which she was in fact doing right now). So when the smell of another came by Piety found herself in a bit of a crossfire. She didn't want any crazy hormonal woman ruining her search for her dark knight...but she also wasn't in the mood for a fight of sorts. Especially with emotions and hormones being flung around like a flying squirrel.

Prowling forward the Saint's eyes glanced at the woman who had to be at least ten feet away. She was of black and white coloration, somewhat smaller, and also acting in a rather strange manner. Piety's fluffy tail whipped behind her rather brash before she stalked over to the left. Sliding silently between the willow trees. The woman would have likely stayed hidden and silent had a sudden and annoying itch not rippled over her. Rather clumsily she tried to balance while throwing up her hind leg to scratch behind her ear. That wouldn't be enough but for now it would have to.

Leaning against a tree Piety watched the other woman curiously. She had never seen this woman before and was almost glad she hadn't. It wasn't like the Santoro woman to be so obnoxious but this spring came seemingly raging in with horrible moods. Piety would like to say it was just her "teenage stage" she had often been warned of, but a more feral part of her knew it had to be something else. Her teenage days were quickly ending (physically at least) and she had never been this way before. Honestly, the snow woman was almost unsure if she ever wanted to be like this again. It sucked to say the least.

shutterstock / Grey / 2015
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Her romping in the snow like a basket-case came to an end as the sound of claws scratching at skin reached her ears and brought her body quickly to an upright position with the hairs of her hackles raised from her agitated state in trying to rid this dagnabbit itching sensation. Lifting her head and forcing her body to remain still despite the urges to scratch herself again Enoki listened closely for the direction the strange scratcher was located. Scratch. scratch. scratch. Whipping her head to her right a new and peculiar scent toyed with her nostrils that made the skin covering her muzzle wrinkle with disgust. Female. But not only that there was the undeniable scent of the pack mingling with the unknown female's perfume. Was this the new female @Piety she had noticing prowling the territory recently? Never had she met this new comer other than in passing much like some of the other members. This was one hell of a time for them to meet with hormones acting like a bear in a cage and jaws quick to snap at the first wrong word spoke. The world of spring was like a battle field with mines placed everywhere and one wrong move meant a missing paw or eye.    

Taking a step in the direction the aroma permeated from she was stopped dead in her tracks as another bout of itching raked her skin forcing her rump to sink into the snow and one of her hind legs to lift and scratch feverishly at the fur of her neck. The lining of her lips pulled back into a temporary smile of satisfaction as her nails provided a small bit of relief, but the itch would be back. It always came back. Standing back up her bi-colored pelt was given a harsh shake and a sneeze erupted from her snout. "I know you're there so just come out and stop playing hide and seek." She called out in an agitated tone that was unmistakable as once more her rear leg lifted to scratch at her skin. God she wouldn't get anything done if she had to stop and scratch every two seconds. I won't bite ya' head off." Yet. she chimed inside her head, holding back the desire to smirk at her thought. She didn't need to seem like more of a basket-case than her romping had done.

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

There are darknesses in life and there are lights,
saint & sinner
and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.

The woman caught her, which was no surprise due to the sound of itching. The pale coated woman had another fit of scratching against the tree while hearing the bi-colored woman made it clear she wanted to see Piety. Lashing her tail behind her a bit she decided it would be best. Being the lowest of the pack at the moment she needed to place nice. Even if her hormones were telling her to pick a fight.

Letting her tail tuck a bit she crawled out from the willow tree's branches. The long limbs of the tree raking across her back in a way of goodbye. "Excuse me for stalking," Her eyes looked down to the ground with respect even although her mind told her to stand her ground. How awkward this was, the whole tug-of-war going on within her mind. Why was this happening? The itching too. Everything all seemed to strange and foreign. Maybe it was just the turning of the seasons..

