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Lay down your weary head — Hot Springs 
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Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint

After the meeting with the young wolf who once belonged to her old pack and despite her tired body, Senka just had to leave to area for a while. And no, she was not running away. She was just...there was an uneasy feeling that settled in her soul, after being there, near her old home and so close to the child of an old leader.

She headed for the mountain, for she had never quite reached it before but had been curious. It was something she had spotted in the distance, on occasion but now she felt like properly exploring it at least once, instead of catching glimpses of it from far away.

The Hot Springs she has stumbled across  were a welcome relief, for she had refused to rest properly over the last several days of travel, having to just get away from the place she once called home. Perhaps one day, if she managed to scrounge up the courage to, she could go back  and ask if all could be forgiven. But not right now.

Even with the warmer weather, the warm water was a nice relief on her aching bones and muscles, the large dame sighing happily as seeping warmth eased her pain. The water helped her travel weary muscles to relax and after resting the waters for few minutes, Senka reluctantly dragged herself out of the calming water. There was a bit of a chill that sent itself down her spine, as a small breeze brushed over her water logged fur, causing Senka to shiver. Despite that it would still be somewhat wet,her ruddy fur was shaken out before her eyes gazed around her.

This area would be a good place to rest, for now before she moved on to parts unknown.  Hopefully, there were no other wolves around as she went about finding suitable shelter for herself tonight because she was not in a particular mood to entertain others. 
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Curiosity was one of the most motivating factors these days. It was no longer hunger that woke Desideria from a pleasant nap, but an itch in her paws that set her about wandering. First, she trekked to the edge of Fallen Tree Cove borders, as was becoming habit for the newest pack member. If she wanted to be a scout, as she had once discussed with Kajika, keeping an eye on the territory was only the first thing she'd need to do. Setting her paws to motion, she crossed over towards the lake. There was nothing new, nobody trespassing, so she thought she might have a look further down the shoreline.

This time, she caught an unfamiliar scent. Interest caught her again, and she inhaled deeply. Whatever it was, it was not an organic smell, and Dezzy drove onwards, following the odor as it got stronger. The heat was the second thing she notice before she spied the water. It was all but teal – and there was steam rising off the surface! It was certainly the source of the strange smell – so pungent, she hadn't realized another she-wolf was in the area until she was all but on top of the stranger.

Pausing at the shoreline, the timber wolf watched the older animal with a tip of her head. "Is that safe?" she called out after a few moments, careful to not allow the water to touch her paws. It smelled so unusual – it worried her it might be bad for the fur, or the skin. The other wolf didn't seem terribly distressed, but…safer to ask, no?

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Swivelling her head towards the newcomers voice, her ears pricking as the question filtered by, Senka huffed tiredly. Of course, the moment she wished to be alone, another would come along to interrupt.  

"They are hot springs, simply heated water. As dangerous as they seem to you, they are safe, as long as you do not stay in too long and become overheated." She explained carefully to the other wolf. Had the younger female not seen or heard of hot springs before? Perhaps there were none where she grew up, which would be very understandable.  The scent of a pack filtered over the top of the pungent stench of the water and though it did not show on the surface, Senka grew wary at the scent and placed her guard on alert.

Was this wolf a scout for a larger group of wolves travelling through the mountains? Or had a pack settled on the mountain nearby and this wolf was simply exploring around in the terrain, familiarising herself? Either way, Senka did not want to get on the bad side of a wolf within a pack. It would surely go south for her.

But she was jumping ahead of herself. This wolf had shown nothing but curiosity for the spring so far. There was no hostility or anything towards Senka, as of yet. A silence fell over the two, as the question had been answered and the elder was not one for small talk.  
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
"And the smell ain't bad for ya?" the younger woman clarified, shuffling forward. She held her breath as the first gentle lap of water brushed against her paws – remarkably, it felt no different than usual water. Such a quick brush, she couldn't even detect a difference in temperature. With no pain or singing heat, Desideria shuffled forward, watching as her feet slowly disappeared underneath warm waves. Glancing up, she considered the other wolf once – clearly, the elder animal was in no pain. In fact, she'd looked fairly relaxed until Des had made her presence known.

Deciding to steel her courage, she slipped further into the water, penetrating the springs until the water reached her belly. There, she halted, still several lengths between herself and the stranger. The warm water tingled…but in a nice way, she thought. The next time Kajika came to visit, she would show him this new place to explore. Perhaps he would like laying in it, too.

With a soft chuff, she introduced herself. "I'm Des, of Fallen Tree Cove. The pack just a bit up the shoreline," she clarified. Though not particularly high-ranked, she felt inclined to warn the loner that there were borders ahead – Namid was a kind alpha, but even she would not take to her territory being defiled. "Are you from around here? Are you looking for something?"

Perhaps she even wanted to join the pack. This was a curious thought for the younger wolf – she'd never recruited anyone before. To be honest, she wasn't sure she liked the idea of blindly promoting. Perhaps if the stranger was actually interested, she would explain – no need to babble on aimlessly if the elder didn't wish to hear.

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka rolled her shoulders after shaking her fur out, a kink having settled there despite the warm water. Settling down near the edge of the water with the tips of her toes in the water, she watched the other slowly get into the water. It was almost like she was wary that the water would burn her if she touched it for too long. But eventually, the other seemed to consider it not as dangerous as first thought and soon was in belly deep.

"I have yet to meet someone who has fallen ill because of it, though I have heard that some find it too strong for their liking." She replied with a slight wrinkle of her nose. She herself was not overly fond of the smell but the water was nice enough to overlook it.

"Well meet, Des of Fallen Tree Cove. I am Senka, of nowhere." Bowing her head slightly, Senka tilted her head just slightly at Des' question. What was she doing? There was no goal in mind that she was aiming for, no place that was needed to get to. She was just...wandering, despite wanting to find a place to rest. She had no purpose in mind and for some reason, that saddened her a little. "I am merely a  wanderer at the moment, with no particular goal in mind."

She pondered for a moment, about asking this woman about her pack and if it was welcoming to newcomers at the moment. It would be nice, to be in a pack again.

But she was not sure she could settle in the mountains. Her heart ached for more open spaces, with the willows or even the safety of blackberry bushes. She could not see herself living on a mountain and loving it. Tolerating it, perhaps but not loving it.

But perhaps, for the safety of a pack and as an escape from her memories...

"What is your pack like, if I may ask?" She still questioned politely.
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
"Senka. Nice to meet you, then."Eventually, the woman decided it was safe enough to wade all the way into the water. The smell was pungent, but not unbearable, and despite the warmth and the reek of sulfur, the elder wolf looked comfortable. With this evidence in mind, she pushed forward with a satisfied noise. The water was lapping against her sides gently, and were she alone, she might actually laid down where the water was more shallow.

"Wandering isn't so bad. I liked traveling…'cept for the hunger part, that was," Des commented, shaking her head as she stared at her reflection. It was easier, when she hunted with Kajika, but it was often she went to sleep alone and with an empty belly. Given Senka was alone now, and didn't smell like anyone else (though, she had to admit that could also just be the strong mask of the water's scent), she assumed she was in a similar position to the one the pack wolf used to be in.

But what was life in Fallen Tree Cove life? "Well-- The female alpha, Namid, she's very nice. She fed me once, when I was still a loner. I hadn't promised to join or anything. The pack is…well, a normal size, I think. A little small, but growing now. We have the lake – and there's plenty of fish to eat. It's been pretty good, so far." She glanced back at Senka, her ears swiveling forward. "I like it there. Namid keeps a good eye out. She's a good leader."

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]