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a letter from home — Nomads Pass 
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Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

For good or ill, Nova and Camio departed the Woodlands with their sights set on the looming snow-capped silhouette of the eastern mountains. Even despite her rough start, Nova had nothing against Secret Woodlands, or Nina and Koda, and wished them well. However, Nova felt as if a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders once they had cleared the borders. Not only had she never really gotten over the shame of her poor behavior at the pack meeting, but there was something else that was crawling under her skin lately. She had been feeling unusually irritable these past few days, even Camio earning an uncharitable snap from her when he accidentally elbowed her in the den. Nova didn't dare lash out at her pack mates, but it took every ounce of self control she had to keep her irritation under wraps towards the pack. 

It was strange to think the last time Nova's paws crossed the rugged terrain of Serpent's Pass, circumstances had been much more dire. Last time Nova had been filled with despair, having been viciously turned away from one family member following the death of another. This time things were much different. Better, more hopeful. Even the snow and howling winds that occasionally visited the two lovers as they traveled up the foothills could not discourage Nova. 

Fortunately, they didn't have to go through the treacherous gorge like they had last time. Nova and Camio had been able to follow a trail of frozen, dribbling waterfalls up into a cliff-lined valley that seemed to cut through the mountains. Though the sun hung in the sky at its noon-time zenith, its low Southern winter slant cast the great mountain's shadow over the low lying pass.

There was something about the pass that Nova couldn't quite place. A strange feeling practically hummed up her paws, and her hair stood on end. Her goldenrod eyes flicked towards Camio, wondering if he felt the same thing.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
-whips out new table-

They had left and set for the east. A side the both of them had once been on together. Of course that time it was full of unfortunate events, this time it would be a fresh knew beginning. Something more than just the two of them would happen this spring. Something exciting, fresh, new.

The male Zamora had stuck close to his lover this whole time. Practically glued to her hip; so when Nova sent Camio a glance he was quick to return it. "What is it darling?" His hair stood up a bit watching Nova. She seemed a bit off and the male was left to try and guess it. Maybe it was the thought of having to start all over...again. Yet Camio also felt that wasn't it. It had to be something more.

"It's beautiful this time of day..don't you agree?" Voice fine and light just for his mate, oh how he loved her so. His copper toned eyes wandered around looking to the lands and Nova.. This would be a beautiful place to spend many days, yet they still had much more ground to cover. The east side of the mountain was calling the two of the young lovers. Maybe even the southern part where his eyes strained to see. The weather was getting nicer though, the east side was sure to be fresh and replenished with new animals any day now. Everything would come back in and winter would let go of the wolves of the Lore. Slowly things would get better. Camio knew it.

and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Nova couldn't even think of how to answer Camio. "Oh, it's nothing," she managed to distractedly mumble. There was a sense of something, but Nova was unable to put it into words. Whatever it was, Camio didn't seem to notice. She was often sensitive to the shift of seasons and weather, and perceptive of her environment, so perhaps it really was nothing. She wasn't worried, there was no impending sense of dread that often proceeded a storm,  but whatever the feeling was, it was unnerving. Deciding to ignore it for now, Nova smiled and nodded at Camio's next question.

"Yes, gorgeous..." She said, "Not the only gorgeous thing here though," She added, her smile taking a toothy edge. She leaned into him and brushed her temple against his neck as they walked. His scent alone was intoxicating, and Nova quickly forgot whatever it was she was worried about.

As they rounded a turn in the valley, Nova's yellow eyes widened as she noticed something. Suddenly she broke into a run, leaving Camio behind as she sprinted as quickly as her overly long legs could take her. She didn't run too far, awkwardly sliding to a stop at the side of a boulder tucked into the base of a cliff, resting in front of a shallow crevice in the cliff side behind it. It was rather nondescript, simply a lump of grey slate about two-wolves tall and capped with snow. Her dark tail excitedly lashed behind her as she paced around the exposed sides of the rock, continuously whining as her broad snout sniffed every nook and cranny of its cold surface.

