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Played by Mimi who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Osheen Whelan
All welcome; say hi to Osheen!

Ouch, ouch ouch ... bloody ow!

Osheen scurried along, scowling as he went. This overgrown thicket was really starting to wear the younger Whelan down. Thorns poked at his face and snagged on his fur, the occasional root causing him to stumble--once or twice, he'd whacked his chin nastily on the ground. He looked a mess and felt one, too. Wolves who willingly trotted through this expanse of leafy crap weren't sane of mind, of that he was sure! Who could possibly want to endure this sort of torture?

Every now and then, he twisted and nibbled at his flank, smoothed his tongue over the chocolate fur in an attempt to keep himself presentable. And yet, each time he straightened out, something else ruffled out of place. He groaned to himself, lifting his right paw to rub at his muzzle frustratedly. Keep calm, keep calm. It isn't the end of the world. Yet. With an exasperated, utterly fed up sigh, Osheen planted his foot firmly on the ground once more. All this for a potentially dead brother? It didn't seem at all fair. He muttered under his breath as if high above, on some fluffy little cloud, Lugh was watching him.  "At least give me a sign yer alive, ya bloody bastard."

Surprise, surprise. No answer. Shaking his head, the Whelan gave another sigh. What had he expected would happen? That his brother would come leaping towards him, a stupid grin on his face exclaiming that he was just headed home and what a surprise to see Osheen here? No. It would be more likely--more believable--if God dropped down in front of the Timber wolf and told him the meaning to life itself!

(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2015, 06:51 PM by Osheen.)
Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Her mate now led beside Nina. Kite had left the duo to catch up with one another to scout the perimeters of the Thicket for some herbs to aid Nina and also, some herbs to help herself. Kite knew she needed to detach herself from Mirren's side for a little while, that it was a necessary evil for herself to depart from the Woodlands to resume her duty as scout and, well, scout out the surrounding lands for potential recruits and news alike. Kite had no idea about the potential for the impending war, and so her gait was light.

In the distance she heard a-muttering, and Kite's streamlined body turned. Tilting her head, she looked back to the Woodlands and then toward the direction she had heard the sound. The wolf was far enough off that he didn't pose an immediate threat, but Kite was a bit more territorial than usual. Perhaps it was because of the assumed new life that would come late Spring, or perhaps it was just a need to reassert herself and be helpful to the Woodlands she had to leave for a time.

It took no time at all for her to appear before the other, breaking through the wood a little clumsily. Once again, Kite had grown too used to the flatlands the Plains offered. 'lo!! she greeted amicably, tail waving (and likely the scent this season brought her might drift his way, but perhaps he was downwind). You alright?... He looked a bit frustrated, but the Tainn woman could be wrong. Still, better to check.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Mimi who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Osheen Whelan

Much  too preoccupied with wallowing in his own misery, he hadn't noticed the arrival of another wolf. She was suddenly before him, bursting through the thicket like a charging bison. "Bloody , pissin' shit!" He practically squeaked, the words shooting out of his throat without quite giving his brain a chance to process what he was saying. Osheen just about damn near jumped out of his skin, his entire body going rigid as he stared, wide eyed at the female. He skittered for a moment on the spot, as if he were slipping on the icy surface of a frozen lake before, finally, his body went stiff as a board.

His mouth opened and closed uselessly as she greeted him, as if nothing was wrong. Perhaps Osheen was simply skittish by nature, but she'd just about scared the living daylights out of the poor, smaller wolf. Blinking his chocolatey-orange eyes a few time, the Whelan suddenly furrowed his brow ever so slightly. "You make an 'abit out o' scaring the piss outta folk, lass?" He scowl, that trademark disappointed dad look smeared all over his features. Heaving a sigh, Osheen nodded slowly. "Aye, 'm alright." He eyed her wearily, trying his best to offer some kind of smile that backed up his claim. In all honesty, it failed miserably and made him look more constipated than 'okay'. "Jus' didn't expect another livin' soul t'come leapin' an' boundin' right t'wards me!"

She was a pretty girl, now that he got the chance to have a good look at her (instead of just about peeing everywhere). A bit plain, maybe, but he liked that in a woman. Mind out of the gutter, Osheen; you've got business to attend to! Nodding to himself, he cleared his throat. "But enough about that. See, I'm wonderin' if ya might be able to answer a quick question for me."