"I'm Piety, newest member of Willow Ridge. It's a pleasure to meet you." A small and a little wag was given. Piety felt her tail tuck again as if it was trying to protect her and cuddle her softly. Another scratch came dancing along her skin and she couldn't help but fall to the ground and rub her shoulder into the ground. The ground both cooling and partly soothing the itch beneath her fur. "I apologize-" Brushing her shoulder again a soft whine of relief was let loose. "I'm really not sure what's gotten into me this year." As if seeking the coolness again Piety gave in to the satisfaction. Fulling laying on the ground now, it welcoming her with pleasure.

shutterstock / Grey / 2015
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Like a good little wolf the yearling girl stepped out from behind the safety of a willow tree, Enoki's amber gaze pivoting to focus on her while the rear leg that had lifted to temporarily relieve the itching settled back down in the slushed snow. Hopefully that last good scratching would hold off the sensation of ants dancing under her skin at least for a little while. An apology was ushered from the ebony lips of the yearling girl that now stood before her, eyes adverted and tail tucked briefly in submission which thrilled the dominant beast that roared within the piebald woman in the spring. Of course the same beast was hoping for some action, to throw her weight around and show the girl who was boss, but another day perhaps. Letting her dark amber pools rake over the ivory girl she took in what there was to offer. The girl had a couple inches on her, but the older woman had no doubts she could take her head on if a scuffle did break out.

"I'm Piety, newest member of Willow Ridge. It's a pleasure to meet you." the young girl spoke next, concurring Enoki's previous thoughts that this was indeed the mystery ghost she has noticed passing between the trees during the daylight hours. "The name is Enoki." She offered in return with a small dip of her ebony crown. Before she knew it though the girl was rolling in the snow similar to the way the older wolf had been. So it seemed this little child was experiencing her first heat cycle. A bemused smirk rose to her lips and was quickly erased as she too began to feel that irritating itch, a low growl echoing in her throat while rolling onto her back to wiggle her hips back and forth as if the motion could scratch her back for her. "Never experienced a heat yet, huh?" She inquired, wondering if this new stranger had even been given the 'talk' yet by someone. God how awkward this situation would become if she hadn't and Enoki had to do the talking and inform the girl of what her body was going through. 

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
As the two wolves simply squirmed about in the snow together Piety let out a growl of irritation. Why was this happening? Was she getting sick? Fleas? Oh gosh how the Santoro woman would hate to get fleas. She had never had them first hand before but she had seen wolves who had and she felt awfully bad for them. Especially how they scratched and danced like she was doing.

Catching the bicolored woman's name Piety grunted softly. "Enoki," Pausing to stop her shifting in the snow Piety glanced an upside down stare at Enoki. "Such a nice name." Her words were spoken with honesty and genuine compassion. In all her time of traveling to the Lore she had never heard a name such like Enoki's. Rather strange how such an awkward name could also be so beautiful at once. In fact it caused the snowy woman's lips to turn into a smile.

Her ears flicked briefly as her new companion Enoki spoke of some thing called a heat. What was that? Did she mean a heat wave? If so Piety had been through a few heat waves in her life. Often time in the summer, not in the earliest set of spring. "What do you mean by a heat? Like a heat wave? I mean I don't think this is because of a heat wave. It's still cold out!" She chuckled before thrashing about in the snow one last time. Now laying on her back she awaited Enoki's words patiently.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Having tamed the beast of an itch for now her body quickly righted itself. Shaking out her pelt a satisfied sigh escaped her lips at the lack of dancing ants on her skin for the time being. Even thought it was a temporary relief it was enough to lift her mood from the crouchiness she was in only minutes ago. A soft chuckle rumbled in her chest for a moment as the creamy girl gave her name a test on her tongue, the smile that responded ending up being wider than it probably should have been from gravity pulling her lips down to the ground more. A result of being upside down while romping in the snow. "Thank you." A genuine smile of her own graced Enoki's inky lips, rear falling to a seated position in the slush of her previous rolling.

"What do you mean by a heat? Like a heat wave? I mean I don't think this is because of a heat wave. It's still cold out!" Piety then asked causing the bi-colored woman to clear her throat while fishing for the proper way to start. This was going to be an interesting conversation. If only her parents had given her the talk like the older woman's parents had. "No, no. Well..when a wolf reached adulthood, their second year of life, their body goes through a change." A pause to allow the woman to take in what she was saying. "At this age around spring a wolf is able to..er..make puppies. A rise in hormones makes us females go crazy thinking we are hot or itching with fleas. " An internal flinch caused her pelt to twitch along her shoulder. How could she explain without it being awkward?