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2015, 01:51 AM by Nova.)
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
(Crappy post I'm sorry ;~;)

Her toothy grin was greeted with one of his own. Oh how his darling was oh so beautiful when she did those small things. Smiling, giggles, flirtatious words. Everyone of those things and more were appreciated by Camio more and more each day. Especially after they had decided to start something new together.

Watching her for a brief moment it caught the dirty hued male off guard when Nova pulled a bit of a switcheroo on him. The Zamora male watched as his mate when running off to seemingly nothing. Had she lost her mind? She could slip and get hurt! Those long legs of her's were made for causing trouble. A bit of a yelp was given by the male before he trotted off after Nova.

"Are you crazy, Nova? Even that short little run you did could have caused an accident!" His voice was a huff like an upset and worried parent would give to a child. Flicking his tail behind him a bit irritated he started at the..well...the giant rock. What in heaven's name was so important about some dumb rock? Of course Camio wouldn't say it that way for a fear of upsetting Nova. Instead he would word it much more polite and loving. "Love...why did you come here? It doesn't look like much and we shouldn't be wasting our time too much." His words were soft spoken to simply point out that a rock shouldn't consume their travel time. Especially with their plans creeping up slowly.

and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Nova couldn't believe it. She wasn't even looking for it, but here it was. Nomad's Pass. She remembered this rock, perhaps not fondly, but remembered it none-the-less. Her sister had dared her to climb to it's top, and when she had accomplished that task, dared her further to jump off of it. It had been much more of a challenge at the time, even with Nova's clumsiness she was sure with the height she'd gained would make what had once seemed impossible, entirely trivial to accomplish now. At the time though it hadn't gone well, Nova had taken quite the tumble, but luckily Mercy had been there to cushion her fall. Her heart twinged at the thought of him, he was a much better "brother" than Aponi was as a sister.

The humming up her paws, the static she could feel along the tips of her fur, she now knew what it had been trying to tell her. As if the mountain itself was welcoming her back. That, she was grateful for, because she knew how easily the mountain could obliterate her if it so chose. She never did forget the painful exodus when it seemed the mountain had had enough of the Nomad's pack.

Lost in memories, Camio's worried voice pulled her back into the present. Nova pouted as she turned to face him. "Wasting my time?" Nova asked, incredulously snappy at first. Was he trying to be mean? How could this be a waste of time? It took her longer than it should have to realize of course, he had no idea what this place was. Her expression softened, her tongue apologetically flicking out to smooth over the front of her nose. "Camio, this is it. This is my home. Nomad's Pass." She said.

"We used to play here..." Nova said softly, her yellow eyes flicking from him to the slate grey surface, then back again. She hoped he would understand, and couldn't help but worry Camio would think this all too sappily sentimental.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2015, 04:19 AM by Nova.)
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
"I'm sorry." Camio practically shrunk with the unexpected tones of Nova. What was so important that made her act like that? Seeing her so distraught and upset over her words made his heart shake and his tail tuck slightly. "I wasn't aware, Nova. I didn't know anything about Nomads Pass." He had assumed Hollowheart Keep had always been around and that's what that pack had always been. Now he was second guessing that and thinking that the pack had made some changes. It left him a bit confused as to why the pack had made those changes.

Moving up to lean against Nova he nosed her cheek softly. "What did you play?" The tawny Zamora was curious what he dark angel use to do as a younger child. Hell, Camio's lover could have been a reckless child compared to what she was now. He may never know these things unless he asked and Nova was willing to tell. Sniffing the rock he wanted to be able to feel all the memories Nova was feeling right now. He was sure there was good and bad, especially sense Aponi was Nova's sister, memories in this place. Perhaps he should offer her something to get back in touch with her roots.

"If you want Nova," He paused to look into her beautiful eyes. "We could stay here for a few days. You can show me around and you can get back in touch with this place. I actually like it here too." Smiling softly he wagged his tail behind him making sure to touch Nova's own tail with his.
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Camio Sorry that took so long!