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite jumped back when the other vocally expressed that she had shocked them. She literally jumped back. She herself let out a yelp of fright, not at all expecting the other to have been so vocal... and also not expecting to have scared the hell out of them. His question was met with the fast shaking of her head, no! no I'm not!!!! His charming accent going over her head. His smile in return could hardly be called a smile, he looked... he looked in pain. So, color her mistrustful when he said as much. But his explanation made a lot of sense, and Kite had to grin. 'm sorry... I really... I didn't think I'd shock you, she said in earnest. I just heard some commotion and I thought I'd check it out... guess I shouldn't have run up on ya like that. Kite looked aside, a bit ashamed of herself for not having thought that more through; it could've gotten the both of them hurt.

His next response surprised her, and Kite nodded. Sure, 'f course! Kite waved her tail, happy to help. She had yet to fully assess the male, and as her eyes fell on the small male she noted he was attractive in his appearance as well. Kite blinked, and her mind drifted to Mirren... the truth of it was that she only had eyes for her tawny mate. Kite could really only think of him, and was eager to return to him. But first she wanted to be sure this wolf was safe, and as he had a question, informed. Perhaps he was looking for a pack to join? He didn't look to be in bad shape, but she could smell on him he had been alone for a bit. That alone had driven Kite to join a pack; it was instinct, to her... and also, a touch of destiny. For the first wolf she had come across in this land was the man to be her husband.
Played by Mimi who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Osheen Whelan

She jumped herself, yelping as she hopped upward. Osheen would've felt bad had he noticed, far too preoccupied with wheezing through his colourful language. She shook her head, offered a smile to the small Timber and apologised. Somewhat. Though she hadn't outright said she was sorry, there was an earnest warmth to her words that relieved the Whelan a little. "No harm done then, love. Jus' an accident, aye?" The situation would've been amusing to someone looking in on it, and to be honest he felt ridiculously daft himself. She looked a little sheepish, more than likely embarrassed about causing such poor little Osheen such a fright! Skies above, he was useless around women. Absolutely piss poor!

Finally, he beamed. A true grin and not a constipated looking grimace. Thank God she was willing to offer a little nugget of her time. Though, he knew that it would be unlikely she'd give him the answer he sought. "Well, thank ya! I was jus' wonderin'--hopin', I should say--whether or not ya know a fella by the name of Lugh Whelan?"

His rich gaze searched her face imploringly. "He's m'brother, see? An' I've been lookin' fer him jus' about every-bloody-where." Licking his lip nervously, furrowing his brow slightly, Osheen continued chattering on. A pessimist he may be, but he was also a nervous rambler. "Disappeared way back, no goodbye or nothin'! Ma was growin' concerned, even for a grown man like Lugh. He's too friendly, see? Friendly an' naive." Not the best combination, really. The Timber male shook his head and cleared his throat. "Anyway. Like I said before I prattled yer ears off. Ya 'eard of 'im? Seen 'im? Know him?"

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Kite was pleasantly surprised by his demeanor; he was a good wolf, it would seem, in nature. His words prompted her to nod; never would Kite intentionally scare anyone. Well, a stranger, anyway. She might like to give a fright to her siblings, but never would she dream of making her first impression to another one that would scare the piss out of them. At the others question, Kite looked thoughtful for a moment, her mind flicking through the list of the names she had received in her time here... but Lugh was not one of them. I don't think so, she murmurs, looking downcast. She couldn't recall a Lugh, but she didn't want to discourage him.

As he continued, Kite listened to the details. This wolf had been looking for his sibling everywhere? Her heart warmed. Kite imagined none of her siblings were out there looking for her... Particularly now that they knew where she was. I can't say I have, no. But don't lose hope! I can look for him. I don't know if you're looking to reside with a pack or anything but, the Woodlands have room for residents. I'm a Scout, I can make it a mission of mine to look for him here. She nods, and her tail waves a bit. Although the male was a stranger, he seemed genuine and kind. Kite liked him enough to promptly invite him to their home to stay, but realizing he might feel some pressure, she drew a breath and was quick to backpedal. I mean, no pressure! I'd be happy to scout around for him anyway, it'd just be easier if I knew where you were and had to just find one wolf, heh! These lands were big. But Kite had a life mission to know all of the places, anyway.

Kite had no idea how close he really was. Anyways, no hard feelings if not, I'd still be happy to help you out. She finished. And help she would. If Kite wanted to find her sibling, she'd hope for kind wolves herself.
Played by Mimi who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Osheen Whelan
Oh maaan! So close, yet so far! Also I'm really sorry, this post is super shabby.

