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margins — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
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Her chest felt heavy, among all things. She couldn't exactly understand why it was that way, but she felt like every breath was under water, like things were too terribly still. Kyna's paws itched for adventure - she knew it existed outside of @Aponi and the den. She knew that where the Plateau ebbed into sky was a world below never seen.The young Aquila-Argyris fought the urge to suddenly and silently trail away down the slope under the cloak of a new moon, the wind dusting over any tracks or scents to spare. But she knew very well what would happen if she did. Aponi got that across thoroughly. Kyna believed that if she spent a night in the world without her protection, she'd be swallowed entirely by the evils of it. So each night the cinnamon child crept from her womb-like den imprisonment, she was eerily haunted by the ambiguity of adventure and what menacing teeth it harbored.

But tonight was different. There was a stoic full moon riding on thick wind and the aging girl took a deep breath of resolution before blinking out onto the inky landscape. Her heart swelled to the capacity of her chest, leaving no room for guilt. She was leaving. There was no way around that. It didn't matter how long she'd be gone - the small, red ball of resentment couldn't care - as long as she tasted real experience and wide open sky. Kyna could see the den, a thinning crescent of silver-struck rock, fade into blackness with every step she took. Her tiny claws ticked on the cool tile beneath her paws. Her body felt weightless. Small lungs pushed breath... freely.

“Yes, finally,” she breathed, "adventure."