As soon as she heard Camio apologize, his head and tail moving low, she immediately regretted making a big deal about it. She'd been so caught up in everything that she'd managed to inadvertently hurt him. Of course he didn't know about the Pass, he had only been with the Keep for a few short weeks before its fall. She kept her tail low, signalling that she wasn't mad at him. She was a little bit surprised when he showed interest by asking questions.

Nova's ears flicked back sheepishly as she glanced away. "Well, lets just say Aponi hasn't changed much," Nova admitted. Her sister was just as much a bully then as she was now. "There was another cub too, Mercy." Nova said fondly. "We weren't related, I think they found him somewhere but... He made a much better brother than Aponi was a sister. We had to team up just to have a chance against her." She said with a distasteful yet amused wrinkle across her nose. She wondered where the boy, or man, now, she supposed, was today. Part of her was worried to find out, whether something terrible had happened to him.

"I'd like that. Just for a little bit. The east won't be going anywhere, or I should hope it doesn't!" She said with a giggle. She leaned into his side, her head ducking to brush underneath his chin. She could see her fears that he wouldn't understand had been unfounded. "Maybe we can find the den? It must be around here somewhere." She added, not sure she trusted herself to remember exactly where it was but at least knowing it was in the general vicinity.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
-screeches at myself- @Nova

"I wouldn't have expected her to have been any different, Nova. Someone with an attitude as bad as hers must have had years of practice." The tawny Zamora couldn't help but chuckle lightly at his young bride. She was so naive at times it was almost surprising. All that she had been through didn't even seem to trample her young spirit. Maybe that's what he loved the most about her.

Of course the talk of another male, one who wasn't even related to Nova, had Camio a bit on edge. He didn't want anyone from the past coming up and bothering his relationship with Nova. Even if his lover called this Mercy lad a brother Camio wasn't willing to take any risk. This all seemed to just give him an even better reason to protect his Mrs. Zamora.

"Of course is won't be going anywhere my love! We are young and free. We have all the time in the world to explore while loving each other." Moving to lick the base of Nova's ear he decided to give her a playful nip too. Offering a bark too Camio quickly bounded forward. "Well let's go look for that den Nova! After that maybe you can show me around?" The smile that laced his lips was rather devilish looking. Along with the glint in his eyes he made for quite the eye candy. "Who knows, this could possibly become home again one day. That is if you want it to be." Raising his tail so it waved above his pack like a flag he moved onward. For never having been here before Camio sure was walking around like he owned the place.

and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Nova couldn't help but giggle at Camio's joke about her sister. It was true, Aponi practically made a career out of being a brat. She was just glad her and Camio were on the same page about it.

Nova wriggled playfully as Camio nipped at her ear. She lurched forward to keep pace with her dearest, gallivanting in his tracks and nearly swooning at the dashing grin he shot back at her. Nova caught up with him and matched his confident stride, her shoulder pressed firm against his as she walked. It was as if her paws already knew where to go, a familiarity with her home summoned from deep within her memories. She skirted along the high rocky walls, dandelion yellow eyes flicking with wonder at the mountain scenery, imagining living here again some day. She grinned as Camio mentioned perhaps living here. "Oh! Yes, that would be just perfect, love."

Nova picked up her pace as she sensed she was getting closer. Her anticipation had grown, the build up to the moment of truth. As she finally laid eyes on the den, she couldn't help but feel slightly, well... Disappointed. She blinked, mouth pulled in a tight, hesitant smile. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but the little cave tucked into the rock wall looked a bit smaller than she had remembered. It shouldn't have surprised her, she had been much smaller the last time she was here.

As she stepped into the shade of the den, she tread carefully over the thick dust that coated the floor. Then it hit her, her nose wrinking at the smell of scat. "Ack!!!" She gagged, hastily backing out. Some nasty little animal had been using her childhood home as a toilet!