His gaze dropped a fraction and his insides shriveled up a little in disappointment. Of course she wouldn't have met Lugh. Why on Earth had he believed she would? There were hundrerds and thousands of wolves out there, why would this one in particular being the shining path to the Whelan sibling's reunion?

Lifting his paw and rubbing the bridge of his muzzle, Osheen sighed. "That's alright, lass, I didn't expect--?" He blinked, dropping his paw (and his jaw) as the female suddenly launched into a little pep talk. Don't lose hope? Chocolatey orange eyes widened as he listened to her, brows knotting and his mouth opening and closing uselessly. God, she could have bloody well been related to Lugh! He licked his lips nervously, ears folding flat against his skull for a brief moment. He hadn't been expecting such a sudden invitation to join a pack. Truthfully, he didn't think he'd be around long enough to warrant joining one. "W-well!"

Clearing his throat and shaking his head, the Whelan sibling offered the woman a little smile. "I'm not exactly lookin' to settle down right away. I'll spend a li'l while longer lookin' for m'brother and then ... well, we'll see, y'know?" Then a thought struck him, square between the eyes, and he almost laughed at himself for not acting sooner. God above, how rude of him this had been! "Name's Osheen, lass. Least ya know the name of the fella ya searchin' in the name of, aye?" Chuckling a little nervously, his tail wagged once behind him. "Fancy givin' me yers?"

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite was nothing if not a talker. Her once shy ways had been truly destroyed upon her acceptance into the Woodlands. There she blossomed from shy girl to social butterfly, and here she was, flapping her wings gums to the stranger before her. Kite hadn't meant to talk over him, but things happened in her haste and excitement that she verbally trampled others. Kite waved her tail at his response, alright with it for the moment. He knew better than she what was best for him, personally. Sounds a-okay, she accepts, and as he introduces herself, Kite guffawed as she realized her social gaffe. Which somehow she managed to do a lot.

Oh, yeah, hey! I'm Kite, she introduced, following his lead in not mentioning her surname (forgetting moments ago he had mentioned it in mentioning his brothers). Kite hadn't any clue the power the name Tainn held, and only ever introduced herself as Kite Tainn due to her over-eagerness to be mated to her the man she was, and also, proud. To her, he was the best man out there. Certainly the only one for her. Kite felt that strange itch again, and took a thoughtless step toward Osheen, nonaggressive as she sniffed the air to ascertain his signature scent that made him different from others. Kite herself would smell differently than she ever had, due to her heat... her tail idly twitched, but wrapped around her haunch instinctively. It was abundantly clear Kite thought little of her bodily functions, having no idea what any of it meant... How long have y'been searching for your brother, did you say...?
Played by Mimi who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Osheen Whelan
@Kite, sorry for the wait!

Kite. What a name, eh? Named for the bird, the Whelan could only presume. While he wasn't too clued up on avians, he knew at least the difference between a hawk and a falcon! Or ... was that a hawk and an eagle? Pah. What did it matter! Osheen offered her a charming smile--despite his tendency to be a wet-blanket, our tiny friend did have the ability to actually be social--and bobbed his head in a nod. It was nice to know at least the world did, in fact, have some friendly types in it. More often than not, pack wolves and loners alike chased him off with a snap to the backside for being so nosy. Once or twice, he'd been on the receiving end of a nip to the tail! At least, he was thankful for his lithe body sometimes.  It made running away so much easier.

She drew closer and her scent biffed him right on the nose, his head growing dizzy. His body stirred and he spluttered nervously, like a teenager trying to hide a certain something in the middle of class ... except Osheen was an adult and this was no classroom conundrum. "Er, ah, h-how long, eh? Gods, lessee. Uhm ..." Tilting his head momentarily in thought, the male clicked his tongue in wonder, his eyes wide and darting all over the place. "Months, I think. Came close to givin' up now an' then, I reckon ... and yet, the bloody bastard's always on m'mind an' I can't 'elp ... I can't ... help ..." His eyes went a little buggy as he watched her tail wrap around her rump. "Stars above, lass!" He practically had to stagger away.

He eyed her for a moment. "I hope y'ain't doin' that on purpose." A pretty lass like her was certainly taken, not looking to get knocked up by a scrawny little